Blog : How To Make Voice Activated Sound Recorder?

How To Make Voice Activated Sound Recorder?

Hi, I want to make a voice recorder, so when I just speak into the microphone it will automatically just start recording for me, so I don't have to actually manually hit record.

I tried looking at the directx4vb dsound7 record tutorial, but I still haven't got a clue on how to accomplish this.

Has anyone done anything like this before or has any idea, thanks

View Complete Forum Thread with Replies

See Related Forum Messages: Follow the Links Below to View Complete Thread
  • Sound Recorder
  • Sound Recorder
  • Sound Recorder
  • Sound Activated Events
  • Sound Activated Events ?
  • Simple Sound Recorder....
  • How To Play A Sound Recorder In Vb???
  • Sound Recorder - Position & File Name
  • Get System Audio Format As We See For Sound Recorder
  • How To Display The Sound/voice Input At The Sound Card
  • Easiest Way To Create An ActiveX Control Which Works Like Sound Recorder
  • How To Make A Combotextarea Activated
  • [VB6] How Can I Make A Click Recorder...?
  • ActiveX For Miscorsoft's &"Sound Recorder&"
  • DX 8.1 Sound Objects And Directplay Voice
  • Need Help Accessing Sound Card's Voice Synthesis
  • DirectSound, Making Any Voice Sound Robotic [ADVANCED]
  • Make Voice Chat By LAN
  • Make A Voice Chat
  • How To Make A Voice Chat Room???
  • How To Make S/w To Respond Voice Command
  • How To Make Voice Chatting Programm In VB
  • Howto Make A Voice Call Using GSM Modem
  • How To Make Audio (voice) Chat Application Using VB6 TCP/IP
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  • How To Make Sound
  • Make A Sound Play
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Sound Recorder
can anyone suggest a way to open the Windows Sound recorder from VB?



Sound Recorder
I am looking to create a program that records sound from the microphone only to an mp3 format.

I am fairly new to VB so am looking for some sample source code to get me started.

Many thanks
Sound Recorder
If i have the code below for the code as an audio recorder, how can i save the recorded sound as s WAV file when the user clicks the save button???

Sub CloseSound()
Dim Result&
Dim errormsg%
Dim ReturnString As String * 1024
Dim ErrorString As String * 1024

Result& = mciSendString("close mysound", ReturnString, 1024, 0)

End Sub
Sub RecordSound()
'Record a sound up to 5 minutes
Dim Result&
Dim errormsg%
Dim ReturnString As String * 1024
Dim ErrorString As String * 1024


Result& = mciSendString("open new type waveaudio alias mysound", ReturnString, 1024, 0)
If Not Result& = 0 Then
errormsg% = mciGetErrorString(Result&, ErrorString, 1024)
MsgBox ErrorString, 0, "Error"
Exit Sub
End If

Result& = mciSendString("set mysound time format ms bitspersample 8 samplespersec 11025", ReturnString, 1024, 0)
If Not Result& = 0 Then
errormsg% = mciGetErrorString(Result&, ErrorString, 1024)
MsgBox ErrorString, 0, "Error"
Exit Sub
End If

'Record for 300 seconds (5 minutes)
Result& = mciSendString("record mysound to 300000", ReturnString, 1024, 0)
If Not Result& = 0 Then
errormsg% = mciGetErrorString(Result&, ErrorString, 1024)
MsgBox ErrorString, 0, "Error"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Sub PlayRecSound()
'Play the recorded sound
Dim Result&
Dim errormsg%
Dim ReturnString As String * 1024
Dim ErrorString As String * 1024
Result& = mciSendString("stop mysound", ReturnString, 1024, 0)
If Not Result& = 0 Then
errormsg% = mciGetErrorString(Result&, ErrorString, 1024)
MsgBox ErrorString, 0, "Error"
End If

Result& = mciSendString("play mysound from 1 wait", ReturnString, 1024, 0)
If Not Result& = 0 Then
errormsg% = mciGetErrorString(Result&, ErrorString, 1024)
MsgBox ErrorString, 0, "Error"
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Call PlayRecSound
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub
Sound Activated Events
Hi guys

I am in the process of writing a very large project that controls thearter lights via an interface box. All is going well, but I am now looking at what is refered to in the industry as 'Sound to Light' What I require is to be able to trigger a sub routine when a certain input level of sound is taken on the sound cards input, but only when the peek occures in a certain frequency range e.g. if a bass beat occures then it should trigger one peice of code, if a trebble peek occures then another peice of code is executed.

