Blog : PHP count_chars() Function
PHP count_chars() Function
Complete PHP String Reference
Definition and Usage
The count_chars() function returns how many times an ASCII character occurs within a string and returns the information.
Parameter Description
string Required. The string to be checked
mode Optional. Specifies the return modes. 0 is default. The different return modes are:
0 - an array with the ASCII value as key and number of occurrences as value
1 - an array with the ASCII value as key and number of occurrences as value, only lists occurrences greater than zero
2 - an array with the ASCII value as key and number of occurrences as value, only lists occurrences equal to zero are listed
3 - a string with all the different characters used
4 - a string with all the unused characters
Example 1
In this example we will use count_char() with mode 1 to check the string. Mode 1 will return an array with the ASCII value as key and how
many times it occurred as value (e.g. in the example below, the ASCII value for the letter "l" is 108, and it occurs three times):
$str = "Hello World!";
The output of the code above will be:
[32] => 1
[33] => 1
[72] => 1
[87] => 1
[100] => 1
[101] => 1
[108] => 3
[111] => 2
[114] => 1
Example 2
In this example we will use the count_char() with mode 3 to check the string. Mode 3 will return a string with all the different characters used:
$str = "Hello World!";
echo count_chars($str,3);
The output of the code above will be: