Blog : PHP convert_cyr_string() Function

PHP convert_cyr_string() Function

 Complete PHP String Reference

Definition and Usage
The convert_cyr_string() function converts a string from one Cyrillic character-set to another.

The supported Cyrillic character-sets are:

k - koi8-r
w - windows-1251
i - iso8859-5
a - x-cp866
d - x-cp866
m - x-mac-cyrillic



Parameter Description
string Required. The string to convert
from Required. A character that specifies what Cyrillic character-set to convert from
to Required. A character that specifies what Cyrillic character-set to convert to


In this example we will convert a string from one character-set to another:

$str = "Hello world! æøå";
echo $str."
echo convert_cyr_string($str,'w','a');

The output of the code above will be:

Hello world! æøå
Hello world! ¦è¥