Blog : RTP Streaming In VB ?

RTP Streaming In VB ?

Does any know if RTP streaming can be done (easily) in Visual Basic??

I was wondering if anyone had any sample code, or examples of how to implement RTP in VB, if it can be done at all.

Unfortunately I required a very quick reply, but a yes or no is sufficient as its just for a progress report.


View Complete Forum Thread with Replies

See Related Forum Messages: Follow the Links Below to View Complete Thread

•Streaming Pixels (Byte) From Parallel && Display In VB As Video Streaming
•STREAMING MP3 Possible?
•Help With Streaming
•MP3 - Streaming Over Net
•Streaming MP3 Over A Lan
•Streaming MP3 Over A Lan
•Streaming Mp3 In VB 6
•GDI+ Example 6 Streaming Bitmaps
•Video Streaming
•Streaming Zip Files?
•Video Streaming In Vb6
•MPEG2 Streaming
•Streaming With DirectShow Help...
•Sound Streaming
•Streaming Audio
•RealTime Streaming
•Streaming Data
•Streaming MP3 Data
•Msdxm, Wmp.dll And Streaming
•Streaming Audio
•Streaming Webcam
•Streaming Array
•Video Streaming
•Sound Streaming
•Streaming Audio In VB?
•Streaming Data
•Streaming Video
•Data Streaming
•Video Streaming
•Streaming Video In Vb6
•Need Help With Streaming Files!!
•Streaming Audio
•Streaming Audio
•Streaming Audio
•Streaming Data
•Streaming Audio
•Media Streaming
•Streaming Data Over The Web
•File Streaming
•About Streaming Media
•Streaming Audio
•Streaming Video
•MP3-streaming Over Internet?
•Buddyphone Like Streaming
•Voice Streaming
•Streaming Video
Streaming Pixels (Byte) From Parallel && Display In VB As Video Streaming
Help me please

I want get pixels (byte) from camera module (parallel interface) and display them to VB as video streaming with 25 fps




hey all

im want to try and make a server that will play streaming mp3
so if i connect with a client i'll hear a streaming mp3 that is playing on the server. kinda like a radio

anyone think they know how to do it? maybe winsock or something similar?

Thanks for any input


Help With Streaming
ive searched around looking for examples of streaming audio and have come up with this can anyone help me in making it work


can any one give me a start point in streaming audio over the net?


How hard/possible would it be (in vb) to take like 20 meg (each) or so clips of various videos or whatever, and then create a client and server program and host the videos on the server and the client program can connect and have it streamed to them.. and as they download - it would play.. so they can watch while the download is staying like 1 minute ahead of their current picture (or more if on faster connection)
Does vb have any good, workable streaming options?



MP3 - Streaming Over Net
Hi there,

Concerning my previous message, now I'm asking if someone knew easy way to make a program which streams MP3-files from a HTTP server? Is there already some controls to this kind of use?

- Ville


Streaming MP3 Over A Lan
I need a way to stream MP3 audio over a network.

I just have a problem with sending the data over the network.

Thanks alot


Streaming MP3 Over A Lan
I need a way to stream MP3 audio over a network.

I just have a problem with sending the data over the network.

Thanks alot


where can i find the
MS internet audio streaming support?... please beg ya!!!!


Streaming Mp3 In VB 6
Well I have to create a program of my choice for my visual basic class. I decided to create something useful, and wanted to make an mp3 player specifically for my radio station Well, I cant figure out how to approach this.

I have added the windows media player to the form, but I cant get it to play a file correctly...I have been browsing forums for a few days, but cant find a solution. I am running windows xp, could that be a problem? My second question, instead of getting a file on the computer to play, how do I make it play an audio stream? Thanks in advance for your help!


GDI+ Example 6 Streaming Bitmaps

I saw your GDI+ example #6 in the code library on streaming bitmaps.
It looks interesting and I would like to find out more about this but having never done anything with streaming before I found myself a bit out of my depth when reading your code.

I tried searching on the internet for more infomation but pretty much everything I found was for C++ or C# and I dont really understand those languages either.

I was wondering if you could perhaps update your example and show in a bit more detail how it could be used.

Could it for example be used to download images from the internet? eg a bitmap.LoadFromURL function? I would like to see the load and send from streams as well that you suggested which might be able to be used with winsock.

I suspect you are a busy man but thought there was no harm in asking.


Video Streaming
I'm looking for some advice, examples or direction on where to find information about playing streaming video in a visual basic application. I can play downloaded video in VB, but streaming is a little different. For what I'm trying to do, I want to avoid using HTML pages for this.

Anyways - I'd appreciate any suggestions and help with this



Streaming Zip Files?
I'm looking for advice on how to get information out of a zip file without having to unzip it. Is this possible with VB?



Video Streaming In Vb6
i have created a surveillance system which displays video from a webcam on a vb form. i want to upload this video to the net so that the user can view the video in real time. any ideas how to do this in vb6?


MPEG2 Streaming
ok, ll i want to do is create an mpeg2 stream from a client to a host on a local network(no internet). just like a DVB broadcast.

video data to the host will be from an input device such as a webcam, output on the client will be a simple video box.

i figure i will need encoding/decoding software either side of the network.

anyone know where i could any info on this.


Streaming With DirectShow Help...
I am trying to stream from a tv tunner card to a file... The way Microsoft explains it for VBScript (Link below) I have to:

1. Create two separate instances of the video control, first one is to receive and record (Sink), the second to display(Source).

2. Create a tune request and pass it's stream buffer sink instance of the video control.

3. Add the encoder feature to the active features collection. (Thinking this is where I am messing things up!)

4. Enumerate the available output devices in the GUID_NULL category and set the sink object as the active output device.

5. Specify the file for the output.

6. Disable audio and video rendering in the video control for the stream buffer sink.

7. Enumerate the available input devices in the GUID_NULL category and set the source device as the active input device.

8. Specify the same file as before and run both video control instances.

Now, I have completed all of the code, as seen below, but I can not get the encoder section to work. I think I have to add the encoder to the available features, but can not figure out how to do so...

Private Const ENC_CLSID = "{BB530C63-D9DF-4B49-9439-63453962E598}"
Private Const GUID_NULL = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"
Private Const SINK_CLSID = "{9E77AAC4-35E5-42A1-BDC2-8F3FF399847C}"
Private Const DVR_CLSID = "{AD8E510D-217F-409B-8076-29C5E73B98E8}"

Private Sub cmdStream_Click()
Dim MyFeatures As New MSVidFeatures
Dim Feature As IMSVidFeature
Dim objTuneRequest As IChannelTuneRequest
Dim objTSContainer As New SystemTuningSpaces
Dim objTuneSpace As ITuningSpace
Dim objAnalogTuneSpace As New AnalogTVTuningSpace

'Remove previous instances of the tuning space
For Each objTuneSpace In objTSContainer
If objTuneSpace.UniqueName = "MyTV" Then
objTSContainer.Remove "MyTV"
End If

'Create a new tuning space
objAnalogTuneSpace.CountryCode = 1
objAnalogTuneSpace.UniqueName = "MyTV"
objAnalogTuneSpace.FriendlyName = "My Television"
objAnalogTuneSpace.MaxChannel = 69
objAnalogTuneSpace.MinChannel = 1
objAnalogTuneSpace.NetworkType = "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"
objAnalogTuneSpace.InputType = TunerInputCable
Set objTuneSpace = objAnalogTuneSpace
objTSContainer.Add objAnalogTuneSpace

'Set the new tuning space in the sink video control
Set objTuneRequest = objTSContainer("MyTV").CreateTuneRequest
objTuneRequest.Channel = intChannel
MSVidCtl_Sink.View objTuneRequest

'Get the available features for the control, which won't get the encoder?
For Each Feature In MSVidCtl_Sink.FeaturesAvailable
If (Feature.ClassID = ENC_CLSID) Then
MyFeatures.Add Feature
End If

'Set the encoder for the control
MSVidCtl_Sink.FeaturesActive = MyFeatures

Dim objStreamBufferSink As MSVidStreamBufferSink
Dim output As IMSVidOutputDevice
Dim MyOutputs As MSVidOutputDevices
Set MyOutputs = New MSVidOutputDevices

'Set the output for the sink control, works fine...
For Each output In MSVidCtl_Sink.OutputsAvailable(GUID_NULL)
If output.ClassID = SINK_CLSID Then
MyOutputs.Add output
Set objStreamBufferSink = output
End If

'Set the output
Set output = objStreamBufferSink
MSVidCtl_Sink.OutputsActive = MyOutputs

'Set the file
objStreamBufferSink.SinkName = "c:sample.wmv"

'Disable the audio and video rendering

Dim objStreamBufferSource As MSVidStreamBufferSource
Dim inputt As IMSVidInputDevice

'Get the available inputs from the source control
For Each inputt In MSVidCtl_Src.InputsAvailable(GUID_NULL)
If inputt.ClassID = DVR_CLSID Then
MSVidCtl_Src.InputActive = inputt
Set objStreamBufferSource = inputt
End If

'Retreive the file
objStreamBufferSource.FileName = "c:sample.wmv"

'Run both controls

End Sub
I removed the error handleing for simplicity, but the sink and source were found and set correctly. The encoder CLSID was not found or set and I think this is where my trouble is at... Any ideas???


Sound Streaming
How would i go about streaming sound from one computer to another using winsock any links or tips would be nice


Streaming Audio
I would like to know how i could add streaming audio (WMA i think) + controls to my program. It would have to play mms://
when clicking on play button, pause when clicking pause button,...

Please keep it as simple as possible and be complete since i kinda only know the basics of Visual Basic (using visual Basics 6.0)


RealTime Streaming
Hai guys,
I want to create a real time video streaming client and server. Can anybody tell me where I could find any articles, resources to do this work in VisualBasic. I could not find a suitable article by searching in Google.
If any of you guys find anything regarding this please let me know. I prefer any article written specifically for VB or Java(If there is no dot net stuff)


Streaming Data
Can anyone help... I am trying to save streaming stock quote data from a web page as CSV, and am using excel and VBA??


Streaming MP3 Data
Is there a way to give DirectShow or MCI pure MP3 data and have it play it? I've been working on a ShoutCast player, and the only way I've been able to do it is with a double-buffer file system by saving the data in chunks and playing one chunk while downloading another (3 chunks total, one playing, one waiting to be played, one downloading). This causes some annoying pauses in between chunks. I need a better way to play the data than that.


Msdxm, Wmp.dll And Streaming
I have a linux server streaming mp3s via gnump3d
With windows mediaplayer (msdxm.ocx) when I tgry to play the file it downloads it full before it plays it. With wmp.dll it plays it as soon as there is enough of the file in the buffer. Since the wmp.dll end of stream funciton is disabled I find that the wmp.dll hard to use in my particular application and would rather use msdxm.ocx Can anybody suggets why the older ocx cannot play a file until it is full downloaded but the newer windows media player can?



Streaming Audio
Hi guys,

I'm looking for a library of some sort that does one of these things:

1) Connects to a streaming audio source and pipes it through to a waveout device specifiable in code.

2) Connects to a streaming audio source and passes back the audio buffers to my code so I can pass it on to a waveout device.

It would need to be able to connect to WM, Real and ShoutCast streams. All in one component would be nice but separates is doable too.

It wouldn't have to be free, this is a commercial project. All the stuff I've managed to google has been complete and utter crap.

Any ideas?


Streaming Webcam

i've seen many webcam projects but there all image-based. but when i see a program like msn messenger the webcam is pretty streaming.



Streaming Array
I have a streaming array that has 2 demensions. One of the dimensions acts as an index. The second dimension is an integer that I would like to track. I want to create a second array that aggregates all of the values that are in the first array 2nd dimension. Any ideas>



Video Streaming
hi, i know this might sounds like it should be in the communications forum but i know how to send information. the part im stuck on is how do i take a picture from a picture box and convert it to something that can be streamed. then when it gets to the other side, how can i make it display it in a browser window?


Sound Streaming
How would i go about streaming sound from one computer to another using winsock any links or tips would be nice

Im trying to make something like the talk feature in AIM.


Streaming Audio In VB?
I would like to make my own voice server (like teamspeak, ventrillo, etc) in visual basic.

I have searched all over and found nothing but windows media encoder sdk, which I couldn't get to work.

Anyone know of any code I can look at or controls that would simplfy this task? I actually have no clue how to go about doing this. I'm using Visual Basic 6.0.

I don't want to have to figure out how to write and send a .wav file while its open and delete what has already been sent or something.. I'm looking for something like a control or set of controls that would automate most of the process. Maybe a control for recording from mic to , then a control that sends from to an IP address... I don't know.

Any help on this topic would be appreciated.


Streaming Data

I want to use a VB 6.0 to receive streaming data from server side, like streaming stock quotes on Bloomberg.

Anyone know how to do this? Any example?



Streaming Video
Hi, does anybody know how to play an online video stream when I have an url like this: ?

I can play the online stream with VideoLAN player by using the Network Stream option, but I'd like to play the online stream in a VB app.

A bandwidth meter shows it does stream the video, but for some reason WMP only shows "connecting to media..." but won't actually play it. Probably because it's a camera that runs 24/7 and not a video from a website you can download/buffer.

VB Code:
Private Sub Form_Load()WindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = ""WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.playEnd Sub


Data Streaming
Hi there Guys,
I'm learning VB6. I have a problem I can't get my mind around which is related to this thread.

I have data streaming in - FX quotes. I need to write these to a file so that my charting program can read them. I have two Types, the first is a header file. the second is the data set as various variable lengths. the two types have different file lengths. As the output file is updated so the charting program will read the new data and chart it to a graph

I have tried, put,get seek etc.but cannot append to the file without destroying the file header. I have been working with Open in either random or binary modes. All I want to do is to place the new data at the end of the file and retain the file to append future updates and also for historical purposes. The file is updated at two second intervals. So that as the file gets bigger, the logistics of calculating the filelength and seeking EOF become an ipediment to the accuracy of the file input.

