Blog : How To Make Perfect Copies Of Maxis The Sims Discs, CloneCD Style!
How To Make Perfect Copies Of Maxis The Sims Discs, CloneCD Style!
verry simple.. get the latest version from h**p:// download it , install, restart.
now that it's installed. Click in the "Read to Image" icon.. click next to get to the next screen.. select "Protected PC Game" click next.. and after it makes the image.. exit the program..
Now re-open CloneCD
click on the "Write from image" icon.. clicik next.. select "Protected PC Game" and click next.. NOTE:!! i tested this method with an CD-RW.. so far i wont/cant test with a CD-R (shouldn't make a difference) because i'm down to my last 3 CD-R's.. so you can try a CD-R.. i dont care but sofar i tested with the TDK 80min/700mb CD-RW blanks..
now i had it working without a patch.. after i burnt the disc.. i installed the sims from the burnt copy and tried to load.. IT Worked! i've got the sims in the background as i speak!.. not sure if anyone else knew about this but i got this idea in a dream about Digimon and Dragon Drive.. (DONT EVEN ASK WHY!) but "Guilmon" and "Chibi" said Tom.. to make a Perfect copy of The Sims CD's.. Use Clone CD.. afterwards . i woke up.. and i tried it! henh .. uncanny hunh?