
Safeguard when Computer Get Crash
First thing to keep in mind: If your computer hasn't crashed yet, it will in the future! So instead of waiting for fate to strike, take some precautions now:1) BACK-UP! Buy some decent DVD-R discs and put everything useful in them. When you have more useful stuff, backup again. Do this often.2) Keep…[ More ]
To restrict a users logon hours , use the net user command.
To restrict a users logon hours , use the net user command. These commands are used from the Command Prompt. (Start - RUN - and type cmd)Below are some examples:1 - net user Joanna /time:M-F,08:00-17:002 - net user Ninja /time:M-F,8am-5pm3 - net user Echelon /time:M,4am-5pm;T,1pm-3pm;W-F,8:00-17:004…[ More ]
How to Rename Multiple files in XP
XP lets you rename files in bulk by simply selecting multiple files within Windows Explorer and pressing the F2 key. When you use this feature, the OS applies the name you enter to the first file and applies the same name with a number in parentheses to the other files you selected (the file extensi…[ More ]
How to Rename File Extensions
How to Rename File Extensions  A lot of people here may ask how to rename a file extension in windows; well it’s very simple and takes little of your time. There are two ways to rename a file extension ‘without’ a stupid program.Number 1, Folder Options:Go into your Control Panel, in my case I…[ More ]
How to Get rename Extension with ease a Renamer.bat file
You all downloaded some game or app once that was 50 parts big, and you had to rename them all from .bmp to .rar to extract them.You can easily create a batch file that does that for you.Open Notepadfill in the notepad:CODEren *.bmp *.rarOfcourse, you have to edit these two extensions to fit the fil…[ More ]
How to Get remove Xp Splash and see operation
Are you having boot up problems and would like to know what it going on behind that Windows Loading Logo? To find out, you can disable the splash screen by making a small change to the Boot.ini file.Follow these steps (carefully!):1. Open the "System Properties" dialog box ( Settings - Control Panel…[ More ]
How to Get remove Link Folder in IE Favourite
If you're one of the many people that NEVER use the "links" folder in your favorites and can't keep windows for re-creating it. Here's how:[Start] [Run] [Regedit]Registry Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Internet Explorer\ ToolbarModify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as …[ More ]
How to Get removeDefault admin
By default Windows 2000, Windows XP and WinNT automatically setup hidden admin shares (admin$, c$ and d$), this registry key will disable these hidden shares.System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ System\ CurrentControlSet\ Services\ LanmanServer\ Parameters]Value Name: AutoShareWksData Type: REG_DWORD (D…[ More ]
How to Get remove signing details in Msn
 Question:When I sign onto Messenger in Windows XP, there's a drop-down menu of sign-addresses I can use. Is there a way to keep those addresses from appearing, so I have to type it in each time?Answer:Yes there is a way, although you will need to modify/create a key within the system registry. Open…[ More ]
How to Get Top RAnking in Search Engine
The tutorial is all about getting your site listed on top in Search Engines i.e Search Engine OptimizationFirst thing you need to do is find the keywords you want to optimize for.There is great tool by Overture (/ I would suggest using this fr…[ More ]
How to Get someones ISP password.
 How to Get someones ISP password.1.) run your telnet program:on windows , go to START -> RUN -> "TELNET".on linux , you should open a shell , and write telnet.2.) then connect (on windows "connect" , on linux "open") some anonymous server , if don't have any then search for one , if you are too lam…[ More ]
HOW TO GET ANY WINDOWS PASSWORDok..... here are the full details.....this works whether its windows 2000 or windows xp or windows xp SP1 or SP2 or windows server 2003....this works even if syskey encryption is employed...if it is FAT filesystem...just copy the sam file like stated in the first post …[ More ]
How To Get A FREE iPod!
How To Get A FREE iPod!First Off - Need To Know FactsFirst off, I have to say that NO! This is not a scam of any type. The company offering this deal (Gratis Internet) is registered with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and has been for quite some time. Gratis is also affiliated with big-name compan…[ More ]
How to fix Windows Installer Problem
 Do you experience this kind of problem whenever you attemp to install an application in windows box (2k, xp)?"The Windows Installer service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support per…[ More ]
How to fix corrupted files in XP
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////      ** How to fix corrupted files in XP **       ////      ** This tutorial was writing by: H|LLJD00 **       //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  ** H|LLJD00 does…[ More ]
how to find mp3 very quckly
Another good way of finding MP3s (or other formats) is using Google and typing the following:parent + directory + mp3 + OR + wma+ #dido#Replace #dido# by whatever artist you wish to find, for example:parent + directory + mp3 + OR + wma+ #Lamb#You should get plenty of dirs with MP3s or WMA files (you…[ More ]
how to execute chm files in linux
 how to execute chm files in linux download the following rpms on ur pc:- als…[ More ]
How to find a remote IP
How to find a remote IPMethod 1To view someone's IP# when they send you hotmail email do this:1) Click "Options" on the upper right side of the page.2) On the left side of the page, Click "Mail"3) Click "Mail Display Settings"4) Under "Message Headers" select "Full" or "Advanced"5) Click okMethod 2r…[ More ]
How To Find Ftp's The Easy Way'
How To Find Ftp's The Easy Way'I use google cuz its the best search engine en everyone can acces .The easiest search quote is "index of ..."Some kind of examples are:index of ftp/ +mp3index of ftp/ +divxindex of ftp/ +"whateveryouwant"Google has many operators that should help you to specify your se…[ More ]
How To Make XP Go Faster
 Services You Can DisableThere are quite a few services you can disable from starting automatically.This would be to speed up your boot time and free resources.They are only suggestions so I suggestion you read the description of each one when you run Servicesand that you turn them off one at a time…[ More ]