Article : Configuring the Forms Server

Configuring the Forms Server


This chapter describes the steps you need to follow to configure your environment for Forms Server. After installation is complete, you can use the information in this chapter to change your initial configuration or make modifications as your needs change.

This chapter contains the following sections:

  • Configuring Your Web Server
  • Customizing Environment Variables
  • Customizing Configuration Files
  • Reading the Servlet Error Log
  • Setting Up the HTTPS Connection Mode

5.2 Configuring Your Web Server

Oracle Internet Application Server installs and configures the Oracle HTTP Server as your Web server. No additional configuration is necessary.

The following paths are created

Virtual Path  Physical Directory  Description 



Forms Java files 



Starter HTML files for running Forms 



Servlet executables 



CGI executables 



JInitiator (for download) 



Forms temporary files 

: Note: :

These virtual directories are specified in the 6iserver.conf file located in the /6iserver directory.

5.3 Customizing Environment Variables

This section describes how to customize environment variables in Forms Server.

On UNIX, you can set these environment variables in the forms60_server shell script, which is found in the /6iserver directory. This way, all the environment variables needed for Forms Server are automatically set up when you launch the Forms Server Listener using the following command line:

forms60_server start.

Note: :

After you run the forms60_server startup script, ORACLE_HOME changes from its original setting to /6iserver for use with Forms Server.

On NT, you set environment variables in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\oracle in the corresponding to Forms 6i, as described in Section A.2, "Windows 95 and Windows NT Registry".

The environment variables for Forms Server are as follows:

Environment Variable  Default Value and Description 



Specifies the path that Forms searches when looking for a Form to run. Separate paths with a semi-colon (;). 



Physical directory on the application server in which to store generated Reports files. If you are not using Reports, this environment variable is not required. See Section 7.5, "Integrating Reports" for more information. 



Virtual directory pointing to the physical directory defined by the FORMS60_OUTPUT variable. If you are not using Reports, this environment variable is not required. See Section 7.5, "Integrating Reports" for more information. 


Not set

Possible values are TRUE or FALSE. Environment variable to encrypt Forms messages using RC4 40-bit encryption. Applies only to socket and HTTP communication modes. By default, communication is encrypted. 



Used for HTTPS communications mode. See Section 5.7, "Setting Up the HTTPS Connection Mode" for details. 



Used for HTTPS communications mode only. See Section 5.7, "Setting Up the HTTPS Connection Mode". 

For example, you can define your environment variables as the following:


The virtual directory set by the FORMS60_MAPPING environment variable must correspond to the physical directory set by the FORMS60_OUTPUT environment variable.Note::

You will need administrator privileges to make these changes, and will need to restart the server for many of these configuration changes to take effect.

5.4 Description of Forms Server Startup Parameters

The following parameters are used during Forms Server startup:

  • Port Parameter
  • Mode Parameter
  • Pool Parameter
  • Log Parameter

On UNIX, you can modify these parameters by editing the forms60_server shell script found in the /6iserver directory and modifying the following command:

f60ctl start

For example:

f60ctl start port=9001 mode=socket pool=5 log=/tmp/app.log

On NT, you can modify these parameters by specifying them on the command line. For example:

ifsrv60 start port=9001 mode=socket pool=5 log=c:\tmp\app.log

On NT, if the Forms Server is started as a service, modify parameters by adding them to the Start-up Parameters field of the Service Start-up property.

5.4.1 Port Parameter

Determines the port on which the server process is started. If you do not specify a port number when you start the Forms Server process, the process starts on port 9001 by default. The port number on which you start the server process must match the serverPort number you specify in an application's HTML file, configuration parameters, or URL.

Mode Parameter

Determines whether the Forms Server will run in socket mode (which uses a direct socket connection), HTTP mode (which can traverse firewalls), or HTTPS mode (which can traverse firewalls, and additionally uses SSL, secure sockets layer, for server authentication and message encryption). The default mode is socket. See Section 3.2, "Sockets, HTTP, or HTTPS" for a detailed description of each mode.

 Pool Parameter

Determines the number of spare active connections that will be available for subsequent users. For example, if "pool" is set to 5, there will be 5 active spare connections.

Log Parameter

Generates a server log file when provided a path name and log file name, for example, log=/PathName/LogFileName.

 Customizing Configuration Files

During the installation, the following configuration files were installed onto your system:

  • FormsServlet.initArgs
  • formsweb.cfg
  • base.htm, basejini.htm, and baseie.htm

When a user first starts a Web-enabled application (by clicking a link to the application's URL), the base HTML file is read by Forms Servlet or CGI. Any variables (%variablename%) in the base HTML file are replaced with the appropriate parameter values specified in the formsweb.cfg file, and from query parameters in the URL request (if any).

For servlet implementations, the baseHTML, baseHTMLJInitiator, and baseHTMLIE tags are replaced with the values specified in the FormsServlet.initArgs file.

You can modify the configuration files as your needs change.


This file is located at:


Edit this file only if you are using the servlet implementation. It contains the following parameters:

Parameter  Required / Optional  Parameter Value 



Fully qualified path to the HTML file that contains applet tags.

The default path is /forms60/server/base.htm 



Fully qualified path to the HTML file that contains JInitiator tags.

The default path is /forms60/server/baseJini.htm 



Fully qualified path to the HTML file that contains Internet Explorer 5 tags, for example the CABBASE tag.

The default path is /forms60/server/baseie.htm. 



Fully qualified path pointing to the configuration file formsweb.cfg.

The default path is /forms60/server/formsweb.cfg 


Do not reference any environment variables in the fully qualified path.Note:

On both UNIX and NT, specify fully qualified paths using the forward slash (/), and not the backslash (\).Note:

The parameter names are case sensitive in the FormsServlet.initArgs file.


This file contains most of the servlet and CGI configuration parameter settings that you set during installation. You can modify these parameters, if needed.

Variables (%variablename%) in the base HTML file are replaced with the appropriate parameter values specified in the formsweb.cfg file and from query parameters in the URL request (if any).

We recommend that you enter configuration changes in the formsweb.cfg file, and use variables in the baseHTML file.

 Creating special configurations in formsweb.cfg

You can create specific, named configurations in the formsweb.cfg file. These configurations can be requested in the end-user's query string of the URL used to run a form.

Create special configurations by adding the name of the configuration in brackets at the end of the formsweb.cfg file. Then, specify the parameters for this special configuration. (Specify only the parameters that you want to change.)

For example, to create a configuration to run forms in a separate browser window with a "generic" look and feel, add the following code to the formsweb.cfg file:


The end-user would type the following URL to launch a form that uses the "sepwin" configuration:


(for a servlet configuration)

(for a CGI configuration)

See Section, "Default formsweb.cfg File" for other examples of special configurations.

 Parameters in the formsweb.cfg File

Parameter  Required / Optional  Parameter Value 



Physical path to HTML file that contains applet tags. 



Physical path to HTML file that contains JInitiator tags. 



Physical path to the HTML file that contains Internet Explorer 5 tags, for example the CABBASE tag. The default path is /6iserver/forms60/server/baseie.htm. 


recommended if there are users with Internet Explorer 5 browsers 

If the client is using the Internet Explorer 5 browser, either the native JVM, JInitiator, or AppletViewer can be used. A setting of "JInitiator" uses the basejini.htm file and JInitiator. A setting of "Native" uses the browser's native JVM. 

HTML delimiter 


Delimiter for variable names. Defaults to %. 



For load balancing. See Chapter 12, "Load Balancing Considerations". 



For load balancing. See Chapter 12, "Load Balancing Considerations". 



For load balancing. See Chapter 12, "Load Balancing Considerations". 



For load balancing. See Chapter 12, "Load Balancing Considerations". 



For load balancing. See Chapter 12, "Load Balancing Considerations".

This is a variable that can be specified in either the base HTML file or the formsweb.cfg file, wherever the name of the least loaded machine is required for load balancing. If you use the default base HTML file, which is recommended, then be sure to specify serverHost=%loastloadedhost% in the formsweb.cfg file when load balancing is being used.

During load balancing, this placeholder is replaced dynamically with the name of the least-loaded system. 

Standard applet or object Parameters

Note: All of the following can be specified in the base HTML file as %variablename%. For example:

<PARAM NAME="connectMode"  VALUE="<em>%connectMode%</em>">

All variables in the base HTML file are replaced with the appropriate parameter values specified in the formsweb.cfg file. 



Virtual directory you defined to point to the physical directory /6iserver/forms60/java. 



Do not remove or modify the code parameter. Its value should always be: oracle.forms.engine.Main. 


required for HTTP and HTTPS connections; optional for socket connection 

Specifies to the client the type of connection protocol to use with the Forms Server. Valid values are socket, http, and https. The default is socket. See Section 3.2, "Sockets, HTTP, or HTTPS" for details. 



Comma-separated list of CAB file(s) that is used when the browser detected is Internet Explorer using native JVM. (The default is 



Comma-separated list of JAR file(s) that is used when the browser detected is JInitiator. (The default is f60all_jinit.jar.) 



Comma-separated list of archive files that are used when the browser detected is neither Internet Explorer using native JVM nor JInitiator. (The default is f60all.jar.) 



Specifies the width of the Form, in pixels. 



Specifies the height of the Form, in pixels. 






Text displayed instead of applet (if browser does not support applets) 



Horizontal gutter, in pixels. 



Vertical gutter, in pixels. 



Hard coded value ("application/x-jinit-applet" for JInitiator; no value required for AppletViewer). 



Applet instance name. 



Advisory title string. 



Border to display. 



Text to display when loading. 



Defaults to type. 

Parameters specific to the Forms applet (in PARAM tags) 



Host on which the Forms Server, for example, ifsrv60.exe on NT, runs (defaults to Web listener machine). 



Port on which the Forms Server, for example, ifsrv60.exe on NT, listens. In most cases, the port number will remain 9001 (the default). 



Command-line parameters for Runform. See Runform parameters below.

Replace forms_param with any valid Form Runtime command-line parameter. Replace user_param with any valid user-defined parameter. For example,

Notes: You can provide multiple Form Runtime command-line and user-defined parameters. You must provide a physical directory path for the .FMX file by including a directory path by defining the FORMS60_PATH environment variable. The .FMX suffix is optional. 



Specifies the .GIF file that should appear before the applet appears. Set to NO for no splash. Leave empty to use the default splash. 



Specifies the .GIF file that should appear in the background. Set to NO for no background. Leave empty to use the default background. 



Specifies the dots per inch (DPI) and overrides the DPI setting returned by the JVM, allowing you to manage varying DPI settings per platform. For example, a form developed on the Win32 platform may not display properly on the UNIX platform due to varying DPI values. The clientDPI value can be any positive integer. Oracle recommends that you use an integer between 50 and 200.  



Determines whether the applet appears within a separate frame. Legal values: True or False. 



Determines the applications look-and-feel. Legal values: Oracle or Generic (Windows 95 look-and-feel). 