Is this posiable?

Many thanks
Sound Activated Events ?
I am interested in creating an event to trigger some code. The event would
be when (any?) sound comes in via the line in port of a sound card. Can
anyone direct me to some information about this? I was told by a few people
that there are some libraries already created to take care of a sound
activated event.. but they are more used for VOX and voice recognition.

Simple Sound Recorder....

I'm planning to make a simple sound recording appliction.

It has to be able to record sound from other software like MediaPlayer etc, and from external sources like microphones or other devices connected to the computer via the sound card.

It also has to have settings for quality/rate.

Has anyone got ideas on standard controls to use, or experiences that might come in handy?


How To Play A Sound Recorder In Vb???
hihi, i now write a program where by i need to play some voice in the program when some signal is detected.
I decide to record some voice by using the Sound Recorder sorfware we can found in WINDOW.
After i record some voice, i need to play it back in vb program that i write( i using vb6 write the program). Can somebody help me how to play the voice in vb???? Thank
Sound Recorder - Position & File Name
If I run the Windows Sound Recorder program from within my VB application using the code below, how can I preselect the filename, sample rate, and position on the screen?

Call Shell("Sndrec32.exe", vbNormalFocus)
Get System Audio Format As We See For Sound Recorder
Dear Friends
I have Developed a player for voice Recording
I want to set the recording formats manually.
For that i would like to retrive the system info as we get for Sound Recorder

Programs ---> accessories-----> Entertainment-------> Sound Recorder
in Sound Recorder File ---> Properties---> ConvertNow Button
Diaplays a window i want it. how is it posible can any help me.

if i change the setting and save where does thes are effcted.

thank u
How To Display The Sound/voice Input At The Sound Card

How to write a program to display both output sound wave (from a wav or mp3 file or midi file) and input sound/voice at the same time on the screen?

I dont have to save the file. I just want to be able to compare the output sound and the input sound, to check how identical the sound is.

What component/activex i have to look at? Thanks!
Easiest Way To Create An ActiveX Control Which Works Like Sound Recorder
Env: Windows


I am planning to make an ActiveX control which works like Sound Recorder but has some additional features. The main aim is to make it work over the web. To ensure that the download time is negligible which is the way to go --

1. Create the ActiveX control using VB 6.0
2. Create the ActiveX control using VC++/SDK
3. Create the ActiveX control using VC++/MFC
4. Create the ActiveX control using VC++/ATL

The primary concern is the download time. Using which of the above, will I achieve the smallest binary (including all dependent DLLs).

The speech encoder is a COM component that has been developed using ATL/COM

Please do let me know....

Thanks in advance,

With Regards,

Anuj Seth

[eCode] seth
How To Make A Combotextarea Activated
Use [ code=vb ] instead of just the code tag, for readability - Metallisoft

I have created a program which permits to someone to type an account of 5 characters and to validate this account.
the problem is that when the account the use types is valid and the msgbox appeared to tell him it is valid, the user can not type anything else in the combotextarea.

Can you explain me this?

More over, if he has types 10241, just after the mesaggebox appeared i can see the last character ="1" in the combotextarea.
Can you explain me why?

Thanks a lot for your help.

Best Regards.


Here is the code of the application even if it is not interesting


Private Sub combo1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

Dim i As Integer
Dim s As String
Dim bValid As Boolean
bValid = True

 'sPrefix2 = Mid(Combo1.Text, 6, Combo1.Width)
' sPrefix2 = Left$(Trim$(Combo1.Text), 6))
 ' si les caractères saisis ne sont pas des nombres, on sort de la procedure
 If Chr(KeyAscii) < "0" Or Chr(KeyAscii) > "9" Then
 KeyAscii = 0
 'MsgBox " Vous ne pouvez saisir que des nombres", vbExclamation
 Exit Sub
 End If
' '
' ' si le caractère saisi est le Backspace alors
' '
 If KeyAscii = 8 Then
 If Len(sPrefix) > 0 Then
 sPrefix = Mid(sPrefix, 1, Len(sPrefix) - 1)
 End If
 Exit Sub
 End If
'' si le caractère saisi est la touche "enter"
'' If KeyAscii = 13 Then
'' MsgBox "je vais inserer dans la bdd", vbExclamation
'' End If
' '
 ' si la longueur de la chaine déjà saisie est = à 5
 If Len(sPrefix) = ACCLEN Then
 KeyAscii = 0
 MsgBox "vous ne pouvez pas saisir plus de 5 chiffres pour un compte comptable", vbExclamation
 Exit Sub
 End If

 For i = 1 To Combo1.ListCount - 1
 s = Mid(Combo1.List(i), 1, ACCLEN)
 'si la longueur de la chaîne déjà saisie =4(5-1) et que la concaténation de la chaîne déjà saisie et
 'du caractère en cours = le nombre testé dans la comboliste
 If Len(sPrefix) = ACCLEN - 1 And sPrefix & Chr(KeyAscii) = s Then
 MsgBox "le nombre saisi existe déjà dans la liste des comptes ", vbExclamation
 KeyAscii = 0
''' bValid = False
 Exit For
 Exit Sub
 End If


 ' si la sous chaîne qui va du premier caractère du nombre testé dans la comboliste
 'à son troisième au maximum est égale à la concaténation de la chaîne déjà saisie
 'et du caractère en cours
 If Mid(s, 1, Min(3, Len(sPrefix) + 1)) = sPrefix & Chr(KeyAscii) Then
 bValid = True
' Exit For
 End If
' 'La condition précédente ne peut plus être vérifiée si on a Len(sPrefix)+1 =4 donc on teste cette condition
'' pour pouvoir continuer
 If Len(sPrefix) >= ACCLEN - 2 Then
 bValid = True
' Exit For
 End If

 Next i
 If bValid = False Then
 KeyAscii = 0
 MsgBox "le nombre saisi ne peut pas être inséré dans la base de données", vbExclamation
' Combo1.Text = ""

 ' si la variable bValid= true alors on ajoute à la valeur de sPrefix celle du caractère en cours,
 sPrefix = sPrefix & Chr(KeyAscii)

 If Len(sPrefix) = ACCLEN Then
 If CanAdd(Mid(sPrefix, 1, ACCLEN - 1)) = True Then
 bCanSave = True
' InsertDB
 MsgBox "on peut inserer le nouveau compte dans la BDD", vbExclamation
' Combo1.Text = ""
 Else 'si cette condition n'est pas vérifiée If CanAdd(Mid(sPrefix, 1, ACCLEN - 1)) = True
 If Mid(sPrefix, ACCLEN, 1) = "0" Then
 If CanAdd(Mid(sPrefix, 1, ACCLEN - 2)) = True Then
 bCanSave = True
' InsertDB
 MsgBox "nous pouvons inserer ce nouveau compte dans la BDD", vbExclamation
' Combo1.Text = ""
 Else 'si CanAdd(Mid(sPrefix, 1, ACCLEN - 2)) = True n'est pas vérifiée
 MsgBox "il n'est pas possible de créer ce compte", vbExclamation
' Combo1.Text = ""
 End If ' fin de CanAdd(Mid(sPrefix, 1, ACCLEN - 2)) = True
 Else 'si Mid(sPrefix, ACCLEN, 1) = "0" n'est pa vérifiée
 MsgBox "il n'est pas possible de créer ce nouveau compte", vbExclamation
' Combo1.Text = ""
 End If ' fin de If Mid(sPrefix, ACCLEN, 1) = "0" Then
 End If 'fin de If CanAdd(Mid(sPrefix, 1, ACCLEN - 1)) = True
' Else
' If sPrefix = s Then
' MsgBox "Ce nombre existe déjà dans le plan comtable SRU", vbExclamation
' KeyAscii = 0
' End If
 End If ' fin de If Len(sPrefix) = ACCLEN and sPrefix<>s
 End If ' fin de if bValid=false
' Next I
 End Sub

Private Function CanAdd(ByVal sAccPfx As String) As Boolean

 Dim j As Integer
 Dim a As String
 Dim w As String
 CanAdd = False
' si If Mid(sPrefix, ACCLEN, 1) = "0" est vérifiée, la longueur de Mid(sPrefix, 1, ACCLEN - 2))=3
' et nous evaluons CanAdd
 If Len(sAccPfx) = 3 Then

 a = sAccPfx & "00"
' cas où la longueur de (Mid(sPrefix, 1, ACCLEN - 1))=4 et nous evaluons CanAdd
 If Len(sAccPfx) = 4 Then
 a = sAccPfx & "0"
 End If
 End If
' on parcourt la liste des comptes comptables de la combolist
 For j = 0 To Combo1.ListCount - 1
 'w prend la valeur du nombre de la comboliste ( sans le libellé)
 w = Mid(Combo1.List(j), 1, ACCLEN)
 If w = a Then
 CanAdd = True
 Exit For
 End If
 Next j
End Function
'Private Function Existe(ByVal Devise As String) As Boolean
'Dim var As Boolean
'Dim i As Integer
'For i = o To Combo1.ListCount - 1
' If Mid(Combo1.List(i), 1, 5) = Devise Then
' Existe = True
'Exit For
' End If
'Next i
'End Function

