
No Text Icons
No Text IconsIf you would like your desktop Icons to have no text underneath then try this tweak:Right click the icon and select "Rename"Now hold the "Alt" key and type "255" and hit EnterNOTE : It may only work with the keypad numbers and not the number keys on top of the keyboard. …[ More ]
Ntfs Cluster size,better harddrive performance
Ntfs Cluster size,better harddrive performanceCluster is an allocation unit. If you create file lets say 1 byte in size, at least one cluster should be allocated on FAT file system. On NTFS if file is small enough, it can be stored in MFT record itself without using additional clusters. When file gr…[ More ]
Official Unattended Xp Cd Guide Xp Sp2
Official Unattended Xp Cd Guide Xp Sp2Have you ever wanted a Windows XP CD that would install Windows XP by automatically putting in your name, product key, timezone and regional settings? Followed by silently installing all your favourite applications along with DirectX 9, .Net Framework and then a…[ More ]
Open Windows Explorer to a Different Default Directory
Open Windows Explorer to a Different Default DirectoryWhen you open Windows Explorer (by choosing the Window key and "E" simultaneously or by choosing Start, all Programs, Accessories, Windows Explorer), you can change the directory that appears by default. If you choose Start, all Programs, Accesso…[ More ]
NERO: how to verify the validity
NERO: how to verify the validity of the serial number you use through the nerocmd.exe commandNero will accept a serial number even if it is invalid, and will (randomly) occasionally burn you some bad CDs (while telling you that the burn was sucessful...)Therefore it makes sense to test the serial nu…[ More ]
Myth about WPA,Windows Product Activation Technique
Myth about WPA,Windows Product Activation TechniqueMicrosoft's plans to stop people pirating the next version of Windows have suffered a setback.A German computer magazine has found weaknesses in the piracy protection system built into Windows XP.The weaknesses could mean that in up to 90% of cases …[ More ]
Performance Increase Through My Computer
Performance Increase Through My Computer1: Start > Right Click on My Computer and select properties.2: Click on the "Advanced" tab3: See the "Perfomance" section? Click "Settings"4: Disable all or some of the following:Fade or slide menus into viewFade or slide ToolTips into viewFade out menu items …[ More ]
Peer2mailIntroductionPeer2Mail is the first software that let you store and share files on any web-mail account. If you have a web mail account with large storage space, you can use P2M to store files on it. Web-mail providers such as Gmail (Google Mail), Walla!, Yahoo and more, provide storage spac…[ More ]
PC Maintenance Guide
PC Maintenance Guide"Take good care of your PC, and it will take good care of you."It's a nice sentiment, but reality is more like "Take good care of your PC, and it won't crash, lose your data, and cost you your job--probably." Follow these steps to stop PC problems before they stop you.Your PC's t…[ More ]
PC File Extension Listing
PC File Extension ListingThis chart is a list of the most commonly found extensions, what type of file they are and what program if any they are associated with..$$$ Temporary file.$$A OS/2 program file.$$F OS/2 database file.$$S OS/2 spreadsheet file.$D$ OS/2 planner file.$DB DBASE IV temporary fil…[ More ]
Partitioning Your Harddisk With Fdisk
Partitioning Your Harddisk With FdiskPartitioning your HardDiskPartitioning involves creating logical units on your hard drive that are then addressed as different drive letters. Not only does it help to organize your data (program files on one drive, games on another, documents on another) but also…[ More ]
Part 3 FTP
PART 3 FTP--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now time to slap on an FTP client and mix it with An IRC client and season it with the List ReaderYou may already have Mirc from the 1st 2 parts if not get it fromCODEhttp://www.mirc.comthen please get th…[ More ]
Part 1 Bittorrents
Part 1 Bittorrents-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lets get into bittorents, cause its the easiest thing to setup.All you do is install the bittorent client (see link above). go toCODEhttp://suprnova.organd click on a torrent you like. I recommen…[ More ]
pAERT 2 iRC(MIRC)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now that I have got you excited about bittorrents and you have downloaded everything on the internet, including your uncles famous cabbidge stew I would like to introduce you to the magic of XDCC tr…[ More ]
pART 0 dC++
With my post I would like to share with all of you, my resources when it comes to downloading USEFUL things from the internet. Some of these things are useful to chuck on cds/dvds and others are useful to use he he heMost of your know about P2P using programs such as kazaa, edonkey and what not. Thi…[ More ]
 PACKET ATTACKS - VERSION 1.1Let me start by saying the internet is full of wonderful tools and papers like this one. Alot of these things can help youincrease your knowledge, perhaps your job or more. But just as easily as you can learn from them, people read into them tomuch and decide to harm oth…[ More ]
Overclocking_TutorialOverclocking takes on 3 forms:First, is the casual overclocking, easy, and anyone can do it.Second, is the right way to overclock, taking into account, everything.Third, if you want serious power, your gonna need to be savy to what does what.The casual overclocker gains about 5%…[ More ]
Outsmarting System File Protection
Outsmarting System File ProtectionTested in Windows 2000 sp2, Windows 2000 sp3 with and without IE6 sp1. Should work fine in XP and XPsp1------------------------------A lot of people are having troubles with System File Protection (SFP for short). This can be a major pain in the butt unless you know…[ More ]
Outpost Rules, Outpost rules for system & app
Outpost Rules, Outpost rules for system & appHere you can find how to set up your Outpost firewall. Most of this rules I found on the internet, but some of them are mine. I think that you should be safer.I used the online tests to test my firewall setings. The links to the this testers are:CODEhttp:…[ More ]
oPTIMIZE Emule cONNECTIONJust start out on Emule and still a beginner.The speed is really killing me, even configured ports 4662 & 4672. I got high ID but the quene is round up to hundreds before I capable to get any files.I always keep my upload speed @ 20kbs, but d/l speed still suck. The speed on…[ More ]