Determines the application's color scheme. Legal values: Teal, Titanium, Red, Khaki, Blue, Olive, or Purple.

Note: colorScheme is ignored if lookAndFeel is set to Generic. 



Replace default with the name of your application class (if any). Use application classes for creating application-specific font mapping and icon path settings. 



Use this parameter to set the frequency at which a client sends a packet to the server to indicate that it is still running. Define this integer value in minutes or in fractions of minutes, for example, 0.5 for 30 seconds. The default is two minutes. 



Use this parameter to indicate where icon files are stored. Choose between:

  • codeBase, which indicates that the icon search path is relative to the directory that contains the Java classes. Use this value if you store your icons in a JAR file (recommended).
  • documentBase, which is the default. In deployments that make use of the Forms Server CGI, you must specify the icon path in a custom application file.



Use this parameter to list the virtual directory where the application file named in the serverApp parameter is located. 



Use this parameter to change the title that appears in the top border of a form's display window. 

Runform parameters (serverArgs parameters) 



Form module name (optionally includes path). 



Login string, such as scott/tiger@ORA8. 

user-defined parameters 


Arbitrary name/value pairs. 

 Default formsweb.cfg File

The default formsweb.cfg file contains the following:

; Forms Web CGI Configuration File
; --------------------------------
; This file defines parameter values used by the Forms Web CGI

; ********************************
; ********************************
  ; -----------------
  ; These have fixed names and give information required by the Forms 
  ; Web CGI in order to function.  They cannot be specified in the URL query 
  ; string.  But they can be overriden in a named configuration (see below).
  ; The next parameter specifies how to execute the Forms applet under 
  ; Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0.  Put IE50=native if you want the
  ; Forms applet to run in the browser's native JVM.  
  ; ---------------  
  ; These match variables (e.g. %form%) in the baseHTML file. Their values 
  ; may be overridden by specifying them in the URL query string
  ; (e.g. "")
  ; or by overriding them in a specific, named configuration (see below)

  ; 1) Runform arguments:

  ; 2) HTML page title, attributes for the BODY tag, and HTML to add before and 
  ;    after the form:
pageTitle=Oracle Forms Server

  ; 3) Values for the Forms applet parameters:
    ; select default background by not specifying a value

  ; 4) Parameters for JInitiator
    ; Page displayed to Netscape users to allow them to download JInitiator.  
    ; If you create your own version, set this parameter to point to it.
    ; Parameters related to the version of JInitiator.

; ********************************
; ********************************
;  You may define your own specific, named configurations (sets of parameters)
;  by adding special sections as illustrated in the following examples.  
;  Note that you need only specify the parameters you want to change.  The 
;  default values (defined above) will be used for all other parameters.
;  Use of a specific configuration can be requested by including the text 
;  "config=<your_config_name>" in the query string of the URL used to run
;  a form.  For example, to use the sepwin configuration, your could issue
;  a URL like "".

; Example 1: configuration to run forms in a separate browser window with 
;            "generic" look and feel (include "config=sepwin" in the URL)

; Example 2: configuration affecting users of MicroSoft Internet Explorer 5.0.  
;            Forms applet will run under the browser's native JVM rather than 
;            using Oracle JInitiator.

; Example 3: configuration forcing use of the base.htm base HTML file in all 
;            cases (means applet-style tags will always be generated and 
;            JInitiator will never be used).  

 base.htm, basejini.htm, and baseie.htm

Three base HTML files are created for your system by the Oracle Universal Installer during Forms Server installation and configuration. In most cases, you will not need to modify these files.

When a user first starts a Web-enabled application (by clicking a link to the application's URL), a base HTML file is read by Forms Servlet or CGI.

Any variables (%variablename%) in the base HTML file are replaced with the appropriate parameter values specified in the formsweb.cfg file described in Section 5.5.2, "formsweb.cfg", and from query parameters in the URL request (if any).

For servlet implementations, the baseHTML, baseHTMLJInitiator, and baseHTMLIE tags are replaced with the values specified in the FormsServlet.initArgs file described in Section 5.5.1, "FormsServlet.initArgs".

Then, the base HTML file is downloaded to the user's Web browser.


Any base HTML variables that you want to modify can be changed by modifying the corresponding parameter values in the FormsServlet.initArgs file described in Section 5.5.1, "FormsServlet.initArgs" and in the formsweb.cfg file, described in Section 5.5.2, "formsweb.cfg".

The following base HTML starter files are available in the /6iserver/forms60/server directory:

  • basejini.htm: This is a base HTML file containing the tags required to run the Forms applet using Oracle JInitiator. It is suitable for browsers (only on Windows platforms) certified by Oracle to work in this manner (and which do not work using standard APPLET tags). See Section, "Default basejini.htm File" for an example. Also, see Appendix B, "Client Browser Support" for more information about JInitiator settings.
  • base.htm: This is a base HTML file containing the APPLET tags required to run the Forms applet in the AppletViewer, or in any Web browser certified by Oracle whose native JVM is certified with Forms. See Section, "Default base.htm File" for an example. Also, see Appendix B, "Client Browser Support" for more information about native JVM and AppletViewer settings.
  • baseie.htm: This is a base HTML file containing the Internet Explorer 5 tags required to use native JVM in Internet Explorer 5. See Section, "Default baseie.htm File" for an example. Also, see Appendix B, "Client Browser Support" for more information about Internet Explorer and native JVM.

