
Building OpenIMAJ from Source
Building OpenIMAJ from Source IntroductionThe OpenIMAJ framework was written with varying levels of interest and development use cases in mind. If you are looking for simplified functionality for a specific task, we recommend that you look at the OpenIMAJ Tools which details the set of tools th[ More ]
Apache Maven 3.1.1
Apache Maven 3.1.1Download Apache Maven 3.1.1 Maven is distributed in several formats for your convenience. Use a source archive if you intend to build Maven yourself. Otherwise, simply pick a ready-made binary distribution and follow the installation instructions given at the end of this doc[ More ]
IPOL Journal · ASIFT An Algorithm for Fully Affine Invariant Comparison
IPOL Journal · ASIFT  An Algorithm for Fully Affine Invariant Comparison Slides : one-hour version, 20 minutes version, videos (magazine, facade)PosterDataset: An image dataset for systematic evaluation of robustness to absolute and transition tilt of the image matching algorithms is avail[ More ]
Installing JavaCV on Windows
Installing JavaCV on WindowsThis page steps you through the process of installing JavaCV on Windows, for use in CS10, elaborating on the JavaCV instructions. It assumes you have already installed Java and Eclipse as described. Note: as discussed in the Eclipse installation, you must be consistent in[ More ]
Increasing Heap Size in Eclipse
Increasing Heap Size in Eclipse Ran into the problem of running out of heap space when running my program on Eclipse the other day. It just so happens that the heap space that is allocated for my programs in Eclipse on my Mac at home is less than what is supplied for my work laptop, thus mak[ More ]
Implementing SIFT in OpenCV
Implementing SIFT in OpenCVOkay, now for the coding. I’m assuming you know how SIFT works (if not, check SIFT: Scale Invariant Feature Transform. It’s a series of posts on the SIFT algorithm). I’ll be using C++ and classes to keep things neat and object oriented. OpenCV doesn’t come[ More ]
OpenIMAJChapter 1. Getting started with OpenIMAJ using Maven Apache Maven is a project management tool. Maven performs tasks such as automatic dependency management, project packaging and more. We strongly encourage anyone using OpenIMAJ to use Maven to get their own project started. W[ More ]
Secure your SSH server with Public/Private key authentification
Secure your SSH server with Public/Private key authentificationOpen SSH is the most widely used SSH server on Linux. Using SSH, one can connect to a remote host and gain a shell access on it in a secure manner as all traffic is encrypted. A neat feature of open SSH is to authenticate a user u[ More ]
Zend_Config_Ini Zend_Config_Ini enables developers to store configuration data in a familiar INI format and read them in the application by using nested object property syntax. The INI format is specialized to provide both the ability to have a hierarchy of configuration data keys and inh[ More ]
Zend encryption error?
Zend encryption error?Hi guys,I am using Zend Guard 5.5 and I'm having an issue with encryption. Zend says "The operation has completed successfully." but I'm getting an issue with the script.I'm using 000webhost as I know that they support Zend. Also, It is only with this file so far, all others wo[ More ]
RSA Encrypt/Decrypt
RSA Encrypt/Decrypt I would like to also show how I have created the .pub and .pem files.I am rather new to Zend Framework 2 and am trying to use Zend Framework''s RSA encryption.So I have tested the RSA implementation in my own testAction and it works great.For example, in the same action, I can e[ More ]
Using public keys for SSH authentication
Using public keys for SSH authentication8.1 Public key authentication - an introduction Public key authentication is an alternative means of identifying yourself to a login server, instead of typing a password. It is more secure and more flexible, but more difficult to set up. In conventional[ More ]
Using Automatic Upload with Zend Studio
Using Automatic Upload With Zend StudioZend Studio's Automatic Upload feature allows you to work on your project in Zend Studio, while synchronizing all your project files to your application container as you edit them, or if you prefer, upon request. All you have to do is set up Remote Server suppo[ More ]
How to Keep Your Zend Studio Project Synchronized with a Linux Server
How to Keep Your Zend Studio Project Synchronized with a Linux ServerOverview Many web developers prefer to keep their projects consistently synchronized with a staging server. This enables previewing how the code works and debugging it on the server right away. Currently, Zend Studio has very[ More ]
zend-webapi PHP Web Application setup and configuration
zend-webapi  PHP Web Application setup and configuration A Getting Started GuideThis guide introduces the Zend Server Web API SDK for Java and provides a walk-through for getting started using the SDK. The Zend Web API SDK for Java provides a Java API for Zend Server infrastructure services. Using t[ More ]
Encryption and Decryption using PHP and GnuPG
Encryption and Decryption using PHP and GnuPGIntended AudienceThe purpose of this article is to show you how to encrypt and decrypt informationwith GnuPG using PHP. Most of the major Linux distributions will install GnuPGupon request. Otherwise you can get it by going to[ More ]
Zend\CryptEncrypt/decrypt using block ciphersZend\Crypt\BlockCipher implements the encrypt-then-authenticate mode using HMAC to provide authentication.The symmetric cipher can be choose with a specific adapter that implements the Zend\Crypt\Symmetric\SymmetricInterface. We support the standard algor[ More ]
Cryptography made easy with Zend Framework
Cryptography made easy with Zend Frameworkby Enrico ZimuelRecently we released the new Zend\Crypt component in the 2.0.0beta4 version of the Zend Framework project (the release notes of beta4 can be found here).The aim of this component is to offer cryptographic tools for security needs, like encryp[ More ]
Using XPath with PHP
Using XPath with PHPIf your PHP applications perform beyond CRUD operations, chances are you have worked with XML. Navigating an XML document or data stream for the desired data elements can be cumbersome, though, and even somewhat intimidating for PHP developers. It can be especially overwhelming w[ More ]
Validating XML in PHP
Validating XML in PHPPHP developers commonly require the services of an Extensible Markup Language (XML) parser in their code. Along these lines, they frequently find it necessary to validate XML input. Fortunately, you can easily accomplish this in PHP. This article shows you how to validate [ More ]