Private Sub Modification2_Click()
'insertion dans la base de données depuis l'evènement de modification car sinon des pb de conflit avec la msgbox se produisent
 If bCanSave = True Then
 End If
 Combo1.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub InsertDB()
Dim rst1 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rst2 As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection

'Définition du pilote de connexion
cn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0"
'Définition de la chaîne de connexion
cn.ConnectionString = "F:Projet VBv32ps3cop pour debugagessruplan.exe"
'Ouverture de la base de données

On Error GoTo err_refresh

rst1.Open "INSERT INTO test_coprplan(CPTE) values ('" & sPrefix & "')", cn

If Len(sPrefix2) > 0 Then
rst2.Open "INSERT INTO test_coprplan(LIBELLE) values ('" & sPrefix2 & "')", cn
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "refreshcombo1"

End Sub

Edited by - Metallisoft on 8/23/2006 11:47:57 AM
[VB6] How Can I Make A Click Recorder...?
well the question is in the title, but i would like to describe what i want.

i want to make a program like Ghostmouse that records clcik of your mose and plays them back.

this is also for my game client.
ActiveX For Miscorsoft's &"Sound Recorder&"
I don't know too much about ActiveX's, but I am trying to embed microsoft's basic "Sound Recorder" - you know, the one under the accessories files - into a webpage. I am trying to use the tag to embed these into the page. If anyone can tell me where to find the codebase for this app please let me know. I've tried to look at MSDN with no luck.
DX 8.1 Sound Objects And Directplay Voice
I am having some difficulty creating a secondary sound buffer with the DX8.1
SDK for VB. I am attempting to create a voice activated piece of code. I
see that it can be done using Direct play voice from Microsoft. To do this
I am underthe impression that I have to create a DX sound object, create a
DX sound buffer, Create multiple DX secondary sound buffers, then create a
Direct play object to use the Direct play voice features of voice
activation. Doe anyone have any sample code that I could look at or a
tutorial to help me through the Direct Sound creation? I have some sample
applications from MSDN but no source to accompany them. Thanks in advance

Need Help Accessing Sound Card's Voice Synthesis
as usual, the search for something meaningful in terms of VB development goes the way of the million-and-one useless apps and frequently-asked questions, so i'm coming here in the hopes that you guys and gals will have the answers.

I need to know if it's possible -- via code or activex control -- to access the voice synthesis (e.g. speech out) capabilities of my SoundBlaster. I'm not interested in using the MS Speech API, it sounds awful and I don't even think VB can access it.

What I'm talking about is the hardware that apparently the stupid little "TextOLE" programs can access, you know, the ones that come with the SoundBlaster? I'm fairly sure this is hardware, because the voice sounds the same whether it's TextOLE, a screen reader for the visually impaired, or the famous "[censored] Talker" program which I hear was written in VB3.

But you do a search for anything speech-out related on the net and the only thing remotely close you come up with are ads for SoundBlaster's newest cards (which don't mention speech-out capabilities). I'm just looking for something that I can access in, say, two lines: objSpeech.TextToSay = "Hello there" ; objSpeech.Talk. And I'm amazed I can't find such a thing.

Please, please, *please* help a fellow VB coder write a two-line program in less than three weeks! :-)

DirectSound, Making Any Voice Sound Robotic [ADVANCED]
Is it possible using a certain algorithm, or something, to make your voice sound like a robot using either a Mic or a Wav and using DirectSound? The reason why I ask is because my boss at work (who's a DJ as a hobbyist), has a mixer that can produce this effect. I know a lot of you will not be able to answer this question, but if there's a link out there, or anything that I can find useful, I would appreciate it. Thanks guys, and good luck.
Make Voice Chat By LAN
I made chat program working by LAN (IP), and I use Microsoft Winsock Control.
Can I make voice chat (from Mics) by using LAN (IP) Microsoft Winsock Control? and how?

