
software project management
COCOMO Project Types/ Development Mode 1.  Organic 2.  Semi Detached 3.  Embedded COCOMO Models 1.  Basic Model 2.  Intermediate Model 3.  Detail Model Given below are the formulae for effort estimation for BASICVersion’s modes. Organic: E = 3.2 x (size in KLOC)…[ More ]
Change font style during run time
Change font style during run time Dim FontName As String = "Arial" Dim FontSize As Integer = 14 Dim FS As New Font(FontName, FontSize, FontStyle.Regular) Label1.Font = FSDim xFont As FontDim xControl As ControlxFont = New Font("Times New Roman", 10, FontStyle.Regular)ForEach xControl In n…[ More ]
Convert values between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary
Title    Convert values between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binaryKeywords    convert, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, binary, baseCategories    AlgorithmsDecimal, hexadecimal, and octal representations are straightforward. To read a string in these formats, use CLng. Hexadecimal strings should be…[ More ]
C# Save and Load Image from Database
C# Save and Load Image from DatabaseIntroductionThis article shows you how to upload an image in a C# application, save it in a database and display it in another aspx page.BackgroundHTML img tag and Image control in C# always look for an image on the hard disk or some physical location on a server.…[ More ]
Bundle of items in market basket analysis
Bundle of items in market basket analysis Hi all, tid name description 1 one  ones 1 four fours 1 three threes 1 eleven elevens 1 six sixes 2 ten tens 2 eleven elevens 2 five fives 2 four fours 2 seven sevens 3 one  ones 3 eleven e…[ More ]
How to populate asp:GridView from code
How to populate asp:GridView from codei have a List items list filled with arrays of strings in my code. On the ASPX page, I have added a new grid view control:But, I don't know what do OldValuesParameterFormatString, SelectMethod and TypeName attributes represent. Also, I don't have the database to…[ More ]
ASP sql select statement
I'm getting this error  Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'questionNo ='./mmtec/mm32/quiz3.asp, line 12when I do this%Set MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")Set R…[ More ]
ASP SQL Query From HTML Input
ASP SQL Query From HTML Input I am php coder and new to asp.I am trying to build a simple login page using asp and the db connection works fine. When the user submit the form and at the sql query section i am getting the following error"Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'"Ho…[ More ]
Array to XML function for PHP
Array to XML function for PHP This is a simple function that converts a PHP array to XML. You supply the array, the script returns the XML. This function can be useful to send your PHP output to, for example, the Sablotron XSL engine.Note: If you like what this function does, you might want to take …[ More ]
Send e-mail with attachment in Java
Send e-mail with attachment in JavaThis article provides a step-by-step guide on how to add attachments to an e-mail message to be sent via a SMTP server, using the JavaMail API. To understand how attachments are stored inside an e-mail messageAs we can see, a message comprises of a header and a bod…[ More ]