
HTML ASCII Reference
HTML ASCII Reference The ASCII character-set is used to send information between computers on the Internet. The ASCII Character Set ASCII stands for the "American Standard Code for Information Interchange".  It was designed in the early 60's, as a standard character-set for computer…[ More ]
HTML Character Sets
HTML Character Sets HTML Character Sets To display an HTML page correctly, the browser must know what character-set to use. The character-set for the early world wide web was ASCII. ASCII supports the numbers from 0-9, the uppercase and lowercase English alphabet, and some special cha…[ More ]
HTML / XHTML Standard Event Attributes
HTML / XHTML Standard Event Attributes Standard Event Attributes HTML 4 added the ability to let events trigger actions in a browser, like starting a JavaScript when a user clicks on an element. To learn more about programming events, please visit our JavaScript tutorial and our DHTML tut…[ More ]
HTML / XHTML Standard Attributes
HTML / XHTML Standard Attributes The attributes listed below are standard, and are supported by all HTML and XHTML tags, with a few exceptions. Core Attributes Not valid in base, head, html, meta, param, script, style, and title elements. Attribute Value Description clas…[ More ]
HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 Reference
HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 Reference Ordered by Function DTD: indicates in which XHTML 1.0 DTD the tag is allowed. S=Strict, T=Transitional, and F=Frameset  Tag Description DTD Basic       Defines the document type STF Defines an HTML document STF <…[ More ]
HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 Reference
HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 Reference Ordered Alphabetically DTD: indicates in which XHTML 1.0 DTD the tag is allowed. S=Strict, T=Transitional, and F=Frameset Tag Description DTD Defines a comment STF   Defines the document type STF Defines an a…[ More ]
Turn Your PC Into a Web Server
Turn Your PC Into a Web Server Your Windows PC as a Web Server If you want other people to view your pages, you must publish them. To publish your work, you must save your pages on a web server. Your own PC can act as a web server if you install IIS or PWS. IIS or PWS turns your comput…[ More ]
Turn Your PC Into a Web Server
Turn Your PC Into a Web Server Your Windows PC as a Web Server If you want other people to view your pages, you must publish them. To publish your work, you must save your pages on a web server. Your own PC can act as a web server if you install IIS or PWS. IIS or PWS turns your comput…[ More ]
HTML URL Encoding
HTML URL Encoding URL encoding converts characters into a format that can be safely transmitted over the Internet. URL - Uniform Resource Locator Web browsers request pages from web servers by using a URL. The URL is the address of a web page like: URL E…[ More ]
HTML 4.0 Event Attributes
HTML 4.0 Event Attributes New to HTML 4.0 is the ability to let HTML events trigger actions in the browser, like starting a JavaScript when a user clicks on an HTML element. Below is a list of attributes that can be inserted into HTML tags to define event actions. If you want to learn …[ More ]
HTML 4.0 Standard Attributes
HTML 4.0 Standard Attributes HTML tags can have attributes. The special attributes for each tag are listed under each tag description. The attributes listed here are the core and language attributes that are standard for all tags (with a few exceptions): Core Attributes Not valid in…[ More ]
HTML Scripts
HTML Scripts Add scripts to HTML pages to make them more dynamic and interactive. Examples Insert a scriptThis example demonstrates how to insert a script into your HTML document. Work with browsers that do not support scriptsThis example demonstrates how to handle browsers…[ More ]
HTML Uniform Resource Locators
HTML Uniform Resource Locators HTML Links When you click on a link in an HTML document like this: Last Page, an underlying tag points to a place (an address) on the Web with an href attribute value like this: Last Page. The Last Page link in the example is…[ More ]
HTML Styles
HTML Meta Examples Document descriptionInformation inside a meta element describes the document. Document keywordsInformation inside a meta element describes the document's keywords. Redirect a userThis example demonstrates how to redirect a user if your site address has change…[ More ]
HTML Styles
HTML Head Examples The title of a documentThe title information inside a head element is not displayed in the browser window. One target for all linksThis example demonstrates how to use the base tag to let all the links on a page open in a new window. The Head Element The he…[ More ]
HTML Styles
HTML Character Entities Reserved characters in HTML must be replaced with character entities. Character Entities Some characters are reserved in HTML. For example, you cannot use the greater than or less than signs within your text because the browser could mistake them for markup…[ More ]
HTML Styles
HTML Styles With HTML 4.0 all formatting can be moved out of the HTML document and into a separate style sheet. Examples Styles in HTMLThis example demonstrates how to format an HTML document with style information added to the section. Link that is not underlinedThis ex…[ More ]
Why use HTML 4.0?
Why use HTML 4.0? HTML 3.2 Was Very Wrong ! The original HTML was never intended to contain tags for formatting a document. HTML tags were intended to define the content of the document like:

This is a paragraph

This is a heading

When tags like and color attribu…[ More ]
HTML Fonts
HTML Fonts The tag in HTML is deprecated. It is supposed to be removed in a future version of HTML. Even if a lot of people are using it, you should try to avoid it, and use styles instead. The HTML Tag With HTML code like this, you can specify both the size and the t…[ More ]
HTML Layout
HTML Layout Everywhere on the Web you will find pages that are formatted like newspaper pages using HTML columns. HTML Layout - Using Tables One very common practice with HTML, is to use HTML tables to format the layout of an HTML page. A part of this page is formatted with …[ More ]