
ImageMagick Compare Command-line Tool
ImageMagick Compare Command-line Tool[Example Usage • Option Summary]Use the compare program to mathematically and visually annotate the difference between an image and its reconstruction. See Command Line Processing for advice on how to structure your compare command or see below for example usag[ More ]
HttpClient and FileUpload
HttpClient and FileUploadBy Harshad Oak01 Aug 2004 |•   Digg This•   Stumble•   DeliciousAdapted from:Pro Jakarta Commons, by Harshad OakPublisher: ApressISBN: 1590592832All communication over the Internet happens using a standard set of protocols, such as File Transfer Proto[ More ]
HTTP API - PHP Exmaple
HTTP API - PHP ExmapleFrom OneCMDB// *************************************// HTTP API php example script. // Using the Basic Model and Demo data.// *************************************echo '';echo '';echo '       .text { width: 800px;           height: 200px;           border: 1px s[ More ]
PHP uses DOM
PHP uses DOMHTML parsing in PHP is done with the DOM module.$dom = new DOMDocument;$dom->loadHTML($html);$images = $dom->getElementsByTagName('img');foreach ($images as $image) {  $image->setAttribute('src', '' . $image->getAttribute('src'));}$html = $dom->saveHTML();Here's an exa[ More ]
HOW TO SET UP PAYPAL INTEGRATION WITH PHP & MYSQLUpdates: 10th August 2011•   The payments.php code (Line 60-64) has been slightly amended to fix the IPN Invalid Response.•   If you are not receiving the correct response from Paypal ensure that you are using the main test account (Verified Busin[ More ]
Check if url is exist or not
Check if url is exist or notI've website where visitor would submit links so i would like of the posted url is exist or not so i've been using the following function  function url_exist($url){  $c=curl_init();  curl_setopt($c,CURLOPT_URL,$url);  curl_setopt($c,CURLOPT_HEADER,1);  curl_setopt($c,CURL[ More ]
DOMDocument::loadHTML(PHP 5)DOMDocument::loadHTML — Load HTML from a stringDescription public bool DOMDocument::loadHTML ( string $source [, int $options = 0 ] )The function parses the HTML contained in the string source. Unlike loading XML, HTML does not have to be well-formed to load. This funct[ More ]
How to add http:// if it's not exists in the URL?
How to add http:// if it's not exists in the URL?How to add http:// to the url if there isn't a http:// or https:// or ftp:// ?Example:addhttp(""); // http://google.comaddhttp(""); //""); // http://google.comaddhttp("");[ More ]
PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser
PHP Simple HTML DOM ParserDescription, Requirement & Features   A HTML DOM parser written in PHP5+ let you manipulate HTML in a very easy way!   Require PHP 5+.   Supports invalid HTML.   Find tags on an HTML page with selectors just like jQuery.   Extract contents from HTML in a sing[ More ]
php_http.dllHow to install php_http.dll:Copy file php_http.dll to the installation directory of the program that is requesting php_http.dll.If that doesn't work, you will have to copy php_http.dll to your system directory. By default, this is:Windows 95/98/Me - C:\Windows\SystemWindows NT/2000 - C:\[ More ]
Squiz Matrix User Manual Library
Squiz Matrix User Manual LibrarySearch Box Design AreaThis design area allows you to add a search field into the design where the user can search for information in the Site. It is set up to point to a Search Page that has been previously created in your Site. When a user performs a search using thi[ More ]
Send file via cURL from form POST in PHP
Send file via cURL from form POST in PHPI'm writing an API and I'm wanting to handle file uploads from a form POST. The markup for the form is nothing too complex:
    [ More ]
Send image file using java HTTP POST connections
Send image file using java HTTP POST connectionsI'm trying to send an image to a website using Java HTTP POST requests.I'm using the base code used here Upload files with java:This is my modification:String urlToConnect = "http://localhost:9000/upload";File fileToUpload = new File("C:\\Users\\joao\\[ More ]
Sending files using cURL in PHP
Sending files using cURL in PHPThe cURL functions in PHP can be used to make HTTP requests to remote servers. The curl_setopt function allows a wide range of options to be set, but none of these directly relate to sending files. Instead, files are sent using a special format for POST parameter value[ More ]
Simple PayPal integration code using PHP - Ready to use script
Simple PayPal integration code using PHP - Ready to use script This tutorial will explain you about Simple PayPal Integration code using PHP in web application for online checkout. Normally PayPal has two environments such as Sandbox, Real Time. Sandbox is for developers which help to do [ More ]
Call a REST API in PHP
Call a REST API in PHPOur client had given me a REST API to which I need to make a PHP call to. But as a matter of fact the documentation given with the API is very limited, so I don't really know how to call the service.I've tried to Google it, but the only thing that came up was an already expired[ More ]
problem-solving and decision-making
problem-solving and decision-making simple processes for problem-solving and decision-making Problem solving and decision-making are important skills for business and life. Problem-solving often involves decision-making, and decision-making is especially important for management and lea[ More ]
Open Database Connectivity
Open Database ConnectivityBridging configurationsJDBC-ODBC bridgesA JDBC-ODBC bridge consists of a JDBC driver which employs an ODBC driver to connect to a target database. This driver translates JDBC method calls into ODBC function calls. Programmers usually use such a bridge when a particular data[ More ]
Live camera preview in the Android emulator
Live camera preview in the Android emulator Labels: Android, Android emulator, Camera, Live Preview I've been looking into getting a live camera preview working in the Android emulator. Currently the Android emulator just gives a black and white chess board animation. After having a l[ More ]
Decision Making and Problem Solving In 4 Simple Steps and Decision-Making
Decision Making and Problem Solving In 4 Simple Steps Being involved in management positions will expose you to problems and opportunities that arise every day. It is of extreme importance to be able to make decisions that are good for your business within a reasonable amount of time. There a[ More ]