Make A Voice Chat

I want to make a voice chat application on LAN.
Is there any ready to use component for voice chat?
or i should use winsock (UDP) and directsound?!
and how can i use directsound to play an array (not
a file)

Thanks a lot
How To Make A Voice Chat Room???
Hi all..

I want to make a Voice Chat room.. or an APP for that... I want it a room so more than 5 users can enter and chat together..

I hope there is a FREE one..

I don't want to buy a room from or any other companies.. what I mean is to make a Voice & Text Chat Room..

Thanks for your help in advance.

How To Make S/w To Respond Voice Command
i am developing a sw in VB
i want to give voice commands to sw & it should respond me accordingly
i dont know much about it1 pls help me!


mahesh janardan chaudhari
How To Make Voice Chatting Programm In VB
I have done text Chatting by using the Winsock control. But I want to do Voice chatting as well please guide me Gurus.

Howto Make A Voice Call Using GSM Modem
I want to develop an application by which I can make a call using my gsm phone and HyperTerminal. When i give the ATD+91{Number} it shows calling screen and exits. Can you please help me on this. Does any one have a source code for this.
How To Make Audio (voice) Chat Application Using VB6 TCP/IP
Hi all ....
i have recently developed a client/server chat application using WInsock TCP/IP and now I'm looking forward to integerate voice chat in my application .... i need a path way to do so . I dont want to use some kinda third party solutions i want to do it using microsoft APIs .
WOuld anybody help me to find it out .

Any help will be appriciated warmly

Best Way To Make Sound?
What is the best way to make sound? I had something called MCIwnd.ocx that I got to work really well, but I couldn't get realplayer, or the Multimedia control to work. Can someone give me a brief description of how to use DirectSound. Is it hard?

How To Make Sound
I have a text field, I want to let computer make sound accound to the number in the text field. This means that if the number is bigger the sound should be louder, how can i do that?

Make A Sound Play
does anyone know how to make sound play on certain stuff? e.g..

If Text1.Text = "hello"
End If

anyone know?
Need To Make My Own Sound Format?

I don't know if this sounds good or not.. but recently i have been doing some research on how to create me own sound format, like mp3 or wav or etc...

I want some advice and ideas on which language should i use and how should i procede.

Please reply.


How To Make Background Sound Work
Hi, how do i make a background sound automaticly start when a new form pops up after pressing a button on another form.
How To Make A Splash Screen With Sound And Animation....
Hello guys....I just want to say Hi to all programmers here at, I really need some help guys on how to make a splash screen with sounds and some animations like in the windows boot logo in visual basic....Help would be really appreciated....thanx in advance, more power vbforums.....God bless...
How Does This Sound ? Make A Search Tool Bar Like The Google
I want to make a toolbar like the google one were I docks up with ie and I was going to add my own twist to it. I was go to use the have a google search box but add my adsense link to it so I make money each time some one search , I dont know if this vilates google terms and agreement yet?
But the thing I don't get is how do I install my program to the ie were like the google toolbar does?
How To Make A Sound Play By Pressing A Button
i am making a soundboard in vb 6 and i wanna know how to get a sound from my computer to play when you press a button, if anyone can help pls post the code so i can see how thanks
Effect Sound & Make Some Config With System Mutilmedia
Hi all my friend
I wanna to make a app to play mutilmedia file (wav, mp3,midi). My problem is how I make the effect of sound and show the animation with it when i play a file ,like Windows Media Player 7.0 . Can I make them with VB code ? or which site I can fine the solution ? Thanks a lot
Anyone Know How To Make The Sound API Let Me Play Differnt Sounds At The Same Time?
or maybe another sound API that will let me do this, this is crucial in my virtual drum set program
Making A Vb Program Make An Anoying Auido Sound Like In Qbasic
i want to know how to make a audio sound in VB like you would in QB when you type in BEEP or PLAY "abcd"
Sound Event (When Some Sound Arrives In Sound CarD)

 I need to be notified when any sound comes into Sound Card. Any idea?

 The theme is that there could be speaker volume high and user may not be playing any sound (audio etc). At that moment, if some windows alert or some other sound like this arrives, we need to play that at low volume so that user do not get frustrated. Also, if the speaker volume is high and no sound is being played, there could be a "hummmmmmmmmmmm" sound in speakers which could be frustrating. So I am going to write some application which may avoid such things.

