Article : Data Bases and ADO.NET in .NET
Data Bases and
ADO.NETRelational Databases
• Most data handling today done with relational
– Logical representations of data that allow
relationships among data to be considered without
concern for the physical structure of the data
– Composed of tables (like spreadsheets)
– Lots of proprietary formats
– Some database sources:
• Microsoft SQL Server
• Access
• Oracle
• Sybase
– Microsoft ADO.NET can handle data from multiple
locations (servers) stored in different formats
• Based on Microsoft’s ActiveX Data Objects
– Data stored and transferred in Extensible Markup
Language (XML)
– Allows simple access to database data in many
• Easy-to-use classes represent tables, columns, rows inside
relational databases
• Introduces DataSet class representing a set of data from
related tables encapsulated as a single unit preserving the
integrity of the relationships between them
– Basic types of database connections:
• SQLClient for SQL Server
• OleDb for all other database formats
– Can be used to obtain/update data from sources such as Access,
Oracle, Sybase, DB2, etc.
• Many others supported
Database Terminology
• Each database file can hold multiple tables
• A table:
– Each row represents data for one item
• Called a record
– Each column used to store a different data
• Elements represented in columns are called fields
Last Name First Name Phone
Smith John 777-1111
Jones Mary 777-2222
Database Terminology, continued
• Primary Key Field
– Used to identify a record in a table
– A field that contains unique data not duplicated in
other records in the table
• e.g., social security number for employees
• Current Record
– Anytime a table is open, one record is considered to
be the current record
• As we move from record to record in a table the current
record changes
• A query retrieves information from a
• SQL (Structured Query Language) is the
standard for expressing queries
– We won’t need to be experts in using it since
Visual Studio .NET provides a “Query
Builder†tool to construct SQL queries
XML Data
• Industry standard for storing and transferring data
– Specs at:
• Most database formats store data in binary
– Cannot be accessed by other systems or pass through
• Data stored in XML is text
– Identified by tags similar to HTML tags
• Not predefined as in HTML
• We can define our own XML tags to indicate their content
– So very flexible for describing any kind of data
• Use of XML allows programs to communicate
even though they are written in different languages
and run on different hardware
Overview of XML
• Machine-Readable and Human-Readable
• Defines the Data Content and Structure
• Allows Developer to Define his/her Own
Tags and Attributes
XML Schemas
• A schema describes fields, data types, and
any constraints on the data
• Defines the structure of an XML document
• A schema is expressed in XML as well
• Use of schemas permits strong typing and
data validation
• Data from a database can be displayed on a
Windows Form or a Web Form
• Add controls to the form and bind the data to the
– Controls can be what we’ve already seen:
• label, text box, list box, combo box, etc.
– Or special controls designed just for data:
• DataGridView
• ADO.NET classes are in the System.Data
Reading Database Data with a
• A simple way to go – like network & file I/O
• Connected model
• Create and open a DataConnection
– Establishes a link to the data source, which is a specific
database file and server
• Then create a Database Command associated
with the connection that specifies the data to be
– This is an SQL query
• Execute the command
• Use a DataReader to read the data
• Display the data
Creating a Connection
• ADO.NET provides several types of Connection
• Two important ones:
– SqlConnection
• Only for connecting to a Microsoft SQLServer database
– OleDbConnection
• For connecting to other database systems such as Access
• Can set up a data connection by constructing a
Connection object
– Connection string specifies details
• Or use Visual Studio’s “Server Explorer†to set
one up
– Start it with “View†| “Server Explorerâ€
An Example: Manual Coding to Read
the contents of a Database Table
• Windows Form Example: DataReadingForm
– Reads and displays data from a small Access
database: rnrbooks.mdb
• Contains two tables:
– “Books†with the following fields:
» ISBN, Title, Author, Publisher, and other fields
– “Subjects†with the following fields:
» SubjectCode, Subject
DataReadingForm Example
• The important code:
OleDbConnection thisConnection = new
OleDbCommand thisCommand = thisConnection.CreateCommand();
thisCommand.CommandText = "SELECT Title, Author FROM Books";
OleDbDataReader thisReader = thisCommand.ExecuteReader(); //create reader
while (thisReader.Read())
{ //display DataReader’s data rows in a text box called displayTextBox
displayTextBox.Text += "\r\n" + thisReader["Title"] + thisReader["Author"];
Disconnected ADO.NET Data Access

• 1. Set up a Data Connection
– Establishes a link to the data source
