
RElease Code Read and Learn
0-Day - Release of the same day;0-Sec - Instant release;AC3 - Audio Coding 3, audio codec, usually 5.1 audio channels;AFFiLS - Websites affiliated to the groups, where they put the releases;ANiME - Release of a anime movie;ASF - Advanced Streaming Format, audio/video compression codec based in MPEG-…[ More ]
Remote Desktop Through Company Firewall
Remote Desktop Through Company FirewallDont wanna take any credit for this as i got this from another forum thought of it as quite informative so pastin it hereNote this tutorial is collection of tips I gathered from searching the internet and some credit is due to the original authors. None of whic…[ More ]
Remote Shutdown
XP PRO has a lot of fun utilities. One of the most useful ones I have found to date is the ability to remotely reboot a PC. There are 2 ways of doing this. You will need to have admin access to the PC to preform these actions. That being said, here is the first way to do it:Right click my computer, …[ More ]
Remove Linux From your Pc and restoring your MBR
First of all you need to know where your Linux OS is installed to. that is what drive it is currently living on. Bear in mind that Linux formats the drive as HFS rather than Fat/Fat32 or NTFS. ( These are the file systems used by various Operating Systems).So HFS Partitions are not seen by windows, …[ More ]
Remove MSN Messenger from XP
 Remove MSN Messenger from XPFirst of all you can try what Microsoft Suggests:CODE you may try some more ways of removing MSN.I am not responsible for the use or the misuse of this informa…[ More ]
Removing Banners From Free Webhosts
 Removing Banners From Free WebhostsToday,there r number of wesites,which offer you webspace and areasonable good URL,for free.This service has become most popularas it is the easiest and fastest way of puting up ur site on net,getting an identity for ur self and becoming a part of huge web.But The …[ More ]
Removing Norton Anti-Virus 2004,how to remove the registry Entries
Found this on the Norton Web site.I finally got fed up with Norton 2004 AV and switched to Avast.Had lots of problems removing Norton, lots of stuff left over in the registry.After a few Google searches, I found this.…[ More ]
Play Games On PS2 Without ModChip
 Play Games On PS2 Without ModChipIn this guide, you will learn the very easy method of making copies of your PS2 and normal Playstaion games so that they are playable on the PS2. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to burn PS2 games.You will need the following things to bu…[ More ]
Play On A Bnet Emulator and f off cd key check
Play On A Bnet Emulator and f off cd key checkHi all.So I am proud to post this tut it might not be in the right section, coz it's mac//windows compatible, but i just have windows fact i couldnt find out wich one was appropriate.So here you are:Play Warcraft3 Battle on bnet emulator:1/ Make…[ More ]
Port Numbers
Port NumbersPORT NUMBERS(last updated 19 January 2005)The port numbers are divided into three ranges: the Well Known Ports,the Registered Ports, and the Dynamic and/or Private Ports.The Well Known Ports are those from 0 through 1023.The Registered Ports are those from 1024 through 49151The Dynamic a…[ More ]
Problem with Internet Navigation,Clean Host File
We have seen a large number of computers coming in with problems navigation on the internet. Also unable to go to Windows update and viurs update sites. Here is a quick fix that also seems to speed navigation up some.Just for safety create a copy of the file before making changes.gotoC:\windows\syst…[ More ]
Quick Fix for spyware
 OK, so now you realize that you've got some spyware junk on your system.Before you go headlong into deleting suspected files or editing the registry, try this simple disabling technique.First, see if you can determine what the offending files are. You can do this by running "msinfo32" if you're usi…[ More ]
Quick Shutdown for Xp, shortcut for shutdown
Ever want a quicker way to shutdown XP without navigating through the start menu, or using a third party shutdown utility Here is a script that will do just that.Right click the desktop and choose New Shortcut. Copy and paste this script or type it in.%windir%System32shutdown.exe -s -t 0Choose Next …[ More ]
Quick Msc
Quick MscStart > Run >Certificates - certmgr.mscIndexing Service - ciadv.mscComputer Management - compmgmt.mscDevice Manager - devmgmt.mscDisk Defragmenter - dfrg.mscDisk Management - diskmgmt.mscEvent Viewer - eventvwr.mscShared Folders - fsmgmt.mscLocal Users and Groups - lusrmgr.mscRemovable Stor…[ More ]
Quickly Start The Shared Folder Wizard
Quickly Start The Shared Folder WizardWant to share a folder, or multiple folders, quickly and easily?You can invoke the Shared Folder Wizard by typing shrpubw.exe at the Run box or command line. The wizard takes you through the process of setting up a shared folder and allows you to start the proce…[ More ]
RapidShare Timelimit
RapidShare TimelimitDirectionsRapidshare traces the users IP address to limit each user to a certain amount of downloading per day. To get around this, you need to show the rapidshare server, a different IP address. You can do this one of multiple ways.Requesting a new IP address from your ISP serve…[ More ]
New PC or New Motherboard?
 New PC or New Motherboard?If you don't want to spend big bucks on a new PC, consider upgrading your old system's motherboard and CPU. This can boost the machine's performance and give you access to the latest technologies. It can also save you hundreds of dollars.What you won't get is a new hard dr…[ More ]
New Way To Relive Some Zinio File
New Way To Relive Some Zinio FileIn order to be able to read the mags, you have to be connected to the internet when you open them for the first time. It creates an .xml file in a folder called "ContentGuard", located in "C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\ContentGuard". (User is your c…[ More ]
news groups the how to do
news groups the how to do  FOUND ON DIFFRENT FORUMok there is a lot to explain and most of it is un needed or more to the pointyou wont need it . well at least not to start with . maybe in a few months when youfeel more at home with the world of usenet you may feel the need to look deeperthis tutori…[ More ]
Nice list of Windows Shortcuts
 For Real Windows Newbie's here you go...CTRL+C (Copy)CTRL+X (Cut)CTRL+V (Paste)CTRL+Z (Undo)DELETE (Delete)SHIFT+DELETE (Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin)CTRL while dragging an item (Copy the selected item)CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item (Create a s…[ More ]