
HOWTO Change Windows XP Home to Windows XP Pro
 HOWTO Change Windows XP Home to Windows XP ProWe can’t vouch for this hack, because we are too lazy to try it (and we never, ever violate copyrights or EULAs), but kind reader Martin explains the process for turning an Windows XP Home install disc to a Windows XP Pro disc after the jump.It sounds[ More ]
How to use Gmail with Msn Messenger
i think all of you know it but if someone dont than here it isgo to this page: you gmail account as the email addressfill all the other blanks and continue the registrationgo to your gmail account and verify the registration and know sign in with ms[ More ]
How to use News Groups
 Here's a couple of good links to tutorials for newsgroups I use them a lot and find them very fast and loaded with good stuf best newsreader I've found (but not the only one recommended) best way to searc[ More ]
How To Use File Compression In Windows Xp
How To Use File Compression In Windows XpHow To Use File Compression in Windows XPArticle ID   :   307987Last Review   :   July 15, 2004Revision   :   1.1This article was previously published under Q307987IN THIS TASK•   SUMMARY   â€¢   NTFS Compression•   Compressing an NTFS Volume•   Compres[ More ]
How to Use And How to Make Multiple Proxies
How to Use And How to Make Multiple ProxiesIntroduction:This is a tutorial on chaining proxies for the use of becoming more anonymous while online. There aren’t enough tutorials online about this subject so I decided to make an attempt at writing one. Since it’s on the subject, I included a sect[ More ]
How to Unload cachesd Dll FIles to Free Memory
Windows Explorer caches DLLs (Dynamic-Link Libraries) in memory for a period of time after the application an using them has been closed. Which in some cases can be an waste of memory. To stop WinXP from always caching these DLL files, create the new registry key below.Open up the Registry and navig[ More ]
How to Swear in all Language
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------  AfrikaansPoes / Doos  - PussyFok jou  - Fuck youJy pis my af  - You're pissing me offHoer  - WhoreSlet  - SlutKak  - ShitPoephol  - AssholeDom Doos  - Dump PussyGaan fok jouself  - Go fuck yourself  -------------------------[ More ]
How to Remove DRM Protection for Video Files
How to Remove DRM Protection for Video Files This is how to unprotect the Video files from Mcft latest technology DRM.So here is the procedure:1. Install fresh Windows XP SP1 (English)2. Download and install WMP9 from Mcft3. Make sure you are now able to play the .wmv files from the DVD. That requir[ More ]
How to recover MOST of scratched CD data discs
How to recover MOST of scratched CD data discsI learn an old thecnique to how to recover damaged or scratched diskswith some lost of data. In this case i have one borrowed game - MAX PAYNE 2with a chunck of 4 mb lost with a scratch in CD1 Install. Here we cover somespecial thecniques of how to creat[ More ]
How To Play Movies With subs
Download and install the following packages:CODE on FFDSHOW 2004-XX-XX (date) and then on the download iconat the bottom of the page.CODE[ More ]
How To optimize DSL-CABLE connection speed
How To optimize DSL-CABLE connection speedFirst, u need to goto Start, then run. Type in regedit in the box. Next, goto the folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\VxD\MSTCPNow, find the string DefaultRcvWindow . Now, edit the number to 64240 then restart your computer. There you go. High[ More ]
How toMove Xp HArdware To New Motherboard
really easy. but this only works if the original motherboard and harddrive still work. so put it back together. for newbies, go to control panel, double-click the system icon, go to hardware tab, and click device manager button. find the IDE ATA/ATAPI CONTROLLERS and expand the tab. not the primary [ More ]
How to modify *.exe files
 How to modify *.exe fileslearn how to change *.exe files, in 5 easy steps:1) Don't try to modify a prog by editing his source in a dissasembler.Why?Cause that's for programmers and assembly experts only.try to view it in hex you'll only get tons of crap you don't understand.First off, you need Reso[ More ]
HOW TO MANUAL - THE END OF DELETERS  "- - = W A R E Z P I R A T E Z = - -HOW TO MANUAL - THE END OF DELETERS===================================CREATED BY: [Piratez] 04/11/01TABLE OF CONTENTS=================Title Line1. Introduction_______________________________________________________232. Invisibl[ More ]
How To make your own Radio Station ..1.
How To Make Your Own Radio StationMust HAVE Winamp (Any Version)First, things First your speed has to be at least 256/64 kbps (which means Dial-up users, will have alot of latency, just dnt bother)Second, your going to have to have a domain, an updated one with the current i.p active. (Could be anyt[ More ]
How To make your own Radio Station ...
How To make your own Radio Station ...::Must HAVE Winamp (Any Version)::First, things First your speed has to be at least 256/64 kbps (which means Dial-up users, will have alot of latency, just dnt bother)Second, your going to have to have a domain, an updated one with the current i.p active. (Could[ More ]
How to set up a http server running from you computer
How to set up a http server running from you computer(Either you can set up a basic server which means you stop at step... or if you want to make a server with free address you can continue after that step)1. We are going to use a program called hfs i like the beta version (2) you will need to downl[ More ]
how to search All Files and folder in Xp
When you perform a search for a file in Windows XP. The default setting is for XP to ONLY return files in the "Search Results" pane - when they are registered file types to a program on your PC.In other words if you are looking for a file that is NOT registered with an application on your PC, it wil[ More ]
how to see Windows Hidden Files And folders
at command prompt just typedir /ah if the list is too long u can usedir /ah/p/w [ More ]
How to Save Widows update
 Go to the Windows Update web site.In the left pane, under Other Options, select “Personalize Windows Update”.Under “Set Options for Windows Update”, select the checkbox for “Display the Link to Windows Update Catalog under ‘See Also’”, then click “Save Settings”.Go back to the W[ More ]