
The Port Guide, Port number and info
If you feel your computer is acting strangly or you connection is slow just go to Start>Run>Type cmd>then type netstat -an and if you see a dangerous Ip according to the guide below then you computer is infected or being hacked.Guide:port 0 RExport 1 (UDP) - Sockets des Troieport 2 Deathport 5 yoyop…[ More ]
The Modern Phreakers Guide To Payphones
The Modern Phreakers Guide To Payphones The Modern Phreakers Guide To Payphonesby: datachild*Note: This tutorial is for semi experienced phreakers... if you dontunderstand something then go read other tutorials because this one isntfor you. I made it so you'd have a little more up to date informatio…[ More ]
The Ultimate Guide To Installing Windows Xp Sp2
The warez keys that allow you to install XP SP2 are ones with the the PID (Product ID) of xxxxx-640-xxxxxxx-xxxxx(Note: x's will be numbers)the easiest way to check yours is by pressing the Windows Key + Break.In the System Properties window that appears look down to the Registered to: section, if t…[ More ]
Three Ways Of Bypass Starforce Cd Protection
Hello, i'm gonna post here 3 ways of bypass the StarForce CD Protection that comes with some games. The 2 first ways, were used to bypass the StarForce Protection of «Codename Panzers Phase», the last one, is the way of play «D-Day», but they might work with other games:First:1) Do not put any c…[ More ]
Stop Annoying Pop-ups Without Pop-up Blockersoutli
Did you ever go to warez/cracks sites (which we all know is BAD!) only to be bombarded with 10 windows opening up at a time, with porn, spam etc?I've discovered a VERY easy way to block about 90-95% of this sh!t, without using any pop-up stopping programs (I hate installing that garbage!).This is fo…[ More ]
Windows Tip
 Windows TipTry to open:Run -> cmb -> shutdown -aThis prevent the shutdown. create a new shortcut.. then write;shutdown -s -t 0 = this is for shut down in 0 seconds (t = time s=shutdown)shutdown -r -t 0 = same but this is for restart comp. in 0 seconds..(only for windows xp)in win.98 this is differe…[ More ]
System File Checker For XP
Scans and verifies the versions of all protected system files after you restart your computer. Syntaxsfc [/scannow] [/scanonce] [/scanboot] [/revert] [/purgecache] [/cachesize=x]Parameters/scannowScans all protected system files immediately./scanonceScans all protected system files once./scanbootSca…[ More ]
::::TCP\IP: A Mammoth Description
 ::::TCP\IP: A Mammoth Description By Ankit Fadia\IP or Transmission Control Protocol \ Internet Protocol is a stack or collection of various protocols. Aprotocol is basically the commands or instructions using which two computers within a local network or theInternet can exc…[ More ]
Some Tips And Tricks For Your Windows XP
Some Tips And Tricks For Your Windows XPSTOP NOISE IN COPYING AUDIO CDWhen using 3rd party burning software (eg, Nero Burning Rom) to copy audio CD,some noise may be heard at the end of each track. To prevent this,try the following method:1. Enter System Properties\device manager2. Select IDE ATA/AT…[ More ]
To Get And Show The Ip Via Javascript
To Get And Show The Ip Via JavascriptTo show the ip via JavaScriptvar ip= '';document.write("Your IP Address is :"+ip+" ");__________________________________________________________________________________________________To show IP via ASPrequest.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")_______________________…[ More ]
Tired Of Reinstalling Windows
 Tired Of Reinstalling Windows  My Suggestions For A Better And Easier Computing:-> First partition ur HDD as follows. C: (primary, bootable) 10GB, D: (ur choice), E: (10 GB)-> Next install 2 OSs, it can be XP,XP or XP,9X. One OS in C: and other E:Let OS in C:\ be called "TRASH" and that in E:\ be c…[ More ]
Top Five Myths About Safe Surfing
 Top Five Myths About Safe SurfingPC Magazine.November 19, 2003Recently PC Magazine conducted a survey that asked participants to rate their broadband ISP services. We found out that many users don't completely understand the seriousness of potential threats or how to protect their PCs. The followin…[ More ]
Transferring Data
Transferring DataTransferring dataMoving data between your old and new PC has never been so simple. This guide shows you how with File and Settings Transfer WizardTransferring dataHaving decided to upgrade to a newer PC, the euphoria of being the proud owner of a spanking new system can suddenly be …[ More ]
Translating Binary to Text: The Hard Way
Translating Binary to Text: The Hard WayA Tutorial for those willing to LearnContents1. Introduction2. The Binary System3. Converting Binary to ASCII (Text)Introduction:We’ve all seen binary code. We’ve come to think of them as a bunch of ones and zeroes in long strings…01001010101010100110101…[ More ]
Translating Binary to Text
Translating Binary to TextContents1. Introduction2. The Binary System3. Converting Binary to ASCII (Text)Introduction:We’ve all seen binary code. We’ve come to think of them as a bunch of ones and zeroes in long strings…010010101010101001101011But these ones and zeroes can also represent decim…[ More ]
Trojan Ports
 Trojan PortsTCP 1 Breach.2001, SocketsDeTroie.230, SocketsDeTroie.250TCP 28 Amanda.200TCP 31 MastersParadise.920TCP 68 Subseven.100TCP 142 NetTaxi.180TCP 146 Infector.141, Intruder.100, Intruder.100TCP 171 ATrojan.200TCP 285 WCTrojan.100TCP 286 WCTrojan.100TCP 334 Backage.310TCP 370 NeuroticKat.120…[ More ]
Turn Off Unneeded Services
 here is a list of services that can be turned offthis will speed up your pc a bitright click my computermanageservices and applicationsservicesset these to disabled you will need to reboot for them to take effect if you have a problem with any just reenable them again ie if you have a smart card an…[ More ]
How to turn MSN Messenger Display Pictures into User Pictures on XP
How to turn MSN Messenger Display Pictures into User Pictures on XPFor the pix you downloaded from MSNIf you’ve ever wanted to turn the display pictures you download from MSN into an account picture (the one that appears in your Start Menu next to your username) for XP here’s how.1) In messenger…[ More ]
Get the serial number you need ! (For Certain Things)
Get the serial number you need ! (For Certain Things)* Go to Google.* In the search field type: "Product name" 94FBR* Where, "Product Name" is the name of the item you want to find the serial number for.* And voila - there you go - the serial number you needed.HOW DOES THIS WORK?Quite simple really.…[ More ]
How to Bypass BIOS Passwords
How to Bypass BIOS PasswordsBIOS passwords can add an extra layer of security for desktop and laptop computers. They are used to either prevent a user from changing the BIOS settings or to prevent the PC from booting without a password. Unfortunately, BIOS passwords can also be a liability if a user…[ More ]