Blog : RElease Code Read and Learn
0-Day - Release of the same day;
0-Sec - Instant release;
AC3 - Audio Coding 3, audio codec, usually 5.1 audio channels;
AFFiLS - Websites affiliated to the groups, where they put the releases;
ANiME - Release of a anime movie;
ASF - Advanced Streaming Format, audio/video compression codec based in MPEG-4;
CE - Classical Edition, of a original movie;
CLSC - Classical release;
COLOUR EDiTiON - Release of a movie with edit in color level;
COURiER - Dumper/racer of a groups, has the job of distribute the releases through websites;
CUT/CUTED - Partial release of a movie;
DC - Director's Cute, release of a movie with selections of the director's;
DSYNCH - Not synchronized;
DiRFiX - Fix of a release name;
DiVX - Division X, compression video codec;
DOWNSAMPLED - Manipulation of the video/audio format because of low bitrates;
DUBBED - Movie with double language (original one or other);
DUMP - Release transfer;
DUMPER - Who makes the dumps;
DUPE - Doubled release;
DVDR - Release format fot a complete DVD or Downsampled;
DVDRiP - Rip which source is the original DVD;
DVDSCR/DVDSCREENER - Rip which source is a pre-release DVD.
FiX - Correction for something;
FS - Full screen, resolution 4:3;
FTP - File Transfer Protocol, way of transfer files;
FXP - File eXchange Protocol, way of share data through FTP;
GRP.RQT - Group Request, request of a new release because some other is nuked;
iNT, iNTERNAL - Internal release group, doesn't count for release races;
LDRiP - Rip which source is a laser disc;
LiMiTED - Release of a limited movie (in some theaters);
NTSC - National Television System Committe, video stream system of South America and east Asia;
NUKED - Bad release, release with problems;
PAL - Phase Altering Line, stream video system of Europe;
PROPER - Good release, substitutes a nuked release;
PROMO - Promotional;
REPACK - Repacked released;
RETAiL - Rip which source is a commercial DVD;
SRT - Sequense Real Time, text subtitles format;
SUB - Text subtitles format;
SYNCFiX - Synchronization fix;
TS - Theather screener, movie recorded in theathers;
VCD - Video Compact Disc, distibution of MPEG content;
VCDRiP - Rip which source is a VCD;
VHSRiP - Rip which source is a VHS
WS - Wide Screen, resolution 16:9
XViD - Video compression codec based in MPEG-4
XXX - Porn release;