In data mining, association rule mining is more important
to deal with. Apriori algorithm is an algorithm in mining association rules
most basic.
I rewrite this period exam
with apriori algorithm c php, php lovers
doing the mining analysis program design
Only function to achieve, there is no
$ Transaction ['item1'] =
"i1, i2, i5";
$ Transaction ['item2'] = "i2,
$ Transaction ['item3'] = "i2, i3";
$ Transaction ['item4'] = "i1, i2, i4";
$ Transaction ['item5'] = "i1, i3";
$ Transaction ['item6'] = "i2, i3";
$ Transaction ['item7'] = "i1, i3";
$ Transaction ['item8'] = "i1, i2, i3, i5";
$ Transaction ['item9'] = "i1, i2, i3";
$ The c1 = gen_c1 ($ transaction);
$ The l1 = gen_l1 ($ C1, 1);
/ / Generate c1
for ($ k = 1;; $ k + +)
$ {'C'. ($ K +1)} = gen_ck
($ {'l'. $ K}, ($ k +1), $ transaction, 2);
{'L'. ($ K +1)} = $ {'c'. ($ K +1)};
if (empty
($ {'c'. ($ k +1)}))
print_r ($ {'c'. ($ k +1)});
the echo "
/ / $ {'L'. ($
K +1)} = gen_lk ($ {'l'. $ K}, ($ k +1));
/ / Print_r ($ c1);
the echo "
print_r ($ c2);
the echo
print_r ($ c3);
the echo "
($ c4);
the echo "
print_r ($ c5);
the echo
function gen_ck ($ l, $
k, $ t, $ sup = 2)
The $ array_row = 0;
for ($ i
= 0; $ i
for ($ j = $ i +1; $ j
/ / Echo
$ l [$ i] ['item']. "=>". $ L [$ j] ['item'];
/ / Echo "
Temp_array = array ();
$ Match = true;
if ($ k> 2)
$ Split_array_i = split
(',', $ l [$ i] ['item']) ;/ / ck an item in the data decomposition into an
/ / Print_r ($ split_array_i);
/ / Echo "i
$ Split_array_j = split (',', $ L [$ j] ['item']);
/ / The print_r (the $ split_array_j);
/ / Echo "j
for ($ i3 = 0; $ i3 <(count ($ split_array_i) -1); $ i3 +
if ($
split_array_i [$ i3]! = $ split_array_j [$ i3])
$ Match = false;
if ($ match)
$ Split_array = split (',',
$ l [$ i] ['item']) ;/ / ck an item in the data decomposition into an
for ($ i1 = 0; $ i1
array_push ($ temp_array, $ split_array [$ i1]);
$ Split_array =
split (',', $ L [$ j] ['item']);
for ($ i1 =
0; $ i1
array_push ($ temp_array, $
split_array [$ i1]);
/ / Array_push ($ temp_array, $ l [$ i] ['item']);
/ / Array_push ($ temp_array, $ l [$ j]
$ Temp_array = array_unique ($
sort ($ temp_array);
if ($ k == 2)
/ / The print_r (the $
/ / Echo "
/ / $ {'C'. $ K}
[$ array_row] ['item'] = $ temp_array [0]. ",". $ Temp_array [1];
$ Temp_string ='';
for ($ i4 = 0; $ i4
$ Temp_string = $
temp_string. $ Temp_array [$ i4]. ',';
/ / Echo $ temp_string;
/ / Echo "
Temp_string = substr ($ temp_string, 0, strlen ($ temp_string) -1) ;/ / go to
the tail of a comma, this module can only be removed in this way at the end of a
/ / $ {'C'. $ K} [$ array_row] ['item']
= $ temp_string;
/ / $ {'C'. $ K} [$
array_row] ['support'] = 1;
$ C [$ array_row]
['item'] = $ temp_string;
$ C [the $ array_row]
['support'] = 1;
$ Array_row a + +;
/ / Echo "not match";
/ / Print_r ($ {'c'. $ K});
/ /
Support statistics
for ($ i = 0; $ i
$ Temp_support = 0;
for ($
i1 = 1; $ i1 <= count ($ t); $ i1 + +)
$ Temp_array = split (',', $
c [$ i] ['item']);
$ Temp_support1 =
for ($ i2 = 0; $ i2
/ / Echo $ t ['item'. $ I1]. "=>". $ Temp_array [$
if (strpos ($ t ['item'. $ i1], $
temp_array [$ i2]) === false)
$ Temp_support1 = false;
if ($ temp_support1)
$ Temp_support. + +;
/ / Echo $ temp_support;
/ /
Echo "
$ C [$ i] ['support'] = $
/ / Remove support for the
project is less than the minimum confidence
$ Temp_array = array ();
The $
array_row = 0;
for ($ i = 0; $ i
if ($ c [$ i] ['support']> = $ sup)
$ Temp_array [$ array_row]
['item'] = $ c [$ i] ['item'];
$ Temp_array [$
array_row] ['support'] = $ c [$ i] ['support'];
$ Array_row a + +;
$ C = $
return $ c;
the function gen_lk ($
the function gen_c1 ($
The $
array_row = 0;
for ($ i = 1; $ i <= count
($ t); $ i + +)
$ Temp_array = array ();
Temp_array = split (',', $ t ['item'. $ I]);
foreach ($ temp_array as $ temp_value)
if (in_array_two_dimension
(& $ the c $ temp_value)) / / value already exists ck array
/ / $ C [$ array_row] ['support'] + +;
else / / new value into practice
$ C [$ array_row] ['item'] = $ temp_value;
$ C [the $ array_row] ['support'] = 1;
$ Array_row a + +;
return $ c;
function gen_l1 ($ c1, $ sup
= 2)
The $
array_row = 0;
$ Temp_array = array ();
for ($ i = 0; $ i
if ($ c1 [$ i]
['support']> $ sup)
$ Temp_array [$ array_row] ['item'] = $ c1 [$ i]
$ Temp_array [$ array_row]
['support'] = $ c1 [$ i] ['support'];
Array_row a + +;
return $ temp_array;
the function
in_array_two_dimension ($ array, $ value)
for ($ i = 0; $ i
if ($ array [$ i] ['item'] == $ value)
$ Array [$ i] ['support'] +
return true;
return false;
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