If you decide to create a new base HTML file:

  1. Copy the basejini.htm or base.htm starter file, which is located in the /6iserver/forms60/server directory.
  2. Rename the file, for example, order.htm.
  3. Add or modify any text that is visible to the user (for example text contained within and <BODY> tags). </li><li>Modify the parameters as needed. We recommend that you use variables in the base HTML file, and specify the actual values in the FormsServlet.initArgs and formsweb.cfg files, as described in Section 5.5.1, "FormsServlet.initArgs" and Section 5.5.2, "formsweb.cfg". </li><li>Place the new base HTML file in any directory. Update the baseHTML, baseHTMLJInitiator, or baseHTMLIE parameter in the FormsServlet.initArgs and formsweb.cfg files to contain the base HTML file's full physical path location. </li></ol> <h4> Parameters and variables in the base HTML file</h4><strong>Note:</strong> <p>If you do not want to use a parameter tag that is provided in the base.htm or basejini.htm file, delete it from the file. </p> <table> <thead> <tr> <th><strong><strong>Parameter</strong></strong> </th> <th><strong>Required / Optional</strong> </th> <th><strong>Parameter Value</strong> </th></tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>leastloadedhost </p></td> <td> <p>optional </p></td> <td> <p>For load balancing. See Chapter 12, "Load Balancing Considerations". </p> <p>This is a variable that can be specified in either the base HTML file or the formsweb.cfg file, wherever the name of the least loaded machine is required for load balancing. If you use the default base HTML file, which is recommended, then be sure to specify serverHost=%leastloadedhost% in the formsweb.cfg file when load balancing is being used. </p> <p>During load balancing, this place holder is replaced dynamically with the name of the least-loaded system. </p></td></tr> <tr> <td> <p>cabbase </p></td> <td> <p>optional </p></td> <td> <p>For Internet Explorer using native JVM, contains the CAB file that is used ( </p></td></tr> <tr> <td> <p>Note: We recommend that you specify the rest of the parameter values as variables (%<em>variablename</em>%) in the base HTML file. For example: </p><pre><PARAM NAME="connectMode" VALUE="<em>%connectMode%</em>"> </pre> <p>or </p><pre><PARAM NAME="cabbase" VALUE="<em>%archive_ie%</em>"> </pre> <p>Then, specify the actual parameter values in the formsweb.cfg file, which are defined in Section, "Parameters in the formsweb.cfg File". All variables are replaced with the appropriate parameter values at runtime. </p></td></tr></tbody></table> <table> <tbody> </tbody></table> <h4> Usage Notes</h4> <ul><li>You can use a variable value anywhere in the base HTML file. Variables are specified as a name enclosed in a special delimiter. (The default delimiter is %.) For example, you could have the following line in your HTML file: <dd>ARCHIVE="%Archive%" </dd><dd>You then must assign a value to %Archive% either in the formsweb.cfg file (or in the URL query string). </dd> </li><li>All variables must receive values at runtime. If a variable does not receive a value, the Forms Server cannot build an HTML file to pass back to the user's Web browser, resulting in an error. </li><li>To streamline performance, use only one Web server as a source for JAR file downloads. This will prevent multiple downloads of the same files from different servers. </li></ul> <h4>Default base.htm File</h4><pre><HTML> <!-- FILE: base.htm (Forms Server) --> <!-- This is the default base HTML file for running a form on the --> <!-- web using APPLET-style tags to include the Forms applet. --> <!-- This file will be REPLACED if you reinstall "Forms Web CGI and --> <!-- cartridge", so you are advised to make your own version if you --> <!-- want to make any modifications. You should then set the --> <!-- baseHTML parameter in the Forms web CGI configuration file --> <!-- (formsweb.cfg) to point to your new file instead of this one. --> <!-- IMPORTANT NOTE: default values for all the variables which --> <!-- appear below (delimited by the percent character) are defined --> <!-- in the formsweb.cfg file. It is preferable to make changes in --> <!-- that file where possible, and leave this one untouched. --> <HEAD><TITLE>%pageTitle%</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY %HTMLbodyAttrs%> %HTMLbeforeForm% <!-- Forms applet definition (start) --> <APPLET CODEBASE="/forms60java/" CODE="oracle.forms.engine.Main" ARCHIVE="%archive%" WIDTH="%Width%" HEIGHT="%Height%"> <PARAM NAME="serverPort" VALUE="%serverPort%"> <PARAM NAME="serverHost" VALUE="%serverHost%"> <PARAM NAME="connectMode" VALUE="%connectMode%"> <PARAM NAME="serverArgs" VALUE="module=%form% userid=%userid% %otherParams%"> <PARAM NAME="separateFrame" VALUE="%separateFrame%"> <PARAM NAME="splashScreen" VALUE="%splashScreen%"> <PARAM NAME="background" VALUE="%background%"> <PARAM NAME="lookAndFeel" VALUE="%lookAndFeel%"> <PARAM NAME="colorScheme" VALUE="%colorScheme%"> <PARAM NAME="serverApp" VALUE="%serverApp%"> </APPLET> <!-- Forms applet definition (end) --> %HTMLafterForm% </BODY> </HTML> </pre> <h4> Default basejini.htm File</h4><pre><HTML> <!-- FILE: basejini.htm (Oracle Developer Forms) --> <!-- This is the default base HTML file for running a form on the --> <!-- web using JInitiator-style tags to include the Forms applet. --> <!-- This file will be REPLACED if you reinstall "Forms Web CGI and --> <!-- cartridge", so you are advised to make your own version if you --> <!-- want to make any modifications. You should then set the --> <!-- baseHTML parameter in the Forms web CGI configuration file --> <!-- (formsweb.cfg) to point to your new file instead of this one. --> <!-- IMPORTANT NOTE: default values for all the variables which --> <!-- appear below (delimited by the percent character) are defined --> <!-- in the formsweb.cfg file. It is preferable to make changes in --> <!