
How do I Test My VirusScan Installation? (Eicar)
How do I Test My VirusScan Installation? (Eicar)DescriptionAfter installing VirusScan, you may logically wonder, how do I know if it's working? The answer is a test virus. The EICAR Standard AntiVirus Test File is a combined effort by anti-virus vendors throughout the world to implement one standard…[ More ]
How do I overburn a CD with Nero?
How do I overburn a CD with Nero? Start NeroFrom the action-bar select File and select Preferences.In the Preferences window, select Expert Features(1) and check the Enable overburn disc-at-once(2).Choose a Maximum CD Length(3) and click OK(4) (*82:59:59 is the maximum value I suggest, but as you ca…[ More ]
How 2 Find EVERYTHING uploaded on Rapidshare
How 2 Find EVERYTHING uploaded on RapidshareAll Downloads:/*+site%3Arapidshare.deApps Downloads:/ r…[ More ]
Hide Drives and Partitions
Hide Drives and PartitionsDo you have data on a partition or hard drive that you don't want tampered with or easily accessible to other users? Well, you can hide any drive/partition in Windows XP, NT, and 2000. That means that they won't show up in Explorer or My Computer.If you want access to that …[ More ]
Have Notepad In Send To
Have Notepad In Send ToMany apply a registry tweak to have notepad as an option for unknown file types. We frequently see such files which are actually just text, but named with some odd file-extension. And then, some suspicious files which we want to make sure what the contents are. Well, in such c…[ More ]
have satallite tv for almost free IF not free!!!
 have satallite tv for almost free IF not free!!!this is a tut by me that i use at home to get all the channels "not including ppv" for almost free if not free... i have every single channel that dish network offers and i dont pay a single dollar..... ok this is how it goes...-----------------------…[ More ]
Have Notepad In Send To
Have Notepad In Send ToMany apply a registry tweak to have notepad as an option for unknown file types. We frequently see such files which are actually just text, but named with some odd file-extension. And then, some suspicious files which we want to make sure what the contents are. Well, in such c…[ More ]
Hardware Firewall
The best firewall is a hardware firewall that is completely separate from your operating system. It need not be a dedicated router, could be an old pentium box running Linux. Below I have found some sites that have How To's on setting up an outside hardware router using an old computer and using a l…[ More ]
Hard drive gone bad
Hard drive gone badThe most common problems originatefrom corruption of the master boot record, FAT, or directory.Those are soft problems which can usually be taken care ofwith a combination of tools like Fdisk /mbr to refresh themaster boot record followed by a reboot and Norton disk doctoror Spinn…[ More ]
DarkLegacy's Guide to Slipstreaming Service Pack 2
DarkLegacy's Guide to Slipstreaming Service Pack 2Note: All images are hosted with ImageShack.• This guide will allow you to sucsessfully install Service Pack 2 on the original (gold) code of Microsoft Windows XP.• The version of Windows you have purchased/downloaded does not matter as far as sl…[ More ]
Guide to IIS Exploitation
****************************************************************************                      Guide to IIS Exploitation                          **                            by fugjostle                                 **                                                                         *…[ More ]
Guide For Getting Free Stuff
Guide For Getting Free StuffOk, if you are like me you have heard so much about the FreeIpods and FreeFlatScreens websites on different forums, blogs, IM's, etc, you are about to puke. So am I. But yet the draw of getting an Ipod for doing basically nothing is pretty strong. I dismissed all the "sto…[ More ]
Graffiti On Walls 4 Adobe Photoshop Cs 8.0
Graffiti On Walls 4 Adobe Photoshop Cs 8.0Graffiti On Wall Tutorial ForPhotoshop Cs 8.0For This Tutorial You Must Have A Basic Understanding Of Adobe Photoshop Cs 8.0, Example : Where The Features Of The Program Are.CODEFor This Tutorial You Will Need The Font Called Political Graffiti FIll Which Ca…[ More ]
Utilizing search engines
==================================================Utilizing search engines==================================================So much information is on the web, its mind boggling. Thankfully we have searchengines to sift through them and catagorize them for us. Unfortunatly, there is still somuch info…[ More ]
How to add a url address bar to the taskbar
You can add an Internet URL address bar to your Windows XP taskbar. Doing so will let you type in URLs and launch Web pages without first launching a browser. It will also let you launch some native Windows XP applications in much the same way as you would via the Run menu (so you could type in calc…[ More ]
How to Add an Option to Print the Contents of a Folder
How to Add an Option to Print the Contents of a FolderWould you like to be able to right click any folder in Explorer and print its contents? You can add this option to the context menu by following these steps:First, you need to create a batch file called Printdir.bat. Open Notepad or another text …[ More ]
How to add your window
re you sick of seeing the same tips again and again when you first logon to Windows? Now you can change them to whatever you want, whether it's quotes, jokes or a to-do list, anything is possible.Open your registry and find the key below.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersi…[ More ]
How to Back Up the Registry
Before you edit the registry, export the keys in the registry that you plan to edit, or back up the whole registry. If a problem occurs, you can then follow the steps how-to restore the registry to its previous state.How to Export Registry KeysClick Start, and then click Run.In the Open box, type re…[ More ]
Get the Most Out of Your DVD Recorder
Get the Most Out of Your DVD RecorderAssoc. Ed. PC WorldMelissa J. PerensonI admit it: I'm a former tape-a-holic. When I began using a VCR some 20 years ago (I ended up teaching Mom and Dad how to program the darn thing back then), I got hooked on the idea of creating my own video library, replete w…[ More ]
Get unlimited bandwidth from your host for free
Get unlimited bandwidth from your host for freeNOTE: This applies only to specific hosting companies, due to thespecific setup needed and does have its drawbacks.While setting up hosting space with a specific company I often dealwith, I noticed that they used a shared IP. (IP shared by two or morewe…[ More ]