
Lessons Learned From Upgrading to Oracle Forms 11g R2 on WebLogic !
Lessons Learned From Upgrading to Oracle Forms 11g R2 on WebLogic ! You may have heard the rumors about upgrading to Forms 11g R2. How all you need is a quick recompile of your 10g forms. I of course was skeptical since I’ve heard rumors like this before… “It’s just a minor upgrade”,[ More ]
Starting the Oracle Forms Migration Assistant
Starting the Oracle Forms Migration Assistant You should upgrade the common modules (such as OLB files) and Libraries (PLL files) that a Form relies upon and ensure that these are available in the FORMS_PATH, before running the migration assistant. Note:For UNIX, an xterm display is requ[ More ]
Verifying Oracle Forms and Reports Installation and Configuration
Verifying Oracle Forms and Reports Installation and Configuration This chapter contains information to help you verify your Oracle Forms and Reports installation and configuration. After you have successfully run the installer and configuration wizard, you can verify the status of your insta[ More ] at master · rackspace_php-opencloud · GitHub
SetupConceptually, a container contains objects (also known as files). In order to work with objects, you will need to instantiate a container object first as documented here.Note on object propertiesPlease be aware that you cannot directly access the properties of DataObject anymore, you must use a[ More ]
OpenCloud - Getting Started Guide
OpenCloud - Getting Started Guide Download and installationIntroductionQuick startCreating a tag cloud Choosing a weight rangeSetting the number of tags to displaySetting a default linkSetting the tag casePopulating the tag cloud Creating tagsAdding tagsTag extraction from textTag filteringDi[ More ]
Tess4J - Java Wrapper for Tesseract OCR API
Tess4JDESCRIPTIONTess4J is a JNA wrapper for Tesseract OCR API; it provides character recognition support for common image formats, and multi-page images. The library has been developed and tested on Windows and Linux.Tess4J is released and distributed under the Apache License, v2.0. Its official ho[ More ]
Java Image Comparison / Motion Detection
Java Image Comparison / Motion Detection I've recently purchased a wireless security camera which is very conveniently smaller than a cubic inch. Well the imagination runs wild once you've got this device,... Who can I spy on? What can I monitor? What does the domestic worker actually do when I'm at[ More ]
Dots And BoxesWhat is the Java Advanced Imaging API?
Dots And BoxesWhat is the Java Advanced Imaging API? What is the Java Advanced Imaging API? The Java Advanced Imaging API extends the Java 2 platform by allowing sophisticated, high-performance image processing to be incorporated into Java applets and applications. It is a set of classes provi[ More ]
Dots And Boxes
Dots And BoxesRules: Players take turns joining two horizontally or vertically adjacentdots by a line. A player that completes the fourth side of a square (a box)colors that box and must play again. When all boxes have been colored,the game ends and the player who has colored more boxes wins. [ More ]
JavaTM Advanced Imaging API v1.1.3 Installation
JavaTM Advanced Imaging API v1.1.3 Installation Contents System Requirements Download Instructions Installation Instructions Solaris 32-bit Operating Environment Installation Instructions Solaris 64-bit Operating Environment Installation Instructions CLASSPATH Installation Instruc[ More ]
JavaTM Advanced Imaging Image I/O Tools Installation
JavaTM Advanced Imaging Image I/O Tools Installation Contents Platform Requirements Download Instructions Installation Instructions Solaris 32-bit Operating Environment Installation Instructions Solaris 64-bit Operating Environment Installation Instructions CLASSPATH Installatio[ More ]
Java Install
Java InstallGeoTools is written in the Java Programming Language. The library is targeted for Java 6.Java Runtime Environment:Java 7 - currently untested (if you try it email the list)Java 6 - Geotools 8.0.x and aboveJava 5 - GeoTools 2.5.x and aboveJava 1.4 - GeoTools versions 2.4.x and belowGeoToo[ More ]
Java Image Processing Cookbook2
Java Image Processing Cookbook2Introduction This tutorial presents basic concepts on image classification. For this tutorial's purposes, image classification is interpreted as pixel classification, a process in which every pixel in an image is assigned to a class or category on the image. Thi[ More ]
Java Image Processing Cookbook1
Java Image Processing Cookbook1Introduction Chroma Key is a technique for mixing two images together, in which a color (or a small color range) from the overlay image is made transparent, revealing another image (the background) behind it. This technique is also known as greenscreen or bluesc[ More ]
Java Image Processing Cookbook
Java Image Processing CookbookIntroduction Often people ask how can they compare images (probably meaning the contents of images) to see whether they are equal, hoping for a simple function or operator that returns true or a value between 0 and 1 where 0 means different, 1 means equal and int[ More ]
Java Considerations Use Oracle JRE
Java Considerations Use Oracle JRE As of version 2.0, a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is sufficient to run GeoServer. GeoServer no longer requires a Java Development Kit (JDK). GeoServer’s speed depends a lot on the chosen Java Runtime Environment (JRE). For best performance, use O[ More ]
Creating an Android Virtual Device (AVD)
Creating an Android Virtual Device (AVD)In the course of developing Android apps it will be necessary to compile and run an application multiple times. An Android application may be tested by installing and running it either on a physical device or in an Android Virtual Device (AVD) emulator environ[ More ]
Reading and Writing Spreadsheets with PHP
Reading and Writing Spreadsheets with PHPBreaking The Language Barrier When it comes to playing nice with data in different formats, PHP’s pedigree is hard to beat. Not only does the language make it a breeze to deal with SQL resultsets and XML files, but it comes with extensions to deal with[ More ]
JavaCV setup with Eclipse on Windows 7
JavaCV setup with Eclipse on Windows 7 Update: These instructions are also applicable for 2.4+ version of opencv and javacv.I was looking for image processing library for Java. My search stopped at JavaCV. JavaCV provides wrappers for OpenCV. so you can directly use OpenC[ More ]
Using OpenCV Java with Eclipse
Using OpenCV Java with Eclipse Since version 2.4.4 OpenCV supports Java. In this tutorial I will explain how to setup development environment for using OpenCV Java with Eclipse in Windows, so you can enjoy the benefits of garbage collected, very refactorable (rename variable, extract method a[ More ]