This plugins makes it easy to
put a Google Map on your page. You will need a valid Google Maps API key
from Look at the source code of this
page if you want to know how to use the plugin. Markers can be provided
by a jQuery object (containing elements in the geo microformat) or an
array of objects that provide lat, lng and txt for the popup (txt being
N 37° 24.491 W 122° 08.313
N 36° 24.491 W 121° 08.313
Source code
/* jQuery googleMap Copyright Dylan Verheul
* Licensed like jQuery, see
$.googleMap = {
maps: {},
marker: function(m) {
if (!m) {
return null;
} else if ( == null && m.lng == null) {
return $.googleMap.marker($.googleMap.readFromGeo(m));
} else {
var marker = new GMarker(new GLatLng(, m.lng));
if (m.txt) {
GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
return marker;
readFromGeo: function(elem) {
var latElem = $(".latitude", elem)[0];
var lngElem = $(".longitude", elem)[0];
if (latElem && lngElem) {
return { lat:parseFloat($(latElem).attr("title")), lng:parseFloat($(lngElem).attr("title")), txt:$(elem).attr("title") }
} else {
return null;
mapNum: 1
$.fn.googleMap = function(lat, lng, zoom, options) {
// If we aren't supported, we're done
if (!window.GBrowserIsCompatible || !GBrowserIsCompatible()) return this;
// Default values make for easy debugging
if (lat == null) lat = 37.4419;
if (lng == null) lng = -122.1419;
if (!zoom) zoom = 13;
// Sanitize options
if (!options || typeof options != 'object') options = {};
options.mapOptions = options.mapOptions || {};
options.markers = options.markers || [];
options.controls = options.controls || {};
// Map all our elements
return this.each(function() {
// Make sure we have a valid id
if (! = "gMap" + $.googleMap.mapNum++;
// Create a map and a shortcut to it at the same time
var map = $.googleMap.maps[] = new GMap2(this, options.mapOptions);
// Center and zoom the map
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(lat, lng), zoom);
// Add controls to our map
for (var i = 0; i < options.controls.length; i++) {
var c = options.controls[i];
eval("map.addControl(new " + c + "());");
// If we have markers, put them on the map
var marker = null;
for (var i = 0; i < options.markers.length; i++) {
if (marker = $.googleMap.marker(options.markers[i])) map.addOverlay(marker);
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