-- that file where possible, and leave this one untouched. --> <HEAD><TITLE>%pageTitle%</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY %HTMLbodyAttrs%> %HTMLbeforeForm% <!-- Forms applet definition (start) --> <OBJECT classid="%jinit_classid%" codebase="/jinitiator/%jinit_exename%" WIDTH="%Width%" HEIGHT="%Height%" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"> <PARAM NAME="TYPE" VALUE="%jinit_mimetype%"> <PARAM NAME="CODEBASE" VALUE="/forms60java/"> <PARAM NAME="CODE" VALUE="oracle.forms.engine.Main" > <PARAM NAME="ARCHIVE" VALUE="%archive%" > <PARAM NAME="serverPort" VALUE="%serverPort%"> <PARAM NAME="serverHost" VALUE="%serverHost%"> <PARAM NAME="connectMode" VALUE="%connectMode%"> <PARAM NAME="serverArgs" VALUE="module=%form% userid=%userid% %otherParams%"> <PARAM NAME="separateFrame" VALUE="%separateFrame%"> <PARAM NAME="splashScreen" VALUE="%splashScreen%"> <PARAM NAME="background" VALUE="%background%"> <PARAM NAME="lookAndFeel" VALUE="%lookAndFeel%"> <PARAM NAME="colorScheme" VALUE="%colorScheme%"> <PARAM NAME="serverApp" VALUE="%serverApp%"> <COMMENT> <EMBED SRC="" PLUGINSPAGE="%jinit_download_page%" TYPE="%jinit_mimetype%" java_codebase="/forms60java/" java_code="oracle.forms.engine.Main" java_archive="%archive%" WIDTH="%Width%" HEIGHT="%Height%" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0" serverPort="%serverPort%" serverHost="%serverHost%" connectMode="%connectMode%" serverArgs="module=%form% userid=%userid% %otherparams%" separateFrame="%separateFrame%" splashScreen="%splashScreen%" background="%background%" lookAndFeel="%lookAndFeel%" colorScheme="%colorScheme%" serverApp="%serverApp%" > <NOEMBED> </COMMENT> </NOEMBED></EMBED> </OBJECT> <!-- Forms applet definition (end) --> %HTMLafterForm% </BODY> </HTML> </pre> <h4> Default baseie.htm File</h4><pre><HTML> <!-- FILE: base.htm (Oracle Developer Forms) --> <!-- This is the default base HTML file for running a form on the --> <!-- web using APPLET-style tags to include the Forms applet. --> <!-- This file will be REPLACED if you reinstall "Forms Web CGI and --> <!-- cartridge", so you are advised to make your own version if you --> <!-- want to make any modifications. You should then set the --> <!-- baseHTML parameter in the Forms web CGI configuration file --> <!-- (formsweb.cfg) to point to your new file instead of this one. --> <!-- IMPORTANT NOTE: default values for all the variables which --> <!-- appear below (delimited by the percent character) are defined --> <!-- in the formsweb.cfg file. It is preferable to make changes in --> <!-- that file where possible, and leave this one untouched. --> <HEAD><TITLE>%pageTitle%</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY %HTMLbodyAttrs%> %HTMLbeforeForm% <!-- Forms applet definition (start) --> <APPLET CODEBASE="/forms60java/" CODE="oracle.forms.engine.Main" WIDTH="%Width%" HEIGHT="%Height%"> <PARAM NAME="cabbase" VALUE="%archive_ie%"> <PARAM NAME="serverPort" VALUE="%serverPort%"> <PARAM NAME="serverHost" VALUE="%serverHost%"> <PARAM NAME="connectMode" VALUE="%connectMode%"> <PARAM NAME="serverArgs" VALUE="module=%form% userid=%userid% %otherParams%"> <PARAM NAME="separateFrame" VALUE="%separateFrame%"> <PARAM NAME="splashScreen" VALUE="%splashScreen%"> <PARAM NAME="background" VALUE="%background%"> <PARAM NAME="lookAndFeel" VALUE="%lookAndFeel%"> <PARAM NAME="colorScheme" VALUE="%colorScheme%"> <PARAM NAME="serverApp" VALUE="%serverApp%"> </APPLET> <!-- Forms applet definition (end) --> %HTMLafterForm% </BODY> </HTML> </pre> <h2> Reading the Servlet Error Log</h2> <p>If you are using the Forms Servlet implementation, any configuration errors in the formsweb.cfg and FormsServlet.initArgs files are logged to the jserv.log file. This file is located in <ORACLE_HOME>/apache/Jserv/logs. </p> <h2> Setting Up the HTTPS Connection Mode</h2> <p>The HTTPS connection mode uses HTTP for communications in order to traverse firewalls. In addition, a Forms Server uses SSL as a transport protocol to provide privacy, integrity, and server authentication. See Section 3.2.3, "HTTPS" for a description of this communications mode. </p> <p>To use the HTTPS mode, you need to: </p> <ul><li><strong>On your web server:</strong> If end-user browsers are using Internet Explorer with native JVM, configure the web server to use SSL, which requires the use of a certificate on the web server. The steps to do this vary for different web servers, so see your web server documentation for details. If end-user browsers are using Internet Explorer with native JVM, users must download the initial Forms startup HTML page in HTTPS mode. (This step is optional for Oracle JInitiator.) </li><li><strong>On your Forms Servers:</strong> <ul><li>Customize HTTPS Environment Variables </li><li>Depending on client configurations, use one of the following sets of steps:<br>Create Wallets and Request Certificates, or<br>Create Wallets and Request Certificates That Are Not Trusted by JInitiator by Default </li></ul></li></ul><strong>Note:</strong> <p>See the client browser descriptions that follow to determine which steps to use. </p> <ul><li><strong>For client browsers:</strong> Depending on the client browsers being used, you may need to take steps to ensure that certificates installed on the web server and Forms Server are trusted by the client browser. <dd><strong>If your client browsers are using Internet Explorer 5 with native JVM</strong> to display forms, use the steps described in Create Wallets and Request Certificates. </dd><dd><strong>If your client browsers are using Oracle JInitiator</strong> to display forms, the following CAs and certificates are trusted by JInitiator by default. If you are using one of the following certificates, use the steps described in Create Wallets and Request Certificates: </dd><dd> <ul><li>VeriSign, Inc. - Class 1, 2, 3 Public Primary Certification Authority </li><li>RSA Data Security Inc. - Secure Server Authority </li><li>GTE CyberTrust Solutions Inc.