
PHP convert_uudecode() Function
PHP convert_uudecode() Function-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete PHP String Reference --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Definition and UsageThe convert_uudecode() function decodes a uuencoded string…[ More ]
PHP convert_cyr_string() Function
PHP convert_cyr_string() Function-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete PHP String Reference --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Definition and UsageThe convert_cyr_string() function converts a string from…[ More ]
PHP chunk_split() Function
PHP chunk_split() Function-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete PHP String Reference --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Definition and UsageThe chunk_split() function splits a string into a series of sma…[ More ]
PHP chr() Function
PHP chr() Function-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete PHP String Reference --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Definition and UsageThe chr() function returns a character from the specified ASCII value.S…[ More ]
PHP chop() Function
PHP chop() Function-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete PHP String Reference --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Definition and UsageThe chop() function will remove a white space or other predefined char…[ More ]
PHP bin2hex() Function
PHP bin2hex() Function-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete PHP String Reference --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Definition and UsageThe bin2hex() function converts a string of ASCII characters to hex…[ More ]
PHP addcslashes() Function
PHP addslashes() Function-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete PHP String Reference --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Definition and UsageThe addslashes() function returns a string with backslashes in f…[ More ]
PHP addcslashes() Function
PHP addcslashes() Function-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Complete PHP String Reference --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Definition and UsageThe addcslashes() function returns a string with backslashes in…[ More ]
Files: insert
Files: insertRequires authorizationInsert a new file. Try it now or see an example.This method supports an /upload URI and accepts uploaded media with the following characteristics:Maximum file size: 5120GBAccepted Media MIME types: */*Note: Apps creating shortcuts with files.insert must specify the…[ More ]
Files: list
Files: listRequires authorizationLists the user's files. Try it now or see an example.Requests with files.list accept the q parameter, which is a search query combining one or more search terms. For more information, see Search for files.Note: This method returns all files by default. This includes …[ More ]
Upload Files
Upload FilesGet Started Documentation Examples Support Blog GDG LiveThe Drive API allows you to upload file data when creating or updating a File resource.Upload optionsThe Drive API allows you to upload certain types of binary data, or media. The specific characteristics of the data you can upload …[ More ]
Issue with encrypt and decrypt a word docx file in php
Issue with encrypt and decrypt a word docx file in phpI tried to use php mcrypt TripleDES for encryption for docx format files.When i tried to decrypt the file, i am getting the error as follows.The Office Open XML file file_name cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents.Here is …[ More ]
Example Drive App: DrEdit for PHP
Example Drive App: DrEdit for PHPGet Started Documentation Examples Support Blog GDG LiveDrEdit PHP is a sample Google Drive app for the Google Drive platform written in PHP. It is a text editor capable of editing files with the MIME types text/* and extensions such as .txt, .html, .csv, .xml, etc. …[ More ]
Example Drive App: DrEdit for PHP
Example Drive App: DrEdit for PHPGet Started Documentation Examples Support Blog GDG LiveDrEdit PHP is a sample Google Drive app for the Google Drive platform written in PHP. It is a text editor capable of editing files with the MIME types text/* and extensions such as .txt, .html, .csv, .xml, etc. …[ More ]
Retrieve and Use OAuth 2.0 Credentials
Retrieve and Use OAuth 2.0 CredentialsGet Started Documentation Examples Support Blog GDG LiveRequests to the Drive API must be authorized using OAuth 2.0 credentials. The samples in this page illustrate how Google Drive apps should retrieve, manage and use such credentials.Retrieve OAuth 2.0 creden…[ More ]
PHP fileinfo is undefined function
PHP fileinfo is undefined functionWhenever I try to get the mime content type from php, it echos:Fatal error: Class 'finfo' not found in /home/jobynadel/ on line 4orFatal error: Call to undefined function finfo_open in /home/jobynadel/ on line 4I…[ More ]
OpenID Connect (OAuth 2.0 for Login)
OpenID Connect (OAuth 2.0 for Login)Google's OAuth 2.0 APIs can be used for both authentication and authorization. This document describes our OAuth 2.0 implementation for authentication, which conforms to the OpenID Connect specification. The documentation found in Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google …[ More ]
Block Cipher Modes of Operation
Block Cipher Modes of OperationFoldTable of ContentsBackgroundTiny Encryption AlgorithmSource CodeBlock Cipher Modes of OperationBackgroundOne of the projects assigned to me during Network Security (Fall 2008) Class was to implement Block Cipher Modes of Operation.According to Wikipedia, modes of op…[ More ]
How to Upload a File using PHP cURL
How to Upload a File using PHP cURLHere's how to upload a file to a server using PHP cURL. It took me a little longer than planned to sort this one out, as the API I was communicating with required the top level key in the post data array to be 'file'. See my note below.// Helper function courtesy o…[ More ]
how to upload file using curl with php [closed]
how to upload file using curl with php [closed]I want to know how to upload file using cURL or anything else in PHP. I have searched in google many times but no results.I have this code to receive the file and upload itcode :echo"".$_FILES['userfile']."";$uploaddir = './';$uploadfile = $uploaddir . …[ More ]