Article : SPARK Plugin for Eclipse: Installation and Setup Guide

SPARK Plugin for Eclipse: Installation and Setup Guide

Author: Ken Conley
NOTE: This document applies to SPARK-IDE version 0.2 (circa February 2004)
1. Download Eclipse.
Installation of the plugin is fairly simple, but it will require you to download and setup the Eclipse (version 3.0) program. (If you already have installed Eclipse 3.0, skip ahead to Install the SPARK-IDE plugin. 2.x versions of Eclipse will not work with this plugin)
If you do not already have Eclipse, please download it from At the time of these instructions, the most recent release is Eclipse 3.0.1, which can be downloaded from here:
If you are a Java developer, then the "Eclipse SDK" release is probably best for you. If you are not a Java developer, then you should click on "View all platforms for release 3.0.1" and scroll down to the "Platform Runtime Binary" releases.
2. Surf the Web.
The download process is likely to take a long time. Go surf the Web, check your e-mail, or anything else to entertain yourself.
3. Install Eclipse.
On the Windows platform, there is no installer, so I assume the same is true for other platforms as well. To "install" Eclipse, you should only have to unzip the download file and run the "Eclipse" executable. However, you should always defer to the instructions that come with the download.
If you have a 2.x version of Eclipse already installed and wish to continue using it, install Eclipse 3.0 in a separate directory. Also, do not run Eclipse 3.0 on your Eclipse 2.x workspace, as it will make changes to your workspace that are not backwards compatible.
4. Install the SPARK-IDE plugin
1.   Select Help->Software Updates->Find and Install Updates
2.   Select Search for new features to install
3.   Select New Remote Site
4.   In the dialog box enter:
Name: Spark Plugin
Under Sites to Include in Search you should now see SPARK Plugin
5.   Check the checkbox next to SPARK Plugin under Sites to Include... and click Next
6.   Select the latest version of SPARK Plugin for Eclipse and click Next
7.   Select I accept the terms in the license agreement and click Next
8.   Click Finish (Eclipse will warn you about "Jar verification" as the installer is unsigned)
9.   When Eclipse asks you to restart, click yes
5. Checkout SPARK from CVS
NOTE: You must have an account on the AIC CVS server
1.   Switch into the  CVS perspective by clicking on the  icon on the left-hand side of the window. If you do not see this icon, select "Window->Open Perspective->CVS Repository Exploring".
2.   In the CVS Repositories view, right click inside the window (in the white area) and select "New->Repository Location". These are the settings you should use:
repository path: /homedir/cvs/cvsroot
user: your user name
password: leave this blank
connection type: extssh

Save password: you should leave this unchecked for security purposes
and click "Finish"
3.   you should now see a new  entry in the CVS repositories view for the entry you just made. Open up this entry (entering in password if prompted), click on  HEAD, and then scroll down to spark. Right click on spark and select "Check out as project"
4.   After you complete the new setup process Eclipse may ask you to switch to the  Java perspective. Answer yes if it does.
6. Set your OAA/Jython/SPARK defauls
Open Window->Preferences, then select 'SPARK'. There are three values that you can fill in:
•   SPARK Interpreter: (optional) Set to the location of the default SPARK version you wish to use. You can override this value with individual launch configurations.
•   Jython interpreter: (optional, but recommended) Set to the location of your default Jython interpreter. You can override this value with individual launch configurations.
•   OAA Home: If you use OAA with your process models, you must fill this in.