
How To Make Perfect Copies Of Maxis The Sims Discs, CloneCD Style!
How To Make Perfect Copies Of Maxis The Sims Discs, CloneCD Style!verry simple.. get the latest version from h**p:// download it , install, that it's installed. Click in the "Read to Image" icon.. click next to get to the next screen.. select "Protected PC Game" click next.. a…[ More ]
How to make key generators?
How to make key generators?-===========================-Introduction------------I take no responsibility of the usage of this information.This tutorial, is for educational knowledge ONLY.Hi there, in this tutorial, I intend to teach you how to make a prettysimple keygen, of a program called W3Filer …[ More ]
How To Make Free Phone Calls
How To Make Free Phone Calls Have you ever got stuck some ware and just about 6'ft away from you there is a pay phone, but yet you dont have any change(=( bummer) to call your famaly members or some one to come and pick you up(hehe that sux)?Well im going to show you some thing that might get you ar…[ More ]
How To Make An Animted Logo, the easy way
How To Make An Animted Logo, the easy wayThings you will need:QUOTE1. Photoshop or Paintshop (any versions)2. Xara3D 5.xx3. Jasc animation shop 3.xx4. DUH!! A pic you want as a logo LOLThings you MIGHT need:  1. a computer  2. Internet connection  3. consciousness  4. corn on the cobHere they are fo…[ More ]
how to make a VCd from a Divx
 Tools required: Latest Virtual dub, TMPGEnc and Nero ( and the DivX codecs.)Preparing:Download all tools, Be sure to install DivX 3.11 DivX4 and the latest DivX5 codecs.Extracting the audio : Start Virtualdub. Open your video File->Open video file.(if you get any warnings just ignore them because y…[ More ]
how to make a transparent background
 is good for saveing the file size:…[ More ]
how to make a new web site
how to make a new web site Palleteshttp://colormatch.dkHTMLlock <---Needhttp://www.devside.net, if you want text seperate from image,…[ More ]
how to make a kvcd
 how to make a kvcd or in other words how to get 700meg avi file down to about 450megs to makea vcd without any picture lossso youve download a movie its in avi format you want to watch it on your dvd player soyou reencode it it comes out to about 1100 maybe 1200 megs so you got to split it and save…[ More ]
How to: Install and run Windows CE on your USB Stick
How to: Install and run Windows CE on your USB StickPortable Windows CE is a 'launcher' for the Windows CE device emulator that can run an emulator-based image from a USB keychain.Download the Windows CE 5.0 Device Emulator.Code:…[ More ]
How to Increase netspeed
 First of all download this wonderful program:h@@p:// when u start trhe program goto settings goto cable modem or dsl whatevcer u have.Go to MaxMTU and set it to 1500 this is optimal anything above this will not work as well.Thats bout it!! Enjoy the spee…[ More ]
how to burn Xp in Quicker
 windows xp has burning software built in which can cause problems sometimes when burning with other can turn windows xp burning tool off like this.Go to "administrative tools" in the control panel.In the "services" list, disable the IMAPI CD-Burning COM service.…[ More ]
How To Download Directly From
Some of you may not know this, others may already knew it, however, becauseof Sod rules which do no not allow indirect crack links, and because CrackDBis a very good resource for cracks, i will show how to post links that leadto a direct download from CrackDB.The CrackDB server sends the archive of …[ More ]
How to Download-Upload Files from email
 How to Download-Upload Files from emailThis post will teach u how to send big files to emailThis technic is really a newly powerfull way of downloading movies games... Nothing to worry about the fu***** deleters and all the jerks!Enought bullshit lets get down to buisness:First of all u need to hav…[ More ]
How to change thumbnail and quality
If any of you out there like to use the thumbnail view, especially for browsing through photos and images, it can become a bit of a drain on your system. It is possible to lower the thumbnail size and quality by editing the following registry keys.Open the registry and navigate to :HKEY_CURRENT_USER…[ More ]
How to do a high Quality DivX rip
How to do a high Quality DivX ripFirst and foremost, go tohttp://www.doom9.organd go to their downloads section.get the following files:under Audio:BesweetBesweet GUIUnder Codecs:DivX 5.2.1 ProUnder Divx/Mpeg-4 encoders:Nandub 1.0RC2then get this:…[ More ]
Download movies in IRC
 First off welcome to the wonderful world of TMD!--------------------- SETTING UP mIRC ---------------------First of all you need to download mIRC from /, this program will let you connect to the server and channel to download movies. Once installed run mIRC, and you will be prese…[ More ]
Downloading BitTorrent Files
 Downloading BitTorrent FilesWhat is BitTorrent in Plain English?BitTorrent is a program you download. It is similar to a peer-to-peer file sharing service. Basically it goes like this: You download the installer. You get the link to a file that ends in .torrent and enter that URL into your browser …[ More ]
How to Disable Picture in FAX VIEWER
We all know that WinXP likes to keep itself held together, and how it doesnt like you uninstalling certain components. Well The Picture and Fax Viewer, is one of these programs which can cause problems if removed incorrectly. It can be disabled safely as follows:[Start] [Run] type regedit and click …[ More ]
How To Delete Those Persistent Nasty Files
How To Delete Those Persistent Nasty FilesFor those who use some other character map other than standart US ASCII, there sometimes happen some files, who has some nasty characters in its name, which appears in your Windows Explorer but when you try to delete it, it says system cannot find the file. …[ More ]
How to Customize the start Button
First you need a tool called "Resource Hacker". This free program allows you to change resources in any .exe file such as "Explorer.exe", which includes the [Start] button's Label. You can visit and search there for "Resource Hacker".After you download it, follow the guide here:Step 1:A…[ More ]