
How can I uninstall Windows XP and return to my old Windows 98?
 How can I uninstall Windows XP and return to my old Windows 98?If you've upgraded to XP from Windows Me or Windows 98, go to the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel applet and click Uninstall Windows XP.If you want, you can also uninstall XP from the command prompt by performing the following steps: …[ More ]
Uninstalling Norton product
As you have seen once Norton 2004 Products have been install and a wrong key has been entered, Norton Products aren't able to run, even if you uninstall and reinstall them, well here is the registry entries taht you have to delete as well as the foldersThe registry files you need to deleteHKEY_CLASS…[ More ]
Unlimited Rapidshare Downloads
Unlimited Rapidshare DownloadsIts very easy to fool Rapid Share server if your IP address is assigned by your ISP. Just follow these simple steps:clean up IE or netscape cookie( In this case the one that belong to rapidshare website)On Command prompttype -----> ipconfig /flushdns <---Entertype -----…[ More ]
Untold Window TIps1
As found in the internet, written by Ankit FadiaImportant Note: Before you read on, you need to keep one thing in mind. Whenever you make changes to the Windows Registry you need to Refresh it before the changes take place. Simply press F5 to refresh the registry and enable the changes. If this does…[ More ]
Untold Windows Tips and Secrets
______________________________________________________________________Untold Windows Tips and Secrets By Ankit Fadia to another Hacking Truths Manual. This time I have a collection of Tips and Tricks which…[ More ]
Untold Window TIps
 Important Note: Before you read on, you need to keep one thing in mind. Whenever you make changes to the Windows Registry you need to Refresh it before the changes take place. Simply press F5 to refresh the registry and enable the changes. If this does not work Restart your system****************Ex…[ More ]
Unused space on hard drives recovered?
Unused space on hard drives recovered?Updated Hidden partitions revealedBy INQUIRER staff: Tuesday 09 March 2004, 14:33READER WILEY SILER has sent us a method which he said was discovered by Scott Komblue and documented by himself which they claim can recover unused areas of the hard drive in the fo…[ More ]
Use Hotkeys to Switch Programs
Use Hotkeys to Switch ProgramsIf you routinely use a specific set of programs, you can set up hotkeys that will launch or directly switch among them instead of cycling with Alt-Tab. Find a desktop or Start menu shortcut that launches a program and select Properties. On the Shortcut tab, click in the…[ More ]
FixDown - Links
FixDown - LinksInstructions:Take the last part of the URL (marked in red) that is not working for you e.g.h*tp:// paste it onto the end of each new link below - like this one:f*p:// final working URL w…[ More ]
User's guide to avoiding virus infections
User's guide to avoiding virus infectionsKeeping an eye out for virusesComputer viruses are everywhere! This guide will show you how to stay alert and how to avoid getting infections on your computer. Having an updated virus scanner is only a small part of this, there are many ways that you can prev…[ More ]
Using Rapid Share, How to use them and skip the BS
Using Rapid Share, How to use them and skip the BSAfter you put up your download - or someone else alonggo to the download page, click Free - on this next page where the timer comes one - view sourceGo down the view source to the end - grab the gobbly gook looking text (I cant get to it right now ca…[ More ]
Video Avatars
 Video AvatarsVideo Avatars1. Open PowerDVD:2. Open a movie or Video clip:3. Go to the beginning of the part u want as avatar & click on pause4. make a picture of it:5. press 2 steps forward & then make another pic, do this until u got the whole part:Video Avatars1. Open PowerDVD:user posted image2.…[ More ]
Virtual Memory Optimization Guide Rev. 4.0 - Final
Virtual Memory Optimization Guide Rev. 4.0 - FinalVirtual MemoryBack in the 'good old days' of command prompts and 1.2MB floppy disks, programs needed very little RAM to run because the main (and almost universal) operating system was Microsoft DOS and its memory footprint was small. That was truly …[ More ]
Virtual Memory Information
Virtual Memory InformationThis tutorial talks about anything about the virtual memory and how much virtual memory you need for your system.Tutorial Introduction & BackgroundToday application is getting bigger and bigger. Therefore, it requires a bigger system memory in order for the system to hold t…[ More ]
Warez Definations
Warez DefinationsISO:A file that is created from an image of a CD. You can make an iso yourself with a program such as Adaptec Easy CD Creator, or you can burn an ISO file to a CD-R to create a copy of a CD.Bin/cue files:These are also used to create an image of a CD. Most people burn these with Cdr…[ More ]
Way To Download From Brturbo, FireFox
Way To Download From Brturbo, FireFox Just Thought I Would Let U Know A Good And Easy Way To Download From Brturbo Is Through The Browser FireFox.Basically If The File Is There It Normally Takes 7 - 15 Mins To Connect If The File Not There It Pops Up.You Dont Need To Mess About With Proxies Or Anyth…[ More ]
0-Day - Latest software releases.0-Sec - Same as above, although the period of time between ripping a game or application and it appearing on a warez site is even shorter.Ace File - The first file in a series of compressed archives (the one you double click on to decompress all the files at once).Ac…[ More ]
Welcome to The king's meaning's of how to kick some-one's ASS!
Welcome to The king's meaning'sof how to kick some-one's ASS!______________________________This letter should not be readby Minors! Or those Sick in theHead!!!Welcome back to another one of the King's addition of Violence. This a goodway to deffand your-self if you come to a situation and you must u…[ More ]
Eliminate Ie's Autocomplete Reminder
Eliminate Ie's Autocomplete ReminderAutoComplete: Some people like it, some don't. Those who don't like it turn it off. Those of us who turned it off are now constantly being prompted to turn it on. By now, we despise it! How do we turn it off completely, with no more pop-ups asking us to turn it on…[ More ]
Email Forge, sends email from anyone
Email Forge, sends email from anyone1. Some ISP's block port 25 so it might not work2. Most likely, you won't be able to see what yer typingFirst of all, you need an SMTP server. These are extremely common and, in fact, I'll provide one for you ( SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol…[ More ]