Article : Installing JavaCV on Windows
Installing JavaCV on Windows
This page steps you through the process of installing JavaCV on Windows, for use in CS10, elaborating on the JavaCV instructions. It assumes you have already installed Java and Eclipse as described. Note: as discussed in the Eclipse installation, you must be consistent in using either 32 bit (aka x86) or 64 bit (aka x64) packages for Java, Eclipse, and the following.
Install the runtime components of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64)
Download OpenCV. As of fall 2012, version 2.4.2 works on our test machines.
Run the installer executable. Extract it into the root directory C:\. It will create a folder C:\opencv.
Download the JavaCV binaries. As of fall 2012, version 0.2 works on our test machines (with OpenCV 2.4.2).
Unzip the JavaCV zipfile in some place that you'll remember (e.g., a CS10 folder). When you need to use JavaCV in a project, navigate to Project | Properties | Java Build Path | Libraries and click "Add External JARs...". Locate the JavaCV JAR files, select them, and click OK.
Set up your Path environment variable so that Eclipse can find the OpenCV libraries (which, from above, are in C:\opencv).
Right click on "Computer" in the Windows Explorer and select "Properties".
Click "Advanced system settings", go to the "Advanced" tab, and select "Environment Variables..."
In the "System variables" panel, go down to "Path" and select "Edit..."
Add to the end of the list (don't overwrite what's already there!), separated by semicolons, two folders — for OpenCV and Tbb (you can browse in the Windows Explorer to double check that these folders exist):
32 bit:
64 bit: