
oPTIMIZE bROADBAND & dSL cONNECTIONThese settings allow you to boost the speed of your broadband Internet connection when using a Cable Modem or DSL Router with Windows 2000 and Windows XP.Open your registry and find the key below.Create the following DWORD values, as most of these values will not a…[ More ]
Making Cd Version Of Doom3 Into Dvd Version
Making Cd Version Of Doom3 Into Dvd VersionStep 1: Create the following temporary directory:TempDir : C:\TEMP\DOOM3_DVDStep 2: Copy the full contents of the original CD#1 to TempDir.Copy all :\SETUP\DATA\BASE\*.PK4 files to the TempDir\SETUP\DATA\BASE directory.* Copy all :\SETUP\DATA\BASE\*.PK4 fil…[ More ]
Making Bootable Floppy Disk to Boot into Windows
Making Bootable Floppy Disk to Boot into WindowsTutorial ObjectiveIn this tutorial, it will guide the user on how he/she is able to make a bootable floppy disc that can boot into Windows.Tutorial Introduction & Background & FactsMany people are able to boot into an Operating System without any probl…[ More ]
making a .cue file, in notepad
 open up notepad n type (or copy n paste) this:FILE "NAME.BIN" BINARYTRACK 01 MODE1/2352INDEX 01 00:00:00change the word NAME.BIN inside the quotation marks to whatever the name of your BIN file is.......when you go to 'save as'in the 'files of type' on the arrow n change from text document …[ More ]
Make .txt Excutable Server
Make .txt Excutable ServerAs you know a file name .EXE is a Executable file and can run a code.this guide will teach you how to make a .TXT Executable that can runany code you want..STEP1download TXT Icon pack: -The pack comes with a 32bit & 16bit icons…[ More ]
Make XP go Faster
Services You Can Disable There are quite a few services you can disable from starting automatically. This would be to speed up your boot time and free resources. They are only suggestions so I suggestion you read the description of each one when you run Services and that you turn them off one at a t…[ More ]
Make Your PC Faster
Make Your PC Faster1. First, run a scandisk or checkdisk. Let Windows fix any errors.2. Run a disk cleanup utility...this will flush your temporary internet folder, trash can, temp system files, etc.3. Delete any garbage files or data...if possible, run a Duplicate File Finder program.4. Run Defrag …[ More ]
Make Your Own Ringtones For Mobile Phone, also logos, wallpaper .etc ...
Make Your Own Ringtones For Mobile Phone,  also logos, wallpaper .etc ...I have a Motorola V220 and want to have my own ringtones without down load from internet and PAID angry2.gif . After searching all night for "how to" ...this is what I got - after testing with my mobile...and it works very well…[ More ]
Mp3 files smaller without lossing Quality
Mp3 files smaller without lossing QualityIf you don't already have a copy of MusicMatch Jukebox, download one from The "Plus" version has more features and burns CDs faster, but the free version works just fine for converting files1. Install music match box and then restart your comp…[ More ]
Loading Acrobad Reader Faster
Loading Acrobad Reader FasterHere's how to do it:1. Go to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader (replace the C if you installed on another drive, like I did).2. Create a new folder called plug_ins_disabled.3. Move all files from the plug_ins folder to the plug_ins_disabled folder except EWH32.ap…[ More ]
Make A Roughly 16 Hour Video Dvd
Make A Roughly 16 Hour Video Dvd3 things are needed1. Proper Codecs2. TMPGEnc 3 Express (Best for this job IMO)3. TMPGEnc DVD Author (Dual Layer Edition)simply start a new project in TMPGEnc 3 Express, Set the output for said file as an NTSC MPEG1 (VIDEO CD)Make sure you set at NTSC (TMPGENC WILL ON…[ More ]
My Flash Bookmarks,long list Verification
My Flash Bookmarks,long list Verificationcreating order in the chaos that my bookmarks-list is,i found these flash actionscript tutorials.many of them are game design, sound and server side specific.others are more general.hope you enjoy them.and , most important,hope you share your flash tutorial b…[ More ]
Msn Messenger & Gmail, Msn Messenger & Gmail
Msn Messenger & Gmail, Msn Messenger & GmailFor All Thost Gmail Account Holders That Whish To Use A Gmail Account With Msn Messenger & .Net Passport ServiceAn IntroductionIn this tutorial you will learn how to step up your Gmail Accout with . net passport to allow u to login to msn messenger ang any…[ More ]
Moving and Removing The Start Button
Moving and Removing The Start ButtonOperating System = Windows 95 OnlyAnnoyance level = MediumDamage Level = 0/5The ObjectiveThe objective is to move the Start button around on the task bar, or to remove it completely from the taskbar.The StepsClick twice on the Start button so it has the dotted lin…[ More ]
Windows XP Tips Collection
 Windows XP Tips CollectionHere's how to check if your copy of XP is ActivatedGo to the run box and type in oobe/msoobe /aand hit ok ...theirs your answerWindows Explorer TipWhen launched in Windows Millennium/Win2k/WinXP,Explorer by default will open the "My Documents" folder. Many people prefer th…[ More ]
Modify .exe Files And Crack A Program
Modify .exe Files And Crack A Program1) Don't try to modify a prog by editing his source in a dissasembler.Why?Couse that's for programmers and assembly experts only. If any of you dumb kidstry to view it in hex you'll only get tons of crap you don't understand.First off, you need Resource Hacker(la…[ More ]
Linux tricks and Tips
Linux tricks and TipsSpeeding up your hard drive (#1)Get faster file transfer by using 32-bit transfers on your hard driveJust add the line:hdparm -c3 /dev/hdXto a bootup script.If you use SuSE or other distros based on SYS V,/sbin/init.d/boot.localshould work for you.This enables 32-bit transfer on…[ More ]
Siemens Mobile Secret Codes:
Siemens Mobile Secret Codes:C25:SP unlock *#0003*(secret code 8 digits)#*#0606# shows you Secret Code, but only without SIM Card.*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)Resets language to automatic selection : * # 0000 # then Green buttonPin Out (electrical connections)1…[ More ]
Missing Administrative Account
Once you have created regular user accounts, the default Administrator account vanishes from the Welcome screen, which you see when the computer starts up. Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete twice at the Welcome screen to retrieve the standard logon dialog. You can log on as Administrator from here. To switch am…[ More ]
If you would like to keep a particularly interesting chat that has scrolled by but is still in your buffer there is a way to save it! Type "ALT -" (alt minus) to enter the system menu under the top left little icon thingy above every channel or private conversation. In this menu select the Buffer/Sa…[ More ]