Blog : ASP.NET Installing

ASP.NET Installing

ASP.NET is easy to install. Just follow the instructions below.

What You Need

If you have a Beta version of ASP.NET installed, we recommend that you completely uninstall it!

Or even better: start with a fresh Windows 2000 or XP installation!

Windows 2000 or XP

If you are serious about developing ASP.NET applications you should install Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional.

In both cases, install the Internet Information Services (IIS) from the Add/Remove Windows components dialog.

Service Packs and Updates

Before ASP.NET can be installed on your computer, all relevant service packs and security updates must be installed.

The easiest way to do this is to activate your Windows Internet Update. When you access the Windows Update page, you will be instructed to install the latest service packs and all critical security updates. For Windows 2000, make sure you install Service Pack 2. You should also install the latest version of Internet Explorer.

Tip: Read the note about connection speed and download time at the bottom of this page.

Install .NET

From your Windows Update you can now select the Microsoft .NET Framework.

After download, the .NET framework will install itself on your computer - there are no options to select for installation.

You are now ready to develop your first ASP.NET application!

The .NET Software Development Kit

If you have the necessary bandwidth, you might consider downloading the full Microsoft .NET Software Development Kit (SDK).

We fully recommend getting the SDK for learning more about .NET, and for the documentation, samples, and tools included.

Connection Speed and Download Time

If you have a slow Internet connection, you might have problems downloading large files like the Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 and the Microsoft .NET Framework.

If download speed is a problem, our best suggestion is to get the latest files from someone else, from a colleague, from a friend, or from one of the CDs that comes with many popular computer magazines.