- CyberTrust Global Root </li><li>GTE Corporation.- CyberTrust Root </li></ul> </dd><dd><strong>If your client browsers are using Oracle JInitiator and you did not use one of the certificates listed</strong> above, use the steps described in Create Wallets and Request Certificates That Are Not Trusted by JInitiator by Default. </dd></li></ul><strong>Note:</strong> <p>For client browsers using AppletViewer, the HTTPS connection mode is not supported.<strong>Note:</strong> </p> <p>Oracle Wallet Manager must be installed on the Forms Server to use the HTTPS connection mode and on all Forms Server machines that will provide server authentication. </p> <h3> Customize HTTPS Environment Variables</h3> <p>Two environment variables associated with HTTPS mode are set during Forms Server installation. Check that these environment variables are set to meet your security needs, and change them, if needed, on all Forms Server machines running in HTTPS mode. See Section 5.3, "Customizing Environment Variables" for information on how to change environment variables. </p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Environment Variable</strong> </td> <td><strong>Value</strong> </td></tr> <tr> <td> <p>FORMS60_HTTPS_NEGOTIATE_DOWN </p></td> <td> <p>The default value is FALSE. </p> <p>Valid values are TRUE and FALSE. If set to TRUE, a server that uses 128-bit encryption will negotiate encryption down to the highest level supported by the client. If FALSE, the server will reject client connections that do not support 128-bit encryption. See Section 3.2.3, "HTTPS" for details. </p></td></tr> <tr> <td> <p>FORMS60_WALLET </p></td> <td> <p>The default value is /<ORACLE_HOME>/6iserver/forms60/wallet </p> <p>Directory containing the "wallet" that holds the certificate used for server authentication. </p></td></tr></tbody></table> <table> <tbody> </tbody></table> <h3> Create Wallets and Request Certificates</h3> <p>Public-key cryptography requires, among other things, certificates. A user certificate is issued by a third party, called a <em>certificate authority</em> (CA). The certificate is obtained in a secure manner and does not need to be validated for its authenticity each time it is accessed. </p> <p>In the case of a Forms Server and a client using HTTPS mode, the client validates that a Forms Server is who it claims to be by verifying the server's certificate. You use Oracle Wallet Manager to create wallets and request certificates. </p> <p>After installing Oracle Wallet Manager on the Forms Server, you must do the following to obtain a certificate: </p> <ul><li>Create a Wallet </li><li>Create a Certificate Request </li><li>Send the Certificate Request </li><li>Import the Certificate </li><li>Set Auto Login to ON </li></ul> <p>The following sections provide an overview of how to complete the above steps in Oracle Wallet Manager. See the Oracle Wallet Manager documentation for details. </p><strong>Note:</strong> <p>If you have multiple Oracle Forms Server 6i machines, you can request a unique certificate for each machine, or you can use the same certificate on all machines. Contact the CA for any licensing restrictions. </p> <ul><li>To use a unique certificate on each machine, perform all of the procedures in this section on each Oracle Forms Server 6i machine running in HTTPS mode. </li><li>To use the same certificate on all machines, perform all of the procedures in this section on one of the Oracle Forms Server 6i machines to create a wallet that contains a certificate. Then, copy the wallet file, ewallet.der, to the other Oracle Forms Server 6i machines running in HTTPS mode. Copy the file to the directory specified in the FORMS60_WALLET environment variable. Finally, be sure that Auto Login is set to ON on all machines, as described in Set Auto Login to ON. </li></ul> <h4> Create a Wallet</h4> <p>On UNIX, run owm, which is located in the <ORACLE_HOME>/6iserver/bin directory. </p> <p>On NT, run the Oracle Wallet Manager by clicking on <strong>Start<img style=""> Programs<img style=""> Oracle for Windows NT<img style=""> Oracle Wallet Manager</strong>. </p> <p>Create a wallet as follows: </p> <ol><li>Click <strong>Wallet<img style=""> New</strong> from the menu bar. The New Wallet dialog box is displayed. </li><li>Type a password in the Wallet Password field. </li><li>Retype that password in the Confirm Password field. </li><li>Click <strong>OK</strong> to continue. A message appears, and informs you that a new empty wallet has been created, and prompts you to decide whether you want to create a certificate request. </li><li>Click <strong>Yes</strong>, and see the next section. </li></ol> <h4> Create a Certificate Request</h4> <p>Create a certificate request as follows: </p> <ol><li>Type the following information in the Certificate Request dialog box: <ul><li>Common Name: Type the name of the certificate identity in First name Last name format. For example you could use the name of the server administrator. </li><li>Organizational Unit: Type the name of the organizational unit, for example, Finance. </li><li>Organization: Type the name of the organization, for example, XYZ Corp. </li><li>Locality/City: Type a city or locality. </li><li>State/Province: Type a state or province. Do not use abbreviations such as CA for California. </li><li>Country: Click the drop down list to view a list of country abbreviations. Click to select the country in which the organization is located. </li><li>Key Size: Click the drop down box to view a list of key sizes to use when creating the public/private key pair. </li><li>Advanced: Click Advanced to view the Advanced Certificate Request dialog panel. Use this field to edit or customize the distinguished name (DN). </li></ul> </li><li>Click <strong>OK</strong>. An Oracle Wallet Manager message box informs you that a certificate request was successfully