
Problem Solving and Decision-Making
Problem Solving and Decision-Making Problem Solving For some, problems are opportunities in disguise. For others, problems cause worry. In his book, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, Dale Carnegie included a chapter entitled “How to Eliminate Fifty Percent of Your Business Worrie…[ More ]
Creating a Board aka Forum on your own PC !
Creating a Board aka Forum on your own PC !First of all you need Apache Server, PHP, MySQL and a Forum Script i.e. phpBB or Invision or vBulletin. Download phpDev here and you get a bundle of all the things above. exttract …[ More ]
How To Remove and Add Right-Click Menu Items from Files and Folders
How To Remove and Add Right-Click Menu Items from Files and Folders Removing Items A lot of programs you install will add themselves to the right-click menu of your files and/or folders. And most times, you have no choice in the matter and, as a result, your right-click menu can get very lo…[ More ]
Slow Opening Of File Dialogs
Slow Opening Of File DialogsAn intermittent slowdown opening file dialogs or Windows Explorer listings is often caused by a mapped network drive. You can select Map Network Drive from Windows Explorer's Tools menu to make a drive or a folder on a remote PC appear as a simple drive letter on your com…[ More ]
Improve your winxp
Improve your winxpHow to Install the Netbeui Protocol on a Windows XP-Based ComputerThis article describes how to install the NetBEUI protocol on a Windows XP-based computer. This may be useful because the NetBEUI protocol is not included in the list of installable protocols in Windows XP even thoug…[ More ]
Sp2 for Xp Slipstream.Integrate Sp2 into your XP CD
Sp2 for Xp Slipstream.Integrate Sp2 into your XP CDThis is a long one but it works really nicely:I have used this method with great success and I want to say that I did not create it, but in checking several sources, I find that it is pretty much the standard way to Slipstream the new SP2 that is be…[ More ]
Sp2 Tweaks
 Sp2 TweaksDisable the SP antivirus and firewall functions - and keep XP from nagging about it:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center]"AntiVirusDisableNotify"=dword:00000001"FirewallDisableNotify"=dword:00000001; don't monitor firewall and antivirus"AntiVirusOverride"=dword:00000001"…[ More ]
Mozilla Firefox, Speed it up!
Mozilla Firefox, Speed it up!Speed up Mozilla FireFox--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Type "about :config" in the adress field.2. Set the value of network.http.pipelining to "true".3. Set the value of network.http.pipelining.maxrequests to "100".4. S…[ More ]
Speed Up Internet
 Speed Up InternetWindows 2k/XP1. First, open the Windows Registry using Regedit, and (after backing up) navigate to:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\ServiceProvider2. Note the following lines (all hex dwords):Class = 008 ( biggrin.gif - indicates that TCP/IP is a name serv…[ More ]
Windows uses 20% of your bandwidth Here's how to Get it back
Windows uses 20% of your bandwidth Here's how to Get it backA nice little tweak for XP. Microsoft reserve 20% of your available bandwidth for their own purposes (suspect for updates and interrogating your machine etc..)Here's how to get it back:Click Start-->Run-->type "gpedit.msc" without the "This…[ More ]
Sppeding up menus in Xp
Sppeding up menus in XpGo to Start --> Run --> Regedt32Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\DesktopLocate the key called "MenuShowDelay" and it is probably set to 400.Change that value to 150.Reboot your computer.You should notice a slight increase in the speed of your menus …[ More ]
Spoofing emails via telenet
Spoofing emails via telenetget a smtp server ( i use theyre normally likemx1,mx2, go to Start>Run>cmdthen in the cmd window, typetelnet 25thenHELO hotmail.comthenMAIL FROM : (fakeemailhere)thenRCPT TO: (person)thenDATAthen type your message, you …[ More ]
Standard ASCII Character Set= For Bytes
Standard ASCII Character Set= For BytesThe first 32 values (0 through 31) are codes for things like carriage return and line feed. The space character is the 33rd value, followed by punctuation, digits, uppercase characters and lowercase characters.  0  NUL  1  SOH  2  STX  3  ETX  4  EOT  5  ENQ  6…[ More ]
Steps to Clean Install XP
 Steps to Clean Install XP  If the above instructions for configuring your system to boot from  CD  or you have acquired the necessary boot floppy/floppies; you can now  boot the computer and follow the on screen prompts. Have your Product Key  available, typical install is around 30 minutes. If set…[ More ]
SECRETS Backdoor to MAny WebSites
 SECRETS  Backdoor to MAny WebSitesEver experienced this? You ask Google to look something up; the engine returns with a number of finds, but if you try to open the ones with the most promising content, you are confronted with a registration page instead, and the stuff you were looking for will not …[ More ]
SECRETS OF LOCK PICKING  By Steven Hampton  originally published by Paladin Press (c) 1987  (don't let the date fool you.  This is good stuff)  brought to you by  Dr. Bloodmoney%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Well, I'm bringing you this file because I h…[ More ]
Securing Your Windows XP computer
 Securing Your Windows XP computerDo you work in a corporate environment where you don't appreciate your co-workers or boss having access to your comp and private files when you are not around?You can provide added level of security to your WINDOWS XP System. This is called securing your Windows XP …[ More ]
Securing WinXP Pro (with what win-xp has to offer)
 Securing WinXP Pro (with what win-xp has to offer)Note: These are just notes of the changes i made to win-xp pro using win-xp optionsafter my default install. These changes will not secure your box 100% but theymake a good couple of 1st steps. They are in no specific order other than theorder that …[ More ]
SIdeBar Fix
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{00021400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\shellex\ExtShellFolderViews\{5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262}]"PersistMoniker"=hex(2):66,00,69,00,6c,00,65,00,3a,00,2f,00,2f,00,25,00,75,00,\  73,00,65,00,72,00,61,00,70,00,70,00,64,00,61,00,74,0…[ More ]
Simple Tweaks for Peak PC Graphics Performance
Simple Tweaks for Peak PC Graphics PerformanceAdjust the settings for your graphics board and display to improve image quality.When it comes to your PC, looks definitely matter. Tiny text, blurry images, and flickering screens aren't just annoying, they can lead to eyestrain, lost productivity, and …[ More ]