Article : XML Serialization in .NET

XML Serialization in .NET

Venkat Subramaniam
XML Serialization  in  .NET provides  ease of development,  convenience  and  efficiency.
This  article  discusses  the  benefits  of  XML  serialization  and  ways  to  configure  the
generated XML document. It goes further to discuss some of the issues and deficiencies
of this process as well. This article assumes that the reader is familiar with XML format,
XML Schema and C#.
Processing XML in .NET
The .NET framework has a number of classes to process XML documents. To start with,
the features of the MSXML parser, which was a COM component, has now been moved
into the .NET framework with more efficiency. The complete DOM API is implemented
in  the  System.Xml  namespace.  XmlDocument  is  the  class  that  represents  a  DOM
document  node  and  various  classes  like XmlElement, XmlAttribute,  etc.,  represent  the
different types of nodes in the DOM API. While SAX is, so to say, a pull technology, a
similar but more efficient push technology is introduced in .NET through the XmlReader
class. The XmlReader allows you to process an XML document by instructing the parser
to read and navigate serially through an XML document. The XmlReader provides a fast,
read-only, forward-only access to an XML document. While these classes and APIs are
significant,  our  focus  in  this  article  is  on XML  Serialization,  and we will  not  discuss
these classes further in this article.
A problem that will benefit
We got our first exposure to XML Serialization when we were developing an ASP.NET
application. We wanted  to gather  some  information  from  the user  and keep  it  in XML
format, so we could easily apply a style sheet to it and display the contents any time. The
application did not warrant the use of any DBMS. The first approach we took was to start
writing  the XML document  from  the user  specified  information using  the  standard  file
I/O  classes. Further,  in order  to  fetch  the  information  again  for  later modifications, we
had  to  use  an XML  parser. Of  course,  using  the  parser  to  process  the  contents  of  the
XML document is better than reading the contents by ourselves. However, the fact that
we had  to write each and every  tag out was quite bothersome. We could have used  the
XMLWriter class provided in the System.Xml namespace to do that. But, wouldn’t it be
nice if we can simply take the data from an object and write out an XML document and
also perform  the  reverse operation of  taking an XML document and converting  it back
into an object? Pretty soon we found out that this is exactly what XMLSerialization does.
The  process  of  transforming  the  contents  of  an  object  into  XML  format  is  called
serialization,  and  the  reverse  process  of  transforming  an XML  document  into  a  .NET
object is called deserialization.
An example
Let us take a C# class shown below (it could be VB.NET or any other .NET language for
that matter):
public class Car
  private int m_yearOfMake;
  public int yearOfMake
  get { return m_yearOfMake; }
  set { m_yearOfMake = value; }
  public override string ToString()
  return "Car year: " + m_yearOfMake;
Assume that we want to convert the information in an object of the above Car class into
XML representation. Given below is a sample code that will let us either convert a Car
object  into  an  XML  representation,  or  to  create  a  Car  object  given  a  valid  XML
class User
  static void Main(string[] args)
  if (args.Length != 2)
  Console.WriteLine("Usage XMLSerialization  
[r|s] filename");
  Console.WriteLine("r to read, s to save");
  string fileName = args[1];
  if (args[0] == "r")
serializer =
  System.IO.FileStream stream =  
  new System.IO.FileStream(fileName,  
  Car obj = serializer.Deserialize(
stream) as Car;
  Car obj = new Car();
  obj.yearOfMake = 2002;
serializer =
  System.IO.FileStream stream =  
  new System.IO.FileStream(fileName,  
  serializer.Serialize(stream, obj);
Note  that  we  first  create  an  object  of  XmlSerializer.  The  XMLSerializer  takes  an
argument which is the Type  reflection meta object of the Car class. We then call either
the  Serialize  method  or  the  Deserialize  method  on  it.  The  Serialize  method  takes  a
FileStream  and  an  object  of Car  as  arguments, while  the Deserialize method  takes  the
FileStream and returns an object of Car.  
Running the program as  
XMLSerialization s car.xml
creates an XML document car.xml as shown below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Car xmlns:xsd=""  
Notice that Car is the root element name and the yearOfMake field of the Car became a
child element of the root element. By default, each public field and public property of an
object is transformed into an XML element. What if we want the yearOfMake to appear
as an attribute and not as a child element? This is very easy to achieve. Let’s modify the
Car class as follows:
public class Car
  private int m_yearOfMake;
  public int yearOfMake
  get { return m_yearOfMake; }
  set { m_yearOfMake = value; }
  public override string ToString()
  return "Car year: " + m_yearOfMake;
The  XmlRoot  attribute  indicates  that  the  root  element’s  name  should  be  Automobile
instead of Car. The XmlAttribute attribute indicates that the public property yearOfMake
should  appear  as  an  attribute, with name Year,  instead of  appearing  as  a  child  element
like it did in the previous case.
No change is required to the User class. Simply running the program again produces the
following car.xml document:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Automobile xmlns:xsd=""  
Year="2002" />
Note  that  the  yearOfMake  now  appears  as  an  attribute  and  the  root  element’s  name  is
Automobile  -  thanks  to  the  attributes  that we  set  on  the  class Car  and  its  yearOfMake
How about aggregation?
What if the Car has an aggregation relationship to an Engine? Here is the related Engine
class and the Car class modified to do just that:
public class Engine
  private int m_power;
  public int Power
  get { return m_power; }
  set { m_power = value; }
  public override string ToString()
  return "power " + m_power;
public class Car
  private int m_yearOfMake;
  private Engine m_engine;
  public int yearOfMake
  get { return m_yearOfMake; }
  set { m_yearOfMake = value; }
  public Engine TheEngine
  get { return m_engine; }
  set { m_engine = value; }
  public Car()
  m_yearOfMake = 2002;
  m_engine = new Engine();
  m_engine.Power = 150;
  public override string ToString()
  return "Car year: " + m_yearOfMake +  
" with Engine " + m_engine;
No change is again required to the User class. Simply running the program again creates
the following car.xml document:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Automobile xmlns:xsd=""  
  <TheEngine Power="150" />
You may modify the car.xml to change the power of the Engine to 200 and the year of
make to 2003 and run the program as follows:
XMLSerialization r car.xml
The output of the program will be:

XML Schema generation
A  tool, xsd.exe,  is provided with  .NET  framework  to generate an XML  schema  from a
given  .NET  class. This  tool may  also  be  used  to  generate  a  .NET  class  give  an XML
schema. Let’s  try  it out on our Car class by  typing  the  following  from a Visual Studio
.NET command prompt:
The  xsd.exe was  asked  to  generate  an XML  schema  for  the Car  class.  The  generated
schema is shown below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
  <xs:element name="Automobile" nillable="true"  
type="Car" />
  <xs:complexType name="Car">
  <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"  
name="TheEngine" type="Engine" />
  <xs:attribute name="Year" type="xs:int" />
  <xs:complexType name="Engine">
  <xs:attribute name="Power" type="xs:int" />
You  may  observe  from  the  schema  that  the  format  of  the  generated  XML  document
matches with the structure specified by this XML Schema.
The xsd.exe also has options to generate a .NET class given an XML schema. This comes
in handy if you need to receive an XML document from another application and process
it in your application. Instead of parsing the XML document using one of the APIs like
DOM,  you  can  simply  deserialize  the XML  document  into  a  .NET  object.  This  saves
quite a bit of effort in receiving and processing XML documents in your application.
What about collections?
Let’s extend the above example to a collection of Cars. We will also add a namespace to
the generated XML document.
In the Car class, we add a constructor as shown below:
  public Car(int year)
  m_yearOfMake = year;
  m_engine = new Engine();
  m_engine.Power = 150;
We then write a Shop class as shown below:
public class Shop
  private Car[] m_cars = new Car[3];
  public Car[] cars
  get { return m_cars; }
  set { m_cars = value; }
Notice how we have set the namespace for the xml document in the XmlRoot attribute.