created. </li><li>Save the wallet to the disk now or at any other time by clicking on <strong>Wallet<img style=""> Save</strong>. You will be prompted for a directory name. </li></ol> <h4> Send the Certificate Request</h4> <p>There are many ways to send the certificate request to one of the trusted CAs. The most common way is to cut and paste the certificate request from Oracle Wallet Manager into the CA's certificate request form on the web. You can also copy the certificate request text from the body of the Oracle Wallet Manager message box, paste it into an e-mail message, and send the request to the certificate authority if they accept requests in that format. </p> <p>Then, return to the Oracle Wallet Manager window, and click <strong>OK</strong>. An Oracle Wallet Manager message box informs you that a certificate request was successfully created. </p> <h4> Import the Certificate</h4> <p>After you receive the certificate that you requested from the CA, you must import it into the wallet that you created. You can import it in one of two ways: </p> <ul><li>Paste the certificate from an e-mail that you receive from the certificate authority. </li><li>Import the certificate from a file. </li></ul> <p>To paste the certificate: </p> <ol><li>From the menu bar, click <strong>Operations<img style=""> Import User Certificate</strong>. The Import User Certificate dialog box opens. </li><li>Click the <strong>Paste the Certificate</strong> radio button, and click <strong>OK</strong>. An Import User Certificate dialog box opens with the following message: "Please provide a base64 format certificate and paste it below". </li><li>Copy the certificate from the body of the e-mail you received. </li><li>Paste the certificate into the window, and click <strong>OK</strong>. A message at the bottom of the window informs you that the certificate was successfully installed. </li><li>Click <strong>OK</strong>. You are returned to the Oracle Wallet Manager main panel, and the certificate is displayed at the bottom of the User Certificates tree. </li><li>Save the wallet to the disk now or at any other time by clicking on <strong>Wallet<img style=""> Save</strong>. </li></ol> <p>To import a file that contains the certificate: </p> <ol><li>From the menu bar, click <strong>Operations<img style=""> Import User Certificate</strong>. The Import User Certificate dialog box opens. </li><li>Type the path or folder name of the certificate location. </li><li>Click to select the name of the certificate file, for example, cert.txt. </li><li>Click <strong>OK</strong>. A message at the bottom of the window informs you that the certificate was successfully imported into the wallet. </li><li>Click <strong>OK</strong> to close the dialog box. You are returned to the Oracle Wallet Manager main panel, and the certificate is displayed at the bottom of the User Certificates tree. </li><li>Save the wallet to the disk now or at any other time by clicking on <strong>Wallet<img style=""> Save</strong>. </li></ol> <h4> Set Auto Login to ON</h4> <p>The Oracle Wallet Manager Auto Login feature automatically opens a copy of the wallet. This allows </p> <p>server authentication to occur without having to provide a password for the wallet. To set Auto Login to ON: </p> <ol><li>Click <strong>Wallet</strong> from the menu bar. </li><li>Click the check box next to the <strong>Auto Login</strong> menu item. This will create a file called cwallet.sso. This file is machine-dependent, and cannot be copied from one machine to another. </li><li>A message at the bottom of the window displays "Autologin enabled". </li></ol><strong>Note:</strong> <p>The check box next to the Auto Login menu item can be toggled on and off. Click the check box again to clear the check mark. This will disable autologin.<strong>Note:</strong> </p> <p>Auto Login must be set to ON for all Oracle Forms Server 6i machines that will provide server authentication. </p> <h3>5.7.3 Create Wallets and Request Certificates That Are Not Trusted by JInitiator by Default</h3><strong>Note:</strong> <p>In this section, the VeriSign Trial Certificate is used as an example of a certificate that is not trusted by JInitiator default.<strong>Note:</strong> </p> <p>This section applies to a scenario where you plan to use certificates on the web server and Forms Server that are not trusted by Oracle JInitiator by default. The following CAs and certificates are trusted by Oracle JInitiator: </p> <ul><li>VeriSign, Inc. - Class 1, 2, 3 Public Primary Certification Authority </li><li>RSA Data Security Inc. - Secure Server Authority </li><li>GTE CyberTrust Solutions Inc.- CyberTrust Global Root </li><li>GTE Corporation.- CyberTrust Root </li></ul><strong>Note:</strong> <p>If you are using one of the certificates listed above, use the steps in Create Wallets and Request Certificates. </p> <p>Public-key cryptography requires, among other things, certificates. A user certificate is issued by a third party, called a <em>certificate authority</em> (CA). The certificate is obtained in a secure manner and does not need to be validated for its authenticity each time it is accessed. </p> <p>In the case of a Forms Server and a client using HTTPS mode, the client validates that a Forms Server is who it claims to be by verifying the server's certificate. You use Oracle Wallet Manager to create wallets and request certificates. </p> <p>After installing Oracle Wallet Manager on the Forms Server, you must do the following to obtain a certificate: </p> <ul><li>Create a Wallet </li><li>Create a Certificate Request </li><li>Send the Certificate Request </li><li>Install the VeriSign Trial CA Root Certificate on Client Machines </li><li>Import the Certificate </li><li>Set Auto Login to ON </li></ul><strong>Note:</strong> <p>If you have multiple Oracle Forms Server 6i machines, you can request a unique certificate for each machine, or you can use the same