Forms Developer is upwardly compatible with earlier versions of Oracle
If you have client-side program units written in PL/SQL V1 or V2, you must convert that code to the new level.
Stored program units can use all the PL/SQL features that are valid for use in client side PL/SQL. Certain PL/SQL features such as the supplied DBMS_LOB routines or DBMS packages that are specified as pragma interface (C, C++, etc) cannot be directly called from Client Side PL/SQL. Forms programs must call a stored procedure which in turn calls the routine in question in these restricted cases.
The default run-time behavior of forms created with Forms 5.0 through 6idiffered from run-time behavior for Forms 4.5. The form-level Runtime Compatibility Mode property could be set to "4.5" to provide Forms release 4.5 behavior. (This happened by default in forms that were upgraded from Forms release 4.5.)
Starting with Forms Developer, 5.0 behavior is used in all cases, and the form-level property "Runtime Compatibility Mode" is ignored.
If you are upgrading a form that specifies 4.5 behavior to Oracle Forms, you must alter the logic, as necessary, to reflect the differences between 4.5 and 5.0 behavior. See the Forms 11gRelease 2 online help for information about the Runtime Compatibility Mode property and the differences between 4.5 and 5.0 behavior.
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