 Thank you in advance.


Sameers (theAngrycodeR)
Need to be reminded for your Outlook Emails? Check Outlook Personal Assistant
Why The Window Activated But Not Come To The Top??
i made a new form(name form 1) , and there are 2 button on the form ,when u click the first button ,it will show another form(name form 2), when u click second button,it will show another new form again ( name form 3 ) , the problem is ,when i click the both form between 2 and 3 , when the form activated , it will come to the top, but the form 1 , even it actived , but still not come to the top , it will always covered by form 2 and form 3 , why ??
how to solve this problem?

PS:thanks you for the people who answered my first question.
Mp3 Recorder
I am trying to add a mp3 recorder to my program. can someone tell me were to start. right now my program as a wav recorder. But the file size is too large to really be effective
.wav Recorder. Anyone Know Where To Get One
Haven't managed to find one as yet. Any takers?
Why Do ALL VB Forms Become Visible When Only One Is Activated
I have an application with several forms. I need to move each independently of the others. But for some reason, VB always makes all the other forms visible when I try to move JUST one.

Is there some way around this?
Calculation, Only When Sheet Is Activated
I have 5 main output sheets that each take between 0.5 and 0.8 seconds each to calculate. I determined this by timing the workbook calculation, then deleting 1 sheet at a time.

Anyway, the 5 sheets are all dependent on many other data sheets and such, but nothing is dependent on any of these 5 sheets and they are not dependent on each other.

I am trying to turn off the calculation on just 1 sheet, unless that sheet is the active sheet.

I tried this:
Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate()
Worksheets(1).EnableCalculation = False
End Sub


Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Worksheets(1).EnableCalculation = True
End Sub

Should this speed up? It doesnt seem to be having any effect, yet when I delete these sheets, the workbooks speeds up. FYI-I am using the FastExcel addin to measure speed.

Small Fonts Activated?

I use vb to insert bmp's in an Excel sheet, in order to put together some kind of drawing. Everything works fine, if I have selected small fonts in windows.
But if I change to large fonts the dimensions of either the Excel cells or of the bmps change as well. I dont no exactly what happens, but anyway, suddenly everything does not fit together anymore.
Is it possible to at least let vb detect, if large fonts are selected and to ask the user to change it?
Or can vb may be even change to small fonts by itself?

Appreciate your help!
Detect When Form Becomes Re-activated
Hi Guys and Girls,
been nutting over this problem for days...

Say you have your vb app running, as well as some other windows app, if you switch from using your vb app/form to use another windows app, how do you detect when your vb app's form becomes the current form when you switch back to using it in windows?

you see, im having major greyed out areas appear in parts of my form when i switch back to using it after previously using another app which was overlayed/windowed on top of it.

I need to capture my app's form re-activate event (yeah i know no such thing) so i can perform a manual redraw to fix the screen greyed areas. Autoredraw and manual re-paints dont work, manual re-paints would work but i cant trigger then as i cant capture the event of switching back to my form.
any help appreciated
cheerio from downunder world
Events Activated Through Keys
How can I make it so that when I push the N key, certain code is activated. It sounds like it'd be an IF statement but I don't know what the arguement to trigger it would be? Thanks in advance.
How Can I Find Is There Any Transaction Activated?
Hi guys,

If you use "CommitTrans" or "RollbackTrans" without "BeginTrans" you get an error message. I need to know if there is a transaction began or not, How can I do this?

Meaning Of Point Activated
What does point activated mean?

When the mouse is over something? Is there an event for mouse drag?
Timer Activated Sub Procedure
This has been discussed before but I cant pin down what I need to do. I want to run a procedure at set intervals in an Outlook add-in. I presume I want the timer to start up when Outlook is loaded and then at at the set intervals I want the sub procedure to fire.

Anybody know of an example applicable to this and how I could implement it.
Closing Activated Dialog
hello ,
Its me Raheel want to know that I am working on Voip project.
I just need to know how to dispose, hide or close an activated dialog automatically. This dialog appears when I click a button on runtime. I want to dispose, hide , or close that immediately.
If Anyone can help me quickly or can send me code for that I will be really thankful to u
Allah Hafiz
Time Activated Program
I would like to activate another application when the time key in by user has met. I going to have two textbox for Hour and Minute. Anyone can help me with that? Thanks a lot.