• 2. Set up a DataAdapter
– Handles retrieving and updating the data
– Data adapter uses “Command†objects to retrieve/store records
from/to the database and can be used to:
• 3. Create a DataSet:
• A temporary set of data tables stored in the computer’s memory
• ADO.NET datasets are disconnected
– So data in memory does not keep an active connection to data source
– Much better: Many more clients can connect and use the data server
• DataAdapters’s Fill(-,-) method gets a data table into the DataSet
– Uses SQL in a “Command†object to specify data to retrieve/update
• 4.. Add controls on the Windows Form or Web Form
– Display the data from the DataSet and allow user interaction
• 5. Write C# code to put the data into the controls
Connections, Data Adapters, Datasets
Example using a DataAdapter and a
• DataReadingWithDataSet
– Also reads data from the rnrbooks.mdb database
• Also coded manually
Steps to Follow
– Instantiate and Open an OleDbConnection to the DB
OleDbConnection thisConnection=new OleDbConnection (@"Provider=
Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=
thisConnection.Open( );
• @-string literal to avoid escape chars: @â€c:\x\a.txt" is equivalent to
– Create an OleDbDataAdapter specifying an SQL SELECT
command using the Connection
OleDbDataAdapter thisAdapter =new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT ISBN, Title, Author
FROM Books", thisConnection);
– Instantiate and Fill a DataSet with data from one of the
DB tables using the OleDbDataAdapter
DataSet thisDataSet = new DataSet();
thisAdapter.Fill(thisDataSet, "Books");
– Index through the rows of the Table to get and display
their values of their fields in a multiline text box
foreach (DataRow r in thisDataSet.Tables["Books"].Rows) //each row in “Books†Table
tBox.Text += r["ISBN"] + "\t" + r["Title"] + "\t" + r["Author"] + "\r\n";
Finding Items in a Database Table
• Extract a DataTable from the DataSet
DataTable table = thisDataSet.Tables(“Booksâ€);
• Set up an array of DataRows to hold the rows in
which there’s a field matching a search criterion
DataRows[ ] foundRows;
• Use DataTable’s Select(…) method with an
appropriate filter
– Selects one or more records in a DataSet
foundRows = table.Select(s_query);
– Here s_query is a string giving a selection criterion
• e.g., “title = ‘Megatrends’ â€
• Index through DataRows array and display results
• See DataSelectRow example
Using ADO.NET in Web Forms
• Just use Visual Studio to create a new ASP.NET
Web Form
– “File†| “New†| “Web Site†| “ASP.NET WebSiteâ€
• As usual the .aspx and .aspx.cs files will be in the default
IIS Server directory
– C:\inetpub\wwwroot\project-name
• Can then run the app from a browser on any machine
– URL:
• http://machine-domain-name-or-IP-address/directory/app.aspx
• DatabaseWeb.aspx example has same functionality as
DataSelectRow example, but it’s now a Web Form
– Run it from a browser
Changing the Contents of a Database
• SELECT query strings retrieve data
• Other actions to change data in a database:
– Updating, Adding, Inserting, Deleting records
• All done in the same way:
– Fill a DataSet with data retrieved from a DataAdapter
• As in previous examples
– Modify (change, add, delete) the data in the DataSet
• Use a CommandBuilder object associated with the
– After modifications, persist the DataSet changes back
to the database by calling da.Update(….)
– This won’t work without the CommandBuilder object
• See DataUpdate06 for an updating example
Adding a Row
• Again set up a Connection and a DataAdapter
• Create a CommandBuilder object
• Create and Fill a DataSet
• Create a new row with DataSet Table’s NewRow() method
DataRow dr = thisDataSet.Tables[“Booksâ€].NewRow();
• Give values to all its fields
dr[“ISBNâ€] = “New ISBNâ€;
dr[“Title]â€=“New Titleâ€;
dr[“Authorâ€]=“New Authorâ€;
• Add the row with the Table’s Rows.Add() method
– Row will be added and Rows.Length property will be incremented
• Update DataAdapter to make change permanent
thisAdapter.Update(thisDataSet, “Booksâ€);
– Only the changed fields are updated
– Again, this will fail if there is no CommandBuilder object
Deleting a Row
• After setting up the Connection, DataAdapter,
CommandBuilder, and DataSet:
– If you know the rows, just use retrieve each one and use
its Delete() method, for example:
DataRows[ ] rows = ds.Tables[“Booksâ€].Select(criterion);
foreach (DataRow r in rows) r.Delete();
– Or find the row to be deleted:
• Determine the primary key before filling the data set:
thisAdapter.MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey;
thisAdapter.Fill(thisDataSet, “Booksâ€);
• Use DataSet Table’s Rows Find(p-key) method to find the row:
DataRow foundRow = thisDataSet.Tables[“Booksâ€].Rows.Find(“222-444â€);
• Returns a DataRow if successful, null if not
– Delete the row using the Delete() method:
– Finally make change permanent with an Update(…):
thisAdapter.Update(thisDataSet, “Booksâ€);
Executing SQL Commands
• Behind the scenes a CommandBuilder really uses a DataAdapter’s
Delete, Insert, Select, and Update commands
• After a DataAdapter populates a DataSet, the DataAdapter we can issue
any of the following commands:
• DeleteCommand, InsertCommand, SelectCommand, UpdateCommand
These are OleDbCommand objects that specify how the data adapter deletes,
inserts, selects, and updates data in the database
– Set their CommandText property to the SQL to be executed in a
thisAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText = “SELECT ISBN, Title, Author FROM
Books WHERE Title = ‘Best Book’;
– The DataAdapters’s Fill() member then causes its SelectCommand
to execute and fill the DataSet with result of the query
– Then bind the result to a control such as a textbox
• textBox1.DataBindings.Add(new Binding ("Text", thisDataSet, "Books.ISBN"));
– It works the same way for the DataAdapter’s UpdateCommand,
DeleteCommand, and InsertCommand
– Example: DataSQLSelect2007
Using Visual Studio Designer to Set
Up Access to the Data Base
• The tasks of setting up the DataConnection, the
DataAdapter/DataTable, and the DataSet are
• In addition VS facilitates simple navigation
through database tables with a BindingNavigator
• Result is a database application with a LOT of
functionality without writing any code
Creating a Data Base Project with
Visual Studio 2005
• Start a new VS Windows Application
– Change Name and Text properties
• Add a Data Source
– Menu: “Data†| “Show Data Sourcesâ€
• Brings up “Data Sources†Window
– Click on “Add New Data Sourceâ€
– Select “Database†and click “Nextâ€
– Click on “New Connection†button
– In “Add Connection†dialog box:
• Choose Microsoft Access Database File
• Browse to directory containing the dbase file and Open it
– Click “Test Connection†and then “OKâ€
• Click “Next†and respond “yes†to question about copying files to
your project folder
• Click “Next†and the database objects in the DB will appear
• From Configuration Page called “Choose
Your Database Objectsâ€:
– Expand the “Tables†node to view its tables
and the fields in the tables
– Expand the node and check the fields you want
to access
• (e.g., ISBN, Titles, Author)
– Click on “Finishâ€
Using the Data Source in the App
• Menu: “Data†| “Show Data Sourcesâ€
– Brings up a “Data Sources†Window
• Add Data-Bound Controls to the form
– Expand the Books node in Data Sources
– Drag each field node over to the form
• Visual Studio will create data-bound text boxes with appropriate labels on
the form
– Other data-bound controls could be chosen
» Click down-arrow next to the data field in Data Sources window
• Also creates a Binding Navigator tool bar underneath the form’s title bar
– Permits adding, deleting, saving, and navigation through database
• Also in area below the form a DataSet, a BindingSource, and a
TableAdapter objects are created
– TableAdapter is a single -table version of a DataAdapter
• Run the application
– Lots of new toolbar functionality without writing any code!!
Adding a DataGridView Control to Form
• Displays all the records in the Database table in a
spreadsheet-like format
• Very easy to use VS Designer to add the control:
– Just drag the desired table from the Data Sources
– Resize resulting DataGridView control on the form
– Run the program
• DataGridView control is already connected to the database
• If you click on any row in the grid the data in the other
controls change to match the selected row
• No code needs to be added – Visual Studio generated all
the needed code
Using ADO.NET with Web Forms
• Because of client/server/client round trips and stateless nature of
web pages, all controls must be explicitly bound
• Set DataBindings in form’s properties window or in code
• Simple Data Binding
– Connects one control to one data element
• Use to display a field value in controls that display one item (e.g., listbox)
– Do at design time using control’s property window, or in code:
textBox1.DataBindings.Add(“Textâ€, dsBooks1, “Books.Authorâ€);
• Also, in a web app with a listbox, each time user makes a selection
from the list, a postback occurs
– After postback, the Web page redisplays and the Page_Load event occurs
• Logic in Page_Load event handler must be modified or the dataset for the
list elements will be recreated
• Use the fact that a page’s IsPostBack property is set to false the first time
a page displays and true every time after that
• For list controls AutoPostBack property must be set to true for
SelectedIndexChanged event handler to execute on the server
Some Code for Web Forms
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
Making ADO.NET Projects Portable
• When moving DB projects from one computer to
another, connection information must be changed
• Database must be available on new computer
– Or ConnectionString must specify where it is
• Easiest to put database file in the project’s bin
directory and change the DataSource in the
ConnectionString in the Form_Load event handler:
Private void Form1_LOAD(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
conRnR.ConnectionString =
• DataSource can be another machine/file