certificate on all machines. </p> <ul><li>To use a unique certificate on each machine, perform all of the procedures in this section on each Oracle Forms Server 6i machine running in HTTPS mode. </li><li>To use the same certificate on all machines, perform all of the procedures in this section on one of the Oracle Forms Server 6i machines to create a wallet that contains a certificate. Then, copy the wallet file, ewallet.der, to the other Oracle Forms Server 6i machines running in HTTPS mode. Copy the file to the directory specified in the FORMS60_WALLET environment variable. Finally, be sure that Auto Login is set to ON on all machines, as described in Set Auto Login to ON. </li></ul> <h4> Create a Wallet</h4> <p>On UNIX, run owm, which is located in the <ORACLE_HOME>/6iserver/bin directory. </p> <p>On NT, run the Oracle Wallet Manager by clicking on <strong>Start<img style=""> Programs<img style=""> Oracle for Windows NT<img style=""> Oracle Wallet Manager</strong>. </p> <p>Create a wallet as follows: </p> <ol><li>Click <strong>Wallet<img style=""> New</strong> from the menu bar. The New Wallet dialog box is displayed. </li><li>Type a password in the Wallet Password field. </li><li>Retype that password in the Confirm Password field. </li><li>Click <strong>OK</strong> to continue. A message appears, and informs you that a new empty wallet has been created, and prompts you to decide whether you want to create a certificate request. </li><li>Click <strong>Yes</strong>, and see the next section. </li></ol> <h4> Create a Certificate Request</h4> <p>Create a certificate request as follows: </p> <ol><li>Type the following information in the Certificate Request dialog box: <ul><li>Common Name: Type the name of the certificate identity in First name Last name format. For example you could use the name of the server administrator. </li><li>Organizational Unit: Type the name of the organizational unit, for example, Finance. </li><li>Organization: Type the name of the organization, for example, XYZ Corp. </li><li>Locality/City: Type a city or locality. </li><li>State/Province: Type a state or province. Do not use abbreviations such as CA for California. </li><li>Country: Click the drop down list to view a list of country abbreviations. Click to select the country in which the organization is located. </li><li>Key Size: Click the drop down box to view a list of key sizes to use when creating the public/private key pair. </li><li>Advanced: Click Advanced to view the Advanced Certificate Request dialog panel. Use this field to edit or customize the distinguished name (DN). </li></ul> </li><li>Click <strong>OK</strong>. An Oracle Wallet Manager message box informs you that a certificate request was successfully created. </li><li>Save the wallet to the disk now or at any other time by clicking on <strong>Wallet<img style=""> Save</strong>. You will be prompted for a directory name. </li></ol> <h4> Send the Certificate Request</h4> <p>There are many ways to send the certificate request to the CA. The most common way is to cut and paste the certificate request from Oracle Wallet Manager into the CA's certificate request form on the web. You can also copy the certificate request text from the body of the Oracle Wallet Manager message box, paste it into an e-mail message, and send the request to the certificate authority if they accept requests in that format. </p> <p>We are using the Trial Server Certificate from VeriSign as an example in these steps: </p> <ol><li>Using your browser, go to </li><li>Search for "Trial Server Certificate" if you do not see a link on the home page. </li><li>VeriSign's web site lists five steps that you need to perform. Start by performing the first three steps: <ul><li><strong>Step 1: Generate CSR</ </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <article> <p><br></p> </article> </section> <div class="sidebar"> <section> <aside> <h2 class="footer_title">Post Your Any Query or Suggestions For Above Article</h2> <script type="text/javascript" > $(function() { $("#submit_button").click(function() { var dataString=$('#formedit').serialize(); if(dataString=='') { alert("Enter some text.."); } else { $("#preview").html(''); $("#preview").html('<img src="loader.gif" alt="Uploading...."/>'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "", data: dataString, cache: true, success: function(html){ $("#preview").html(html); } }); } return false; }); }); </script> <div id='preview' align="center"></div> <form id="formedit" class="rnd5"> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="22"> <input type="hidden" name="AID" value="3"> <input type="hidden" name="Allans" value="2"> <div class="form-input clear"> <label for="ft_author">Your Name <span class="required">*</span><br> <input type="text" name="ft_nm" id="ft_author" value="" size="22"> </label> <label for="ft_email">Your Email <span class="required">*</span><br> <input type="text" name="ft_email" id="ft_email" value="" size="22"> </label> </div> <div class="form-message"> <label for="ft_message">Your Query or Suggestions <span class="required">*</span><br> <textarea name="ft_message" id="ft_message" cols="25" rows="5"></textarea> </div> <p> <input type="button" value="Submit" class="button small orange" name="submit_button" id="submit_button">   <input type="reset" value="Reset" class="button small grey"> </p> </form> </aside> </section> <section> <aside> <h2 class="footer_title">Query or Suggestions Of Above Article</h2> </aside> </section> </div> </div> </div> <!-- content --> <!-- ################################################################################################ --> <div id="sidebar_1" class="sidebar one_quarter"> <section> <article> <p><br></p> </article> </section> <section> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <style type="text/css"> .ui-datepicker { font-family: Arial; 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