Any comments as to procedure wuold be welcome. Regards to you all


Video Streaming
does anybody know how to stream and record a webcam video?
and i will upload it over the internet
tnx to all of you.


Streaming Video In Vb6
i have created a surveillance system which shows video from a webcam on my vb6 form. Now i want to upload this video to the net from the vb6 form so that user can view real time video from the webcam, any ideas how to do this in vb6


Need Help With Streaming Files!!

I need to make a serverclient program for streaming audio and
video through the internet and I don't know where to start.

please help!!



Streaming Audio
I need help with trying to make a program to capture audio and send it across a network to, well, my program on the other end. I want it to be live audio, I don't want to record it to a file, send the file, and then play that on the other computer. I don't know where to start.

Also, i've already created a program that captures video. It uses the windows WM_CAP... messages. Right now I tell it to capture a frame from the camera, save that to a bmp, load the bmp and convert it to a jpg and then send that across the network. It makes the hard click every second and i want to avoid accessing the hard drive. Is there anyway i can capture a frame directly into a DIBsection? I really don't know much about this either, I found code for converting to a jpg and capturing frames from the camera and slapped it together.

Any help on these two issues would be appreciated.


Streaming Audio
My next project is to make a Streaming Audio server. Does anyone have any web sites or information on how Windows Media Player, Quicktime or Real player. Requests, gets the audio and then plays it.



Streaming Audio
Can you have more than one audio stream playing? Like can I have background music on one track, and a voice over on another track?


Streaming Data

I want to use a VB 6.0 to receive streaming data from server side, like streaming stock quotes on Bloomberg.

Anyone know how to do this? Any example?



Streaming Audio
I have fixed all of the known Bugs in my media player and i was wondering if anyone knew this:

I am using ICY protocol (SHOUTcast compatible) to listen and broadcast data through an internet connection. I know about metadata breaks but is there a way to parse what is what? If so is there a way to play recieved audio data raw?


Media Streaming
Sorry for posting it here...
Does anyone know how to stream live audio over the internet using Windows Media Player?


Streaming Data Over The Web
I want to use the web to stream some data to a browser, like streaming stock quotes for example.

Anyone know how to do this preferably with .net?


File Streaming
Hello all! I have been reading this board for awhile now and decided it was time for me to register! (well of course it is time for me to register I have a question that I hop you all can help me with!)


I have a VERY large text file that is '-' delimitated... Each chunk between hyphens is about 200-500 bytes. I need to take this file and read each character into memory (because I need to pull certain bits of info out of the file as we go). After it pulls the info it needs to write it to a text file in a format I will create.

So my question is what is the best way to go about it? Also I am a bit dumbfounded on the coding of this.

Any help would be VERY appreciated. Thanks so much!

Below is a made of example of sort of what i mean

starting file might look like this

name: fred age:16 favorite colors: blue green orange - name: bob age:12 faborite colors: blue - name: mike age:98 favorite color:any

BTW I'm trying to do this in .net


About Streaming Media
Is there anysite giving information regarding streaming media in windows media player at programming level. I need to create a custom control that can handle windows media player format but i dont know where to begin.
Any help will be appreciated...Thanks in advance


Streaming Audio
hi all,
two questions:
1) how can i stream live audio over the web.
2) can i build like a vb thing for the users to download to listen to the live audio
please help


Streaming Video
I desperately need to write a control to show video streamed from the camera attached to my ATI board. It needs to be bigger then 358 x 240, which is all i can get with VFW.

I assume i need to use DirectShow to do this, but dont know where to start or how to go about it (lots of articles ive read are confusing and not what im after!)

Its just a very simple camera -> window thing, but i cant find a way. :-(

Any help would be greatly appeciated.

Cheers peeps



MP3-streaming Over Internet?
Hi there,

I've asked this once before but no reply was posted, so I think I could try once again.

I need to make a mp3 streaming feature to my program, so there is a normal mp3-file in HTTP-server and the program should stream and play it over Internet. Does anybody know a good component, dll or api call to do this? I prefer also if you can give a source example (if you have experience with some component)...

Thanks for help,
- Ville


Buddyphone Like Streaming
i was wondering how can i make a voice chat program just like buddyphone. i found a source somewhere on the net but it isnt really working as it was supposed to. Can anyone give me some clues about realtime voice streaming over the net? any kind of help would be really appreciated.


Voice Streaming
Anyone have an example of a voice chat which uses streaming? I've been looking around forever and can't find any. None of the examples on PSC stream, they prerecord and then are sent. Can anyone help me out?


Streaming Video
in vb say i have a media player control...and it has the stream video option, and i have something on my FTP how can I tell vb to go to that and play it?