
mIRC Not Just Another Chat Client, Download Anything You Want Almost
mIRC Not Just Another Chat Client, Download Anything You Want AlmostQuite Allot Of People See mIRC As Just Another Chat Client, Thats Hard To Use And Even Understand. Well Im Here To Tell Ya OtherWise..With Just A Little Bit Of Patience And Understanding, mIRC Opens Up New Horizons Not Just For Chat…[ More ]
Microsoft's Really Hidden Files
Microsoft's Really Hidden Files:  A New Look At Forensics. (v2.5b)By The RiddlerOctober 14, 2001  (v2.0 finished May 16, 2001; v1.0 finished June 11, 2000)Written with Windows 9x in mind, but not limited to.DISCLAIMER:I will not be liable for any damage or lost information, whether due toreader's er…[ More ]
Maximize Dial-up Modem Settings
Maximize Dial-up Modem SettingsDid you know that by changing a few settings you can make your dial-up modem run better? That's right—you might have a fast modem and a good connection, but you're not getting the best performance. With a few adjustments, you can get faster connection speeds.NOTE: Si…[ More ]
Mastering The Windows XP Registry
Mastering The Windows XP RegistryThe Recovery ConsoleThe Windows XP Recovery Console is a tool that allows recovery from a number of failures. Previously, all you could do was boot another copy of Windows XP and hack your way around, replacing files, even registry components, in the blind hope that …[ More ]
Manage Saved IE Passwords
 Manage Saved IE PasswordsWhen you enter a user name and password, Internet Explorer may ask if you want it to remember the password. Click on Yes and it will automatically fill in the password next time you enter that user name. But if you check Don't offer to remember any more passwords, then whet…[ More ]
Making a web page Font consistent and Uniform
Making a web page Font consistent and UniformIs it disturbing to you when every other Web page you visit has a different font size?. One web page's font is too small, and another web page's fonts are too big.Well here's a way to fix that and set each web page's fonts to just the size you want.In Int…[ More ]
KeyboardShorcuts In Xcel
 F1 Key HelpF2 Key Edit current CellF5 Key GotoF7 Key Spell CheckF12 Key Save file asCTRL and A Select entire worksheet.CTRL and B Toggle Bold Text.CTRL and C Copies the item or items selected to the Clipboard and can be pasted using CTRL and V.CTRL and F Displays the Find dialog box.CTRL and H Disp…[ More ]
Keep Files Private
Keep Files PrivateIf you want to encrypt the contents of an individual file or directory, Windows XP Pro will do the trick, provided you enable NTFS on your hard drive. To encrypt a file, right-click on it to bring up the Properties window. Click on the Advanced button, then in the Advanced Attribut…[ More ]
HOWTO download files via IRC
 HOWTO download files via IRC1. First get an IRC program. I suggest using MIRC, simply because it just works very well and it's rather easy to use.MIRC can be downloaded from MIRC.com2. Once installed you can use websites like or to find which program/movie/file you want to…[ More ]
  IP ADDRESS STRUCTURE:Note: the terms multicast address and MSB are explained at the end.Every station on a PSN (packet switched network) that is based on the TCP/IPprotocol (your computer is one, for example. Yes, we're referring to a hostthat is connected to the net) must have an IP address, so i…[ More ]
Instructions For Removal Of Advertising In Msn Messenger
Instructions For Removal Of Advertising In Msn MessengerIf you downloaded MSN Messenger 6.2, you might want to remove the advertising that is placed at the bottom of the main messenger window.I will give you some details to do it manually. To edit the msnmsgr.exe file, you'll need a HEX editor. I fo…[ More ]
Installing Slackware Linux
Installing Slackware Linux Installing Slackware Linux     (Post #1)Slackware Linux is one of the oldest Linux distributions remaining. Over the years, it has stayed true to its roots and form.Here's what the author, Patrick Volkerding has to say about it. Slackware P…[ More ]
Installing Iis On Windows Xp Pro
Installing Iis On Windows Xp ProIf you are running Windows XP Professional on your computer you can install Microsoft's web server, Internet Information Server 5.1 (IIS) for free from the Windows XP Pro installation CD and configure it to run on your system by following the instructions below: -1. P…[ More ]
Installing Apache on Windows
Installing Apache on WindowsInstalling Apache on Windows, why? Because let's face it Windowsis easy, and well Apache sure beats using IIS. This tutorial is meant for the person who would like to set up there own littleweb server. It's not meant for the IT Person running a fortune 500 company. But he…[ More ]
Linking Your Xbox To Your Computer
Linking Your Xbox To Your ComputerI. IntroductionSome basics and assumptions (the more you know, the more you UNDERSTAND):Crossover cable: A crossover cable is needed to directly connect your computer and Xbox. You would plug one end of the cable to your computer and the other end into the Xbox, the…[ More ]
Lamination Tips
Lamination TipsBy Frank WhiteWhen laminating the ID with the matte pouches you want to be sure to put the sealed half of the pouch in the laminator first, so it wont bend in the laminator.A lot of the times people want to use glue when using a transparency over teslin then laminating, but I suggest …[ More ]
Keyboard Shortcuts
Getting used to using your keyboard exclusively and leaving your mouse behind will make you much more efficient at performing any task on any Windows system. I use the following keyboard shortcuts every day:Windows key + R = Run menuThis is usually followed by:cmd = Command Promptiexplore + "web add…[ More ]
Keyboard Shortcuts, Microsoft Word
Keyboard Shortcuts, Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts Result in Microsoft WordCTRL and A Selects all in the current document.CTRL and B Bold text.CTRL and C Copies the item or text to the Clipboard and can be pasted using CTRL and V.CTRL and D Displays the Font dialogue box.CTRL and E Centre Alignme…[ More ]
Make A Roughly 16 Hour Video Dvd
Make A Roughly 16 Hour Video Dvd3 things are needed1. Proper Codecs2. TMPGEnc 3 Express (Best for this job IMO)3. TMPGEnc DVD Author (Dual Layer Edition)simply start a new project in TMPGEnc 3 Express, Set the output for said file as an NTSC MPEG1 (VIDEO CD)Make sure you set at NTSC (TMPGENC WILL ON…[ More ]
MAke A Batch File to Clean UR PC
MAke A Batch File to Clean UR PCHello friendsCan any one pl edit this file for me.The problem is when i reinstall windows, my id changes fromadmin to or administrator.whateverI want %% to be used so that the batchfile can locate theWindows XP directory and my documents and settings fol…[ More ]