
HTML 4.01 Quick List
HTML 4.01 Quick List HTML Quick List from W3Schools. Print it, fold it, and put it in your pocket. HTML Basic Document Document name goes hereVisible text goes here Heading Elements

Largest Heading

. . . [ More ]

HTML Color Values
HTML Color Values Color Names Supported by All Browsers The list below is a complete list of the color names supported by all major browsers. You can click on a color name (or a hex value) to view the color as the background-color along with different text colors. Sorted by HEX Val…[ More ]
HTML Color Names
HTML Color Names Color Names Supported by All Browsers The list below is a complete list of the color names supported by all major browsers. You can click on a color name (or a hex value) to view the color as the background-color along with different text colors. Sorted by Names L…[ More ]
HTML Colors
HTMLColorColors are displayed combining RED, GREEN, and BLUE light. Color Values HTML colors are defined using a hexadecimal (hex) notation for the combination of Red, Green, and Blue color values (RGB). The lowest value that can be given to one of the light sources is 0 (hex 00). The h…[ More ]
HTML Forms and Input
  HTML Forms and Input  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------HTML Forms are used to select different kinds of user input.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try-It-Yourself Examples Text fieldsThis example demons…[ More ]
HTML Lists
HTML Lists --------------------------------------------------------------------------------HTML supports ordered, unordered and definition lists.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------HTML ListsThis is the first This is the second This is the third ----------…[ More ]
HTML Tables
HTML TablesHTML Tables Apples 44% Bananas 23% Oranges 13% Other 10%-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try it Yourself - Examples TablesHow to define tables in an HTML document.Table bordersThis example demonstrates different table bor…[ More ]
HTML Images
HTML Images--------------------------------------------------------------------------------ExampleNorwegian Mountain Trip--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Insert imagesThis example demonstrates how to display images in your Web page.Insert images from di…[ More ]
HTML Links
HTML Links  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------A link is the "address" to a document (or a resource) on the web.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Try it Yourself - Examples HTML linksThis example demonstrates…[ More ]
HTML Styles
HTML Styles  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------The style attribute is a new HTML attribute. It introduces CSS to HTML.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Look! Styles and colorsThis text is in Verdana and redTh…[ More ]
HTML Text Formatting
HTML Text Formatting  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------HTML Text FormattingThis text is boldThis text is bigThis text is italicThis is computer outputThis is subscript and superscript ---------------------------------------------------------------------…[ More ]
HTML Paragraphs
HTML Paragraphs  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------HTML documents are divided into paragraphs.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------HTML ParagraphsParagraphs are defined with the


This is a parag…[ More ]

HTML Headings
HTML Headings  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Headings are important in HTML documents.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------HTML HeadingsHeadings are defined with the



defines the larges…[ More ]

HTML Attributes
HTML Attributes  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Attributes provide additional information about HTML elements.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------HTML AttributesHTML elements can have attributes Attributes p…[ More ]
HTML Elements
HTML ElementsHTML documents are defined by HTML elements.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------HTML ElementsAn HTML element is everything from the start tag to the end tag:Start tag * Element content End tag *

This is a paragraph

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HTML Basic - 4 Examples
HTML Basic - 4 Examples  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Don't worry if the examples use tags you have not learned.You will learn about them in the next chapters. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------HTML Head…[ More ]
HTML - Getting Started
HTML - Getting StartedWhat You Need You don't need any tools to learn HTML at W3Schools. You don't need any HTML editor You don't need a web server You don't need a web site Editing HTML In this tutorial we use a plain text editor (like Notepad) to edit HTML. We believe this is the be…[ More ]
HTML Introduction
  HTML Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Example

My First Heading

My first paragraph.

   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is HTML?HTML is a language f…[ More ]
C#.Net How To: Send email from gmail using c#
C#.Net How To: Send email from gmail using c# Sometimes you don't want to rely on your host to send emails. What if you want to send an email using gmail account? Sending an email in C# is a very simple task and it would not take much time to implement the functionality in email from Gma…[ More ]
Sending e-mails
Sending e-mailsSending e-mails with ASP.NET is pretty straight forward. The .NET framework comes with an entire namespace for handling e-mails, the System.Net.Mail namespace. In the following examples, we will use two classes from this namespace: The MailMessage class, for the actual e-mail, and the…[ More ]