Also, we have indicated that we are dealing with an array and the array items are of type
Car using the XmlArray and XmlArrayItem attributes.
The User.cs is modified to create and serialize a Shop object as follows:
  Shop aShop = new Shop();[0] = new Car(2000);[1] = new Car(2001);[2] = new Car(2002);
  System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer  
= new   
  System.IO.FileStream stream =  
  new System.IO.FileStream(fileName,  
  serializer.Serialize(stream, aShop);
Running the XMLSerialization produces the following car.xml document now:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<AutoShop xmlns:xsd=""  
  <Car Year="2000">
  <TheEngine Power="150" />
  <Car Year="2001">
  <TheEngine Power="150" />
  <Car Year="2002">
  <TheEngine Power="150" />
What’s the catch?
As  we  can  see,  the  XML  Serialization  mechanism  in  .NET  is  pretty  powerful.  The
amount of effort  required  in  transforming between a  .NET object and  its corresponding
XML representation is minimal. The classes related to serialization and processing have
been implemented as part of the .NET class framework with at utmost efficiency. There
is,  however,  one  thing  undesirable.  You  may  have  already  observed  it  in  the  above
example. Let’s go back to the Car class once again. The Car has a reference to Engine. If
we serialize the Car, the Engine is serialized along with it. However, a reference of type
Engine, may refer to an object of the Engine class, or any class that is derived from the
Engine class. Let TurboEngine be a class that inherits from the Engine class.  
public class TurboEngine : Engine
  public TurboEngine() { Power = 300; }
  public override string ToString()
  return "Turbo Engine " + base.ToString();
We now modify the User.cs to use a TurboEngine for one of the Cars:
  Shop aShop = new Shop();[0] = new Car(2000);[1] = new Car(2001);[2] = new Car(2002);[2].TheEngine = new TurboEngine();
  System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer serializer  
= new   
  System.IO.FileStream stream =  
  new System.IO.FileStream(fileName,  
  serializer.Serialize(stream, aShop);
Let’s run the program again to generate the car.xml. This time, we get an exception:
“Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error gener
ting the XML document. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The type XMLSeria
ization.TurboEngine was not  expected. Use  the XmlInclude or SoapInclude attribute  to
specify types that are not known statically.…”
The serialization process does not deal with inheritance hierarchy in a smooth way. For
this to work, you will have to indicate that the engine reference may refer to an object of
Engine or TurboEngine as follows:
public class Car
  private int m_yearOfMake;
  private Engine m_engine;
  public Engine TheEngine
  get { return m_engine; }
  set { m_engine = value; }
Running the program again produces the following car.xml document:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<AutoShop xmlns:xsd=""
  <Car Year="2000">
  <Engine Power="150" />
  <Car Year="2001">
  <Engine Power="150" />
  <Car Year="2002">
  <TurboEngine Power="300" />
While the above fix works, we have completely violated the Open-Closed Principle. The
code is not extensible to adding new types of Engine.  If we decide to add another class
which inherits from Engine or TurboEngine, we will have to modify the Car class. This,
to say the least is undesirable. This seems to be the only significant limitation and hope
the future revisions of the XML serialization mechanism will address this.  
In  this  article,  we  have  presented  the  details  of  the  support  provided  for  XML
Serialization in .NET. XML Serialization allows us to transform between a .NET object
and an XML representation. This makes it easier to exchange XML documents between
applications. After all, in an object-oriented application we deal with objects and it makes
a lot of sense to be able to generate an object from an XML representation and vice versa.
This  is  simply  achieved  in  .NET  using  the  xsd.exe  tool. Only  public  fields  and  public
properties  are  transformed  into  XML  representation.  But,  the  representation  can  be
controlled and one can decide on the names of elements, attributes and also whether an
entity  should  be  represented  as  a  child  element  or  as  an  attribute.  Finally,  one major
limitation  seems  to be  the non-extensible nature of  the mechanism.  It does not  support
inherited  types  automatically  and  requires  type  declaration  